Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
KZAA is LEGAL but there is a huge risk in using this prog. this prog open ups a port for itself and any haker can take control of your pc. hakers do need slave pc's so that they can attack big sites thorough this pc and police will capture you. belive me its true/.
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
faysal and cute gal(i realy hope you are as cute as your name)
listin to this..
who started it first? lets see.. babri mosque was built by demolishing ram temple and the recent digging done by independent society has poroved that.ok?
muslims extremists burnt a rail in gothara carring hindu pilgrims and gurjat riots started fr there.
normal man in india respect muslims. when we kicked you out in 48,65 ,71 and kargil,,in all these missions the leader of most of the army regiments were a muslims. i am proud of our indian muslims.
btw i just wanna know how many hindus live in pak. indian muslims are more in number than the total population in pak.
Age: 125
7853 days old here
Total Posts: 109
Points: 0
India, India
its you who first talked crap about india. and btw springstepper never posted any topics. he only replied to pakis topics which were anti indian. i supported him because he was talking truth.