Age: 125
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 136
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
yeah share them with me too
well i believe in fate everything is predetermined and no matter wht u try u have to taste wht is writen in ur fate ...I guess the only thing that can change fate is prayers-Dua with all ur hope and all ur heart Accept wht life gives u...for the time being u are sad lil_dolly but time is a great healer and i know it will work for u as well
Age: 125
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 136
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
well.....i'll give it a shot
The cop entered the house, from where he just recieved a call for help. He entered the dark house and switched on the lights to find a girl stabbed with Knife and blood gushing out of her. He turned and saw pearls lying around. he thought tht it was girls necklace broken by the killer...
bla bla bla....sorry was kinda crap but Hey!!! I used all the words atleast...
Age: 125
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 136
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
well... been through a lot...kiya kiya likhein..i think it all depends on ur fate no matter how much u love her and considerate u r there could b little things deterioting ur relationship...currently....i dont believe in any relationship ....i know tht sounds stupid but mebbe i'll get over this soon..inshallah
Age: 125
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 136
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
we will and inshallah u'll succeed here and hereafter but remember one thing...with all of us praying for u on ur part study hard and NEVER miss a prayer out and inshallah u'll succeed
Age: 125
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 136
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Ignoring the above reply...i dont know what to say to u
But i totally agree with the abpve paki films all the above characterstics mentioned in the first mail is present always...they are just a wastage of time with an exception of few..Atleast hindi movies give a bit of entertainment and thts the WHOLE POINT of watching a movie.. hamarey directors 1 month mein 30 days k bawajood agar chahein to 35 films bana k release bhi kar saktey hain coz no one pays attention to dialogues,graphics,dressing all they want is glamourous heriones jin k wazan makeup se 2 kg aur bhi ziyadah ho jata hai ...anyway i dont watch hindi movies a lot...i prefer hollywood movies atleast they r sensible with amazing graphix effects and shorter than hindi or paki films...
Age: 125
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 136
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
thx lil dolly
arey yeh kia sher maraa aap ne...mana k kuch yadein azaab hain laiken aap ki kuch achi yaadein bhi to hongi naa...aur phir woh zindagi hi kiya jis mein khushi aur ghum ka mixture na ho?
Age: 125
7348 days old here
Total Posts: 136
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
well sarey reply to nahin parhey laiken kuch repliy k reply mein yeh kehna chahti hoon k living in 21st century we all should b woriking towards the development of our country in one way or the other...agar abhi bhi hum dosri countries par depend kareingey then we would b regarded as failing country...aur yeh to nahin k hamarey pass resources nahin hain aur yeh bhi nahin k cash ki kammi hai ....although it seems so this way laiken phir charity starts at home to suna hi hai..instead of lending money to other countries if invested withing our country would make a great difference
balich ka full reply to nahin parha laiken jitna bhi parha hai i agree to tht