Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
There is no meaning of DAY without SUN, There is no meaning of NIGHT without MOON, There is no meaning of SEA without WATER, There is no meaning of ME without U.
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
There is no meaning of DAY without SUN, There is no meaning of NIGHT without MOON, There is no meaning of SEA without WATER, There is no meaning of ME without U.
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Don't u ever wonder y people txt u but hv nothing imp to say! It's 4 the simple reason... u r such a nice person 2 think of, like the way I'm thinking of u now
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Fly in the plane of ambition, and land on the airport of success, Luck is yours, wish is mine may ur future always shine. . . With LOTZ LOVE "Happy BIRTHDAY 2 YOU"".
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Lovely msg for a Lovely Person from Lovely Friend 4 a Lovely Reason at a Lovely Time form a Lovely Mind in a Lovely Mood in a Lovely Style Have a Lovely "BirthDay"
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Dua hai Ki Kamyabi ke har sikhar pe aap ka naam hoga, aapke har kadam par duniya ka salam hoga, Himat se mushkilon ka samana karna hamari dua hai ki waqt bhi ek din aapka gulam hoga. Happy Birthday
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Friendship is about. bringing out the positive when everything seems negative...being accepted for who you are...being able to pick up right where you left off...sharing, talking, and laughing...Friendship is about us, and for that I\'m grateful. And I hope you have the best birthday ever, friend!