
Age: 124
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well....thats the problem with you khansahibji...the person who need to see the mirror is you ...forget pakistan , the rest of the world would agree to my statemtnts and as far as yours are concerned even an avergage pakistani would laff at ur ridiculous claims. u r totally in denial ..arent ya ...doesnt change sh*t .
Posted 28 May 2006


Age: 124
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cheapest..........all these guys are great with long careers and good hits. whos this idiot who started this topic.
Posted 28 May 2006


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the movie is a 60 crore blockbuster that intorduces mithuns son mimoh. he s already a star thanx to his offscreen antics. its a movie to watch for.......take my word. i have already seen tom dick and darna zaroorai hai and the other s are pretty good too.
Posted 28 May 2006


Age: 124
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he s a superstud, cant wait for krrish
Posted 28 May 2006


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these pics are her latest from cannes ...they are prolly a week old or so. nice collection.
Posted 28 May 2006


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i am not competing ..mr khansahib is ...indians are sure about their identity and gettin very successful. there is no competition with pakistan cause of size / population issues which puts us in a different league of competition.and i was just reacting to what he said.and when this stuff happens then truth be proved and hard. that s the state of affairs. i m glad pakistan is gettin liberal and you should thank the infiltration of indian culture for it. however even how liberal one becomes in a muslim country it is still incomparable to a secular country and pakistan would never be a secular country or even near as liberal as india. khan shaib ji got me involved in this discussion and i got carried away, thats all. i m here to have fun . relax guys its the weekend. party and forget this bullsh*t.
Posted 27 May 2006


Age: 124
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Well to be honest SRK is better actor then Shaan. But I remember when Hrithik Roshan became superstar when he just entered bollywood, SRK said that Shaan is better actor then Hritikh and he is not scared of him (Hrithik).

hahaha srk and jackie chan are the biggest asian superstars. u really believe srk would know who this indescript actor is who makes pakistani movies. ROFL. u have any idea what srk's superstardom is or even hrithiks for that matter. its amazing how you guys entertain urself. feels good doesnt it.lol the reality is no pakistani star would gurantee a good initial internationally. who d buy tickets when even pakistani public doesnt spend money and watch their films. you need crowd pullers and there are crores involved. he d prolly be a second lead ..if that...this kuan ka maindak would be engulfed by the ocean thats bollywood and thats the reality. this guy would make one movie and he d be gone , maybe two in non descript roles like the other guy.
Posted 27 May 2006


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may allah bestow yo uwith tolerance na drespect for other faiths. islam is hijacked by zealots like you . forget living with hindus , zealots like u cant live with anyone. be it jews in israel, christians, they are the least assimilative of all faiths and thats why islam faces the ostracization and is isolated in the world. its thanks to terrorists like you that we get lumped in the same bracket. its amazing how you have managed to screw up the country you created for theocrats like urself. msulims kill muslims in pakistan knowing they are muslims , sunnis killin shias and vica versa, people rioting and killing innocents. its the same bullsh*t the world has been watching for decades now. one cant walk arund in pakland without the fear of gettin bombed or something. it is the most xenophobic society and you even kill the chineese who are the only people who help ya , kill poor maericans who give ya so much of aid. what a mess. dude i am a muslim and i dont need a certificate from a zealot like you. its between me and allah and noone tells me how to conduct myself or passes judgements or gives me death threats or tries to kill me cause i dont conform to their regressive vision of islam. that s what secularism is all about . its not about being nonreligious but about followin it which ever way i want or not and keep it seperate from my public life. but a close minded fool like you wont understand it. and now if u wanna talk cheap tabloid gossip tryin to insult someone who you have no idea about then you are another of those regressive minded pakistani. have u seen dilshad..she is mesmerising and have u seen ur ganja nawaaz. lol
dude the dumb dude sanjay khan has one of the biggest television production houses in india and unlike pakistan indian television is a very rich industry . his son zayed is the latest heartthrob and another addition to the khan clan in bollywood. his daughter and hrithik have been high school sweethearts . you think there is a conspiracy behind everything. these are people who are just livin it up and havin a blast of a life without bein answerable to anyone and that s secularism.
Posted 26 May 2006


Age: 124
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dude he d make more money in one movie than he makes workin in 10 pakistani movies. forget cheap price. however the issues are he d prolly get a small role like the other guy who did the movie. its all business . internationally noone would be interested in this guy when there are other blockbusters with megastars hitting the screens and with almost 20 movies a month the competition is brutal so star salebility is a factor. that s the bottom line.
Posted 26 May 2006


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are there any?? sorry ..just kiddin
Posted 26 May 2006


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khansahibji u are being delusional again. anyone can eat beef in india especially muslims. forget muslims i have many hindu friends who eat it or specially come to my place to eat it. of course its not in their religion like we dont eat pork and we have to be respectful of each other . and khansahibji by the way the probability is that the beef that you are eating in pakistan is indian cause now india is the major exporter of livestock for raw meat to pakistan. chek sources. and dont talk about kargil. what happened ..you maligned urself, it was the biggest diplomatic debacle for pakistan, lost ur kashmir cause as terrorism and strengthed india s stand, and you dont even have those posts . dude why do u think nawaaz sharif rushed to usa. look up wikepedia or any other international sources rather than believing what ur dictator tells ya. to mr khansahibji..akal bari ya bhains..? think about it.
Posted 26 May 2006


Age: 124
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u really believe that ..dont ya...lol
he would be bending over backwards like other pakistanis for a bit part that is gonna get him more money than what he makes in 10 pakistani movies . the height of ur delusion mr. khansahibji is the fact that some pakistani unknown two bit actor of ur trash would teach an indian about cinema. lol
Posted 26 May 2006


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haah another zealot comment by khansahibji..of course he was discouteous and even though he felt it ..he shouldnt have said it. u gather nutthin and u have no idea how it is to live in plural society. all this stupid religion stuff is outdated . you seem to be livin in stoneages. they dont have to marry their daughters to rich guys cause they are one of the richest in india. dilshad begum was married to the prince when she was 24 and he was 27 and it was a love marriege . religion matters to conservative guys like you. what about sonya jahan who married an indian hindu dude and settled in india . or anita ayub who did the same . they are pakistanis . did they marry for money. stop this bullsh*t. i am a muslim and i dont thin ki am answerable to anyone i marry be it a hindu or a christian or whoever. these are the people who have incorporated the true value of secularism. muslims in india have it much better than pakistan . atleast we arent killed by muslims like it happens in pakistan on a daily basis . guess its ok if a muslim kills muslim. more muslims have died in pakistan by muslims than they have in india by hindus . you caqnt even compare the figures. dude the muslim card doesnt work anymore . pakistan is screwd up man and just cause u are a muslim doesnt make me love you more. and by the way in a plural society there are clashes but institutionally there is no stoppin muslims in india and we can become the richest person in india ( aziz premji) biggest superstar ( sharukh khan ) social activist ( shabana azmi) cricket captain ( azhar) or even the prez ( azad ). maybe the previous generation of muslims in india were screwd up identity wise because of creation of pakistan but now even a blind person can see how pakistan is in tatters and where india is right now. actually its a good thing that pakistan was created cause it seperated a lot of conservatives from us . we arent like u dude and you cant be like me.
Posted 25 May 2006


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ok now khansahib ...u r prolly bitter at pakistan being called a failed state or the fact that india is far ahaed in every sphere be it political, economics, media, arts and entertainemt, education....tourism.not to mention size..u name it. now i m sure your militant mentality of comparing with india and making a fool of urself. we arent in the same league. now if u wanna debate on that then i ll rip ur theories to tatters by quoting international sources. as far as media is concerned ..indian media is doin great . after hollywood it is the only industry whose products are seen much beyond its own borders. pakland , nepal, sri lanka, bangladesh, middle east , africa, and of course limited audience in america and europe. the days of indian song and dance routines being ridiculed are over . its a multibillion dollar industry and its the money that speaks. that s the reason that every international media house has corporates in india cause they know how much money is involved . amitabh and shahrukh are prolly the most well known stars by sheer eye balls that recognize these guys. our stars get a rousing reception where ever they go. to the extent that they can come to your country and insult you on ur soil. dude . pakistani cinema is in tatters just like pakistan itself. is there any concept of cinema in ur country. where are the multiplexes, where are the families that go and see it . where is the money. where is the film cities. where is the equipment and where is the professionalism. if indian media wasnt dominating there was no reason for ur dictator to ban it. if it wasnt that attractive there was no reason for ur people , cinema owners and cable guys to go on strikes demanding it. look i know it sucks for you but being in denial wont do sh*t. as far as mixing with pakistanis is concerned , your artists come to india and then fukin start living there. how much more can we assimilate them . yea of course religion has no place in indian society , only at homes or places of worship, so we dont zealots from pakland living here. but if you are modern and progressive then we welcome you with open arms . this is exactly the whole world is sayin to muslims all over . how are we different. look at adnan sami, loo kat meera, sonya jahan ..granddaughter of a pakistani legend , she even married ahindu and settled down in india. did i mention javed shiekh, shoib akhtar, strings and atif aslam who are virtualy living in india and spend more time than they do in pakland. i mean cmon , are u tryin to fool urself . as far as conservatism is concerned , dude you know what state of affairs is ther ein ur nation. everything is crime in islamic republic of pakistan, what do u guys do in the evenings, where do u go after 6 o clock except eat out. dont talk about .1 % richi riches who live it up. the general population is screwed cause there is nutthin in the name of entertainment. thats why there is no tourism in pakland besides security concerns and it being called a hotbed of terrorism and the 'most dangerous place on earth'. am i wrong. even now ur public transpost is segregated for sexes . ur schools arent even co education . you are one of the most sex straved nation in the world. there is nutthin for entertainment. even ur pakistan channels are filled with indian programs.
anyways ...before making tall claims , back em up with sources . so much for khan sahib and his delusions.
and golimaro..its ms dilbara ..proud muslim and proud indian. peace.
Posted 25 May 2006


Age: 124
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first i would like u to read what ur own zeba bakhtiar has to say then i ll post my views.
Zeba Bakhtiar - A Constant Struggle
By Sana Amjad

From a cherubic face in "Anarkali" to "The Best Newcomer Female" at the famous FilmFare Awards. From one broken marriage to another. From the director of a Nigar Award nominee for Best Film (Babu) to a normal human being who hates to school in this unbearable heat. Zeba Bakhtiar is a multi faceted personality. Coming from a politically know family, with passion running in her blood. It is no wonder that Zeba is a name to be reckoned with in the world of showbiz. She is one of the few members of this elite world of glamour who realize the power of the media and are constantly struggling to make a difference through it. Let's heat what the charming lady has to say about some of the issues that confront each of us on a daily basis:

Zeba, let's start with what projects you are involved in at present?
That's difficult to answer because I don't like talking about projects that I'm working on, I'd rather talk about them after they are complete. I can only tell you that since the past few weeks I have been developing a script for TV which I'm directing and I'm working on it full time because after a long time I've found a subject which I really want to do. It's basically a love story but it's got certain historical and literary references which make it special and memorable. I guess you can know more about it by September, when the project is almost halfway through. I've finalized my cast and the play will be shot half in Pakistan and half abroad. I'm producing it myself along with other partners.

Do you see yourself as a future director?
Production is what I plan to do but direction is always there as an option if a subject really touches my heart. Since, production is the work of the mind but direction is something which involves the mind and the heart so you should really love the subject you are tackling to be able to do justice to it. If I'm not emotionally involved in a story I would rather just provide the best possible facilities for its making but not make it myself.

What about acting?
I don't think I will act any longer simply because there's no challenge in it for me. It's boring. I've been acting for almost 16yrs now and it's very tragic that each time I've been cast in the same role with a few exceptions. Now that I look back there are very few projects that I really enjoyed. For example the work I did with Najam. He knew the other side of me, so the role catered to my talents. There was one drama that was an adaptation of "May Fair Lady" and another one, which was "Pehli si Mohabbat" where I played a very obnoxious lady. Both these roles were very different from the roles I'm usually offered so I had a great time performing them.

How come there are so many people who are ambitious about becoming actors if the same roles are being chalked out by the writer today?
Zeba: There's a certain glamour attached to it. Very few come in for the sake of acting, for the sake of wanting to do something in the field of creative arts. Perhaps a meager five percent! The rest are just here for the glamour.

And the money?
I don't know how much of it is actually there you see glamour is a big attraction. They want to be famous. If you go 30 or 40 years back when people like Talat Hussein, Uzma Gillani, Khalida Riasat, Shoaib Hashmi and Salima Hashmi came in, those were people who just wanted to act with a passion. They were spiritually involved in their work. Their work had a certain quality. Now the work doesn't have a soul! Now the work is very pretty: all the girls and even guys have perfect Depilex makeup on and most of them look plastic and larger than life all the time. This is why the normal person can not identify with them and even people who are making it are making it because for them its fast money. They produce trash, pick up the money and produce more trash! It's just like the difference between and food made with heart, by a mother at home and the burger you get at a fast food restaurant.

But fame itself is not something easy to handle? It has its own cost attached to it…?
People hardly realize that. They realize the price only once they have to pay it! Especially younger people don't consider these points. They want to be known. The way the showbiz is idealized, children grow up thinking that it's the ideal life which is obviously not true.

For example in your case, how does Azaan feel about the way people treat him? Even people on a daily basis would always meet him with a prejudice either for or against him because he is your son.
It annoys me more than it annoys him. He's pretty young right now and does not realize it, but when I get to know things like half the boys play cricket with him because he's my son, it really saddens me. I know that my real friends are people who've been with me since grade one or since the first day of college and I look at him and pray that may he find the same kind of true friends. Because those are the people who know the real me. In showbiz there are hardly two or three people who know my real self. Otherwise, I don't socialize because I'm a very low profile person and don't like to hang around with people just to be in the "in" crowd.

What reacting do you get when you go out?
Sometimes when I meet fans I get to hear things which really touch me. Only recently, I met a lady who actually confided what when she saw "Anarkali" she was going through terrible marital problems and my acting inspired her to write and that really helped her. I've been through similar things myself because a lot of roles that I've done are about things which I've recently been through or situations which I'm about to face in life so it's been a learning experience more than everything else. And what I've learnt from all of it has helped me give strength to people around me when they start failing apart because my personal life has been so turbulent. Actually I've been raised in a very different environment. None of my family members liked what I did, none of them approved of it. They put up with it because I was a much pampered, youngest baby of the family. But no one took it seriously. For me, when I used to come back from work, their attitude was more like 'ok, so now that you are done with your stupidity of the day, lets come back to earth and move on with normal life". My mother was the more tolerant and loving one throughout and my father supported me because he understood that I needed something concrete to keep me busy and to keep my mind away from everything that I'd been through... he knew it would give me some consolation and happiness. It must've been very difficult for him because being a political figure and petty-minded. Each step I think of now I've seen it all and then another eye-opening incident happens and I'm totally taken aback. Had I known all of this before I would have never entered showbiz. It's a world which looks beautiful the more you stand away from it, the closer you come you start seeing the ugliness of it all. I always tell him if u ever idealize a star, don't ever meet them because all your ideals are going to be shattered!

If everyone's problems in the industry are the same then how come the industry itself is not united? Why are there so many factions always facing each other with daggers drawn?
You tell me, what industry or department is not divided in our society? Our whole nation is divided unfortunately. The provinces are divided according to races, our religion is divided, and our government is divided. Similarly showbiz is just another job, another industry. There's nothing different about it except the fact that it has longer hours and some absurd demands which people really don't understand. A person going to office can not ever imagine going to work one morning and being asked to climb up a tree or to stand half immersed in water to shoot a scene. You're asked to hit a person you've never seen in a life before or worse still say romantic dialogues to a man whose face you can not stand! So it's an absurd job! Unfortunately, our nation is heading towards a point where every household is divided.

But what prevents the showbiz from becoming something that people look up to?
Zeba: Because the main creators of it do not let it prosper in a positive direction. In our society, first there was PTV than the satellite channels came along and now if you look at the larger picture, the countries that are dominating the media are the United States and India and they have progressed only because they have not been controlled by their governments. There's a certain attitude and mindset behind their work. They have freedom of speech. their socieites are free and their progress as nations is seen in their media. I've tried to talk to the higher-ups about this issue because sadly enough they don't realize the strength of the media. And it is high time that they realize the potential of this medium since it plays such a huge role in people's life. It's the strongest psychological tool that anyone could have. Its social, its moral, its religious… it affects our lives on a hundred different levels. The right message is not being conveyed because the people who are making it don't' have a target. They don't have a thought behind what they want to say to the audience. The writers don't consider themselves as morally responsible for what stories they chalk out. They don't realize that they are in a position which can really help them create a difference in the society.

If you find younger people who are willing to train with you? Younger people with a fresh mind and the eagerness to learn?
The problem is that every person who has been on the sets twice starts thinking he is an asst, director and every asst director who's worked on one project, wants to move onto the post of a director. They look for a financer who has got lots of black money somewhere and who wants an entry into the glamour world. So no one wants to learn! They all want to take the short cut. What they don't realize is that this kind of fame goes as fast as it comes because it is based on whimsical projects and not on a substantial contribution towards the national media.
As a senior you don't want to put anyone down. You want them to grow and learn because at the end of the day it's your country and your work that improves. Even if you want to help the younger people by giving those tips on how to improvise, they take it as a personal offense! And it's so unfortunate since the regard and mutual respect that should be there is not there any more. You won't believe it but now when I go to sets I'm actually afraid of interacting with new people because you don't what they are going to turn around and say. They upbringing is missing. The whole social setup is deteriorating very rapidly.

How can you not become part of problem and create a solution?
You know my niece is interning at an Ad agency and I thought that when young people work it should be a team effort but I was pretty sad to learn that no one hesitates to steal another idea just to get the credit for it. Why can't you do it together? There is hardly anything that you can do alone... you always need other people who are better at the job so that you come up with a more finished and product. In such a case, everyone can share the credit and be proud of their production.

Do you talk to your son about his daily problems?
Yeah, we talk about everything. When he's done with his homework, he hands around with me at the sets at times, even though he's not really inclined towards this profession. Last year he wanted to be a lawyer and now he wants to be a bone surgeon. Maybe it's a combination of the fact that his Mamu is a surgeon and he loves to watch WWF. I really don't believe in imposing anything on him. As long as he loves his career and is able to make a respectful living for himself, I'll be proud of him.

So are you totally out of movies?
I can consider going into movies but to do something much more alternate, like direction perhaps. The writer that I'm working with right now is very talented. I'd much rather direct a script of his because to some extent we think along the same wavelength. It's like I'd be reading the draft of the script and I'd think this should happen in the next scene and that's already how he's written it. So I'm very happy with the work he's done for me right now. After this there are quite a few subjects we've discussed which include tele-films and ideas for an art film.

So what are your views about Indian being shown in our cinemas?
It's all going to end up in one big mess. How do you think that the fundamentalists are going to react? What about all the people going to cinemas risking bomb blast factors? Since you know that each time an Indian performer is in town either there are bomb threats or actual blasts. even otherwise the security situation in here is unnerving. I guess its time for a reality check. Certain sections of our society are not going to accept it. Period.The thing is that we completely idolize the Indians and their film industry and we're always trying to compete with them. Whereas, we don't realize that we're completely different from them on the one basic point that is religion. We're not religiously musicians or dancers. For them dance is a form of worship and in pakistan only place where dance is taught is for the purpose of mujras. So the creativity being churned out by such differing mentalities can not be compared. When people say that Pakistani actresses sadly enough our talent is going to waste. Most of our producers make films to fulfill their own lurid fantasies not realizing the impact it has on the public.
Why can't you look at Iran or Egypt or Turkey for that matter, who make world class movies pertaining to their own cultures? Its like India is doing what India does best, so why can't we create our own niche by doing what we are best at? We don't want to work on our folk culture, our qawwals, and our own rich heritage!

What about politics?
I've been offered but, I'm totally not interested since it's only a bad version of the showbiz. It's the same acting and lying without any makeup and in terrible clothes!

But Zeba if everyone sits back thinking that nothing can be done, who is going to step ahead and shoulder the responsibility shouldn't the people from showbiz take advantage of their popularity?
The thing is that there are too many factors operating. If I thought I could make even a small difference I would be only too happy to be in it. But I know that the amount of energy would put into showbiz to make a very small but significant difference is far more worthwhile than just screaming my lungs out in the national assembly and not getting anything done! There are too many other interests that these people have. I wanted to do a project on drugs, another on Afghanistan, but it all gets censored by the authorities. Any controversial subject that I research about goes to waste since very soon you realize huge planned scheme and you start finding out who's actually behind it all. It's not even about censorship it's about whether we want to face harassments.

What about your project concerning primary education in Balochistan?
I did do lot of research and then I went ahead and asked the US for aid. An amount of $60 million came in which was distributed among the local N.G.O.'S for the purpose. However, so far they haven't set up a single primary education institution in the area and it remains a bit question. What are they doing with the money? "Resource Development"? And what exactly is that: a nice term for eating up the money!

Don't you sometimes think about the time when Azaan will grow up and confront you about his dad? Doesn't the very thought of it make you feel insecure?
No, frankly enough I don't feel insecure at all. Adnan and his family have stooped to such levels that I know my son will never falter in his judgment. I've never stopped Azaan from meeting his father. The five years that Azaan has been with me, I myself have put him on the phone with his father whenever he feels like talking to Adnan. On the other hand, Adnan has never called him on his birthday or on other occasions like Eid. The last time he called was two weeks back because there was a case hearing and the time before that was a year and a half ago! I've told him that he can come and meet him whenever he wants but the truth is that Azaan is not one of his priorities! And that's very obvious because he hasn't ever done anything for him, never provided for him or sent him birthday presents! I know he well try to capitalize Azaan at some point or another but I also believe that Azaan, being an individual has the complete right to choose what is best for him. I think all mothers love their children unconditionally and thus I don't expect anything in return from Azzan. He has seen everything take place in front of him. I talk to Azaan as little as I can about this subject because don't believe in poisoning his young mind with such brutalities own experience and then make his own decisions InshaAllah. It's another think that Adnan goes on stage and cries about the fact that his son is being kept away from him. That's just a way of gaining public sympathy and I have nothing to say about it except the fact that at the end of the day, he has his own conscience to face!

Posted 25 May 2006


Age: 124
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post a pic please ...
Posted 25 May 2006

Topic: Riya Sen


Age: 124
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desi mc knows more about riya sen than any indian would????..what a fukin idiot...its his typical pakistani mentality ..dude get a life ..step in india and you would see girls more glamorous than riya sen walkin on the streets everywhere. dont mean they are whores.
Posted 25 May 2006


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we have exposure world wide and also the technology and craft is world class in india . the movies look like a professional product. where does the difference ...and this is true for any country where film making is huge and there are only three countries like that...usa, india and china. the people , the film watching audience decides where the industry is going. we have a culture of movies where everyone from a infant toddler to a 100 year old man would go to a theatre and watch movies. the theatres are world class multiplexes and familes and women throng em. millions go to cinemas on a daily basis. its entrenched in the indian society. pakistanis movies look worse than home videos. how would people of other countries know them when your own people dont watch it. they are pathetic low budget trash. the cameras are from stoneage....and there is no concept of art direction or cinematography or other technological aspects like sound and other stuff. the acting osover the top and there is no one who even looks like a star . sorry dude but the films look like they are made by a paanwala who just won a lottery. the only good pakistani movie was khamosh paani and that also was directed by a pakistani who is settled in new delhi and is acquiring an indian citizenship. cinema is just not about making movies but a whole culture. the reason why indian cinema has reached far corneers of the world is because of a billion plus patrons at home who watch movies religiously in theatres. in pakistan there are other issues like culture and restrictive society , where censor plays a part and families dont out. so there are no comparisons. also one could extend this thought and say that the difference in cinema is the difference in socieites and countries that pakistan and india are.
Posted 24 May 2006


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i meant he insulted pakistan on pakistans soil. its shameful . i am an indian but embarrassed by the incident. however feroz khan has been known for his shenanigans for the last 40 years.whatever he did in pakistan is just an extension of his personality. this whole khan family is very influential, friends including people like sultan of brunei, PM of mauritius . amongst others. their parties are the wildest in bombay and everyone bends over on all fours to get in. and they are outspoken, almost cavalier about everything they say and consider themselves not answerable to anyone. that s how they are.in india they are loved for that but i guess it wnet too far in pakistan. however i m sure he meant whatever he said and it just came out more cause he was drunk. this khan family like other middle class and up muslims in india is secular to the core . here is a peek inside their family.
three brothers--feroz khan , sanjay khan, and akbar khan. feroz married a hindu , a top model of her times called sundari..have two kids fardeen and laila. fardeen married natasha, who has a hindu father and a muslim mother ..the godess of 60's mumtaaz. laila khan is married to a hindu named rajpal and lives in new delhi now. feroz henceforth divorced his wife and now has a girlfriend 25 years his junior. such is his charisma.
sanjay khan, an accomplished actor of his times and now runs one of the top television software company which made big budget tv series like the sword of tipu sultan and mahabharata, married a parsi beuty queen zarine and have a son zayed khan whos an actor and recently married a hindu girl and a daughter suzanne khan who is married to hindu heart throb hrithik roshan. akbar khan is a bachelor and known for his drinking and womnaizing ways. this family is very modern , outlandishly so and very proud of their mindset . they never converted their spouses and are very chilled out that way.
Ofcourse being celebrities one does get away with lot of things and feroz khan was a high flyin khan of his times like salman khan is now. so many times he got into trouble with the law but being the celebrity he is got away with it ..same like salman khan who was imprisioned for 5 years but waw released three days later and was watching the indo pak match in dubai and now is touring the us for his shows. everyone in india knows not to f**k around with this khan cause he volatile, very well loved, intelligent and very well connected. i m not condoning what he did . even though he might feel it , he shouldnt have said it. but trust me he wont lose any sleep over the prospects of not visiting pakistan again. he is in poland now directing his new blockbuster.
Posted 24 May 2006


Age: 124
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bhatt is a pioneer in a particular kind of cinema..he s an awesome maker and has his styule of film making. his are always issue based movies with dollops of sex and violence thrown in..however one can say that they are good movies. of course it wont be a family movie as far as pakistan is concerned. i dont know who shan is but i hope bhatt knows what he is doing . i quite like meera and now of course she lives in bombay and has other releases lined up . she s a rare case . bhatt is known to promote a lot of new comers and i hope it works for the pakistani dude who makes his debut.
Posted 24 May 2006

Topic: Riya Sen


Age: 124
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desi mc is a fukin idiot....just because she dresses the way she dresses doesnt make that a ho....maybe it is too much for a conservative pakistani mindset.lol
Posted 24 May 2006


Age: 124
6728 days old here
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dude ...u r in big trouble cause i just gave ur logging IP to the authorities. u r a fukin thief and have no respect for intelllectual property. no wonder media is sh*tty in pakland and artists live a poor life. oh lemme see ..u r in bhutan. what a joke. get these movies off here or trust me..you will go to jail. dont be a criminal. watch these on a theatre or original dvd's . if you dont do it then i ll come personally to ur sh*t hole of a country and kick you ass ..piracy is not acceptable.
Posted 23 May 2006

Topic: Riya Sen


Age: 124
6728 days old here
Total Posts: 27
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Desi_MC said:

i knw
shes cute n shes fully aware of that thas y shes earnin' hellalot money outta her beauty not jus frm the bollyscreen..... otha illegaly ways.... too...
holla back if ya want proof....

riya sen belongs to the illustrious family of munmun sen who was ms india and an accomplished actor and daughter of suchitra sen who was also an accomplished actor of her times. her father is one of the leading industrialists of india and based in calcutta. they have more money than god..if u know what i mean . she is just a normal teenie bopper indian like how they are these days. currently she is dating ashmit patel ..actor and brother of amisha patel . recently their sex mms that they made was leaked by a mutual friend and circulating all over india. she s a kool gen -X indian. that s all
Posted 23 May 2006


Age: 124
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charizmatic said:

well the amount amir khan is charging lollywood is making 2 movies in that amount.

aamir khan charges 7 crores for a movie. you can make 10 lolly movies in that budget. there is no way he d work here. its all a money game. moreover he is a cinematic genius and would never consent to the trash pakistan produces in the name of cinema.
Posted 23 May 2006


Age: 124
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dude ...its a joke....i dont think anyone would watch it cause pakistani films are a subject of ridicule . if some do watch it out of curiousity then they wont watch em ever again. thats how the state of affairs is. india is a world class movie industry . why would the indians watch a pakistani movie. ..only curiousity factor. should be called pakistani joke festival. they also have a czech and iranian film fests followoing this ..
Posted 23 May 2006


Age: 124
6728 days old here
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why would the prez get involved in this stupid matter. should have been just some statement in the press i guess. however its shameful that a supersuccessful indian muslim comes to pakistan and insults it on its own soil. nutthin gets worse than that. however i dont think it would make any difference to feroz khan . he d prolly be celebrating the news sippin champagne and partying out.
Posted 23 May 2006