
Age: 37
6449 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
i luv ur eyes i luv ur smile.i cherish ur ways i adore ur style.Wot can i say?ur 1of a kind & 24/7 ur on my mind!
As I lie awake in my bed.All sorts of thought run through my head,Like why do I love u as much as I do.den I realise its because u r u!
there was an headcount of angels in heaven,pandemonium strucked discoverin dat an angel is missin,pls call heaven &tell dem ure safe wit me,my sweet angel
I believe that God above created u for me to luv.he picked you out from all the rest cos he knew id luv you the best!
I love so much my heart is sure.As time goes on I love you more,Your happy smile.Your loving face No1 will ever take your place

Age: 37
6449 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
good guy
steel your flu
steel your slow net connection
steel your lonliness
steel your silentness
steel your slow reply
Bad guy

steel your house'gate
steel your Pc
steel your telephone
steel your dad's car
steel your all candys n toffys in your home
steel your home sofas n chairs
steel your launch
steel your dinner
steel your best friend
steel your dad's friends
steel your msn password
steel your janubaba log in password
steel your house
steel your everything