Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I sit here at night thinking only of you wishing you were here by my side you are what I dream of when I sleep and what I think of when I awake your always on my mind your the air I breathe the ground I walk on I love you with my mind body soul In my dreams you'll always be because you can't be in my reality I'll sit and wait wishing that we could be together longing and wanting you to be near to caress your lips and taste your kiss to hold you close and never let go you sit and just listen your always there to confort me and turn my frowns around it tears me apart just to know that i can't have you can't kiss you can't touch you I want you to know that in my heart you'll be always and forever until the end of eternity meeting you was like a dream one that I never want to wake from because when I do I have to leave you
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Dream of the whole world in peace As we all have tried No fighting or worries Just happiness and pride Dream no more race That has been done before No sympathy or sorrow Descrimination no more
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I can see a shinning of light
Desired of love and life Remember that love is just a word Even if you mean more A word can not make things change Maybe only more sane
Over the years iv notices For you to say love is like making a person say i hate you
Alone is how i want to be
Never shall i forget that night In such darkness i lied Getting hope from angles above Having heaven right there staring among True feelings of love in the air
Today i will love thee Having with all my might A day i will remember Together forever and ever
In the night i see
What has come to be my destiny I will fly beyond the stars Lift my head above the ocean Live life like in a lullaby
Right beyond this Every thing i believe in Maybe what has come to be Every thing i wanted More or less i will say Beyond all night and day Every thing i love for now Remains in my heart
For no one but me to see Or anyone to touch Remember what is true Even if its not what you believe Very life belongs to you Even if they say not so Remember this dream in life to come
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
~tasha~ said:
Everyday I go through some sort of pain. Whether it's mental, physical or verbal it all feels the same. Not knowing why these things are taking place or thinking if they should. Just waiting for it all to end so I can start to feel good. Tired of living the same old style Cause apparently it's not working out. Looking for guidance and searching for truth but none seems to be around. Wishing for something ethical to come and set me free. Quickly coming to reality and realizing the only one who can do that is me. Feeling like an hourglass, I'm damn near outta time. Knowing that in life there IS no rewind. In need of a safe-haven, a sanctuary, a friend. Knowing that for every beginning there IS an end. Unable to foresee my future or what it may bring. But knowing with a mind so strong that I CAN achieve.
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
For the stars may shine For the sun may glow for all the times i have dreamed of you, you've been in my mind all day long i have done no work only thinking of you your the love of my life and i hope you never leave, For the stars may shine For the sun may glow.
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
A spot in my heart hurts like a sting from a bee. Never ending pain, will this hurt always bother me? I miss you and having you as my lover. I miss you, but the memories will be with me forever. Our love was as pure as the air I breathe. I know I did the right thing you had to leave. I lay in bed pretending like I am not caring. I lay here thinking of the love we are not longer sharing. The days are hard but nothing is harder then the night. For it gives me time to think and wonder if everything will be alright. Our love was fantastic nothing could ever compare. But to fall in love again I never will think to dare.
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Everytime you speak, Or even just when I see you, You make me smile. You don't have to do anything, All I have to do is see you, And a smile spreads across my face. Just seeing you, Makes my day awesome, And all of my problems disappear. Every little thing you say, Brings more sunshine into my life, And makes me happy. Mere months ago, I was depressed, I didn't have anything to live for. Now I have you, And I'm not depressed, I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Smile Smiling is always good Smiling is fun smiling is easy a smiles is like a disease if someone sees you smile, they smile too so smile and make the world a better place to be..!!
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
In the beginning we were full of laughter and cheer, But now there's only yelling ringing through out my ears, I wish everyday things were like they used to be, I still don't get what it is you say you see in me, You say I'm annoying, that i hurt you and that i make you cry, So why is it you put up with me even though you say I lie, I miss the smile you would give when you looked into my eyes, But now when you look at me all you do is seem to sigh, i pray everyday that you don't loose your love for me, And that you'll never loose what it is in me you see, My biggest fear is to loose you and to be apart, So you should know that i will always love you with all my heart.
Age: 37
6452 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
It's never too late To pick up the pieces To start over again After so many misses. Every moment is yours To spend as you may So, why not try again Starting with today? The time is new again Your chance is here now Don't stop to think Or to ask how. Just spread your wings And take flight away This is your time This is your day. Don't let the moment Pass by again This is your time a chance to begin..!!