hmmm, nice topic indeed!
- What fills their speech:salaam, greetings and humour
- How they act in anger: very badly, u wont like a pakistani when he is angry (remember hulk?)
- How they react in an unexpected situation: nothing is unexpected in pakistan, we have seen our worst nightmares coming true and our reaction has been LIVE ON! and CHILL!
- People's eyes reflect: anxiety,hope and care
- How are their dealings: most pakistanis are honest people, their dealings show it all the time.
- How do you see their overall behavior: very nice and vey encouraging
- How they honor their promises and agreements: MUAHIDAY KOI QURAN AUR HADEES TO NAHIN
just joking, a general pakistani will go to any extent to honor his commitment
- How do they trade:fairly, haggling is common all over the world
- How do neighbors live:u know it.
- What does an average person think of another person: pakistanis are generally not very spectice they take you for your words and believe you.
- How do people treat others:respectfully, with love and care. i have been to almost all the major cities of all provinces and i have met some of the nicest people on some of the most dangerous situations.
- Courtesy and brotherhood in general:it is courtesy and brotherhood that makes pakistan a great country to live despite so much.
- Women are treated with:both with respect and contempt depends on ones upbringing but generally pakistanis are not hostile towards women
- What motivates people:their shared goals, their dreams about their families and their country.
i'm a pakistani living in pakistan and believe me i have turned down some really good offers to go abroad just because there is nothing like pakistan and there are no people like pakistanis.
one thing that sets apart is our hope and IMAAN! things couldnt have been worse back here but still most people i meet are very optimistic abt the future of their country and they belive that paksitan will survive eventually and will come out stronger and better INSHALLAH!(this is one word that make the world so bearable for us)