Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
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India, India
quote:Originally posted by paki lion
nishu u son of a bitch! now u are trying to create enmity here..if u dont like our topics then go away from here..there are enuff forums where they only talk about bollywood! u f**king whore!
i go out of your topics??? well first tell JB to remove indian topics like the whole Bollywood forum..ok?
and btw i am not going out just becoz any sucker like ya say to me.
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
quote:Originally posted by umair16
The true thing is that ATn . . and Zee TV also show pakistani dramas . . music . . and films cos they want pakistani poeple to watch it aswell . . thats how sad they are they need the money . . f u dont like pakistaniu y show the programmes
umair16 i think yr cable operater is makin a fool of ya.. he must be showin a local channel under the zee logo.
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
quote:Originally posted by sharara
with all due respect i wud consider this as end of topic. if the indians r being coperative i wud like u all to be so too.. no more indo pak things or ill kill myself
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
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India, India
now why are you guys are fighting. see-> there are two universal truth 1. the sun rises fr the east 2/ hritik is the best now stop this stupid disscussion.
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
i love these pakis pop singers but there is a bad news... some ppl are thinking that if our bolly is banned in pak than we shl also ban paki music. i wish that not happens
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
i tell you what is demo. demo is that thing that can be easily crubed by a stupid army general and then a puppet govt. which can be dissolved anytime by that president
where the constitution changes like weather every now and then
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
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India, India
quote:Originally posted by ShujaSlam
hey and what up peeps in our religion Islam, our holy book called the Quran was after the Torah and Bible. it was the last message from God. just wanna pop in sum info in it [angel]
" And those who believe and do good deeds, they are dwellers of Paradise, they dwell therein forever." (Quran, 2:82)
" And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter."(Quran 3:85)
please people, really you should get more detail about Islam because, if you dont beileve in God, you will suffer in Hell fire forever. and remember, im telling you this right now and you'll remember ma words when the world ends and when you guys will be in Hell.
ps. this wasnt really makin fun of you guys, im just doin ma thing. spreadin Islam.
i would rathar die than to accept any other religion than hindu. Bhagvat Gita says that belive in all religions , everyone religion is good. hindissam rulz OM BU BUVAR SVHA TATSVITUR VAREAM,, BHARGODEVASYA DHEMAHI DHIO YO NAH PRACHODAYAAT.
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
ATN= amitabh bacchan television network, and i am sure it will not show that stupid lollywood stuff,if it does than, the channel will close once again for sure.