Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
As butterflies open their wings to meet the coming of a new day, may the angels do the same and carry you on their wings to keep you safe throughout the day.
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Friends are like Street Lights along d road.They dont make the distance any shorter,bt they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile. Have a nice day and tc.
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling & even more beautiful is knowing that u r the reason behind it. Be a reason for others to smile. Gud Day!
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
All village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all but only 1 boy came with an umbrella. That's faith. Hv faith in urself & God. Gud Day!
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
May u rise each texting day with fully charged phone in ur hand, inspiring msg in ur mind, me in ur heart,& a clear signal all day long. Have a Nice day!
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
In life when you get troubles, don't get nervous... Just close your eyes and follow ur heart... b'coz heart may be in left but it is always right. Have a Nice Day!
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Life has no rewinds n forwards. It unfolds itself at its own pace. So never miss a chance to live today to make a beautiful story for tomorrow. Have a Nice Day.
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Never blame a day in ur life. Good Days Give u happiness. Bad days give u Experience. Both are essential in life! All are Gods blessings! Have a nice day.
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Life is an echo; all comes back, the gud, the bad, the false, and the true. So, give the world the best u have & the best will come back to u. Have a Nice day.
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
May you rise each texting day with fully charged phone in your hand, inspiring msg in your mind, me in your heart,& a clear signal all day long. Have a Nice day!
Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
Points: 0
Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Every king was once a helpless baby & every great structure once a blueprint... It’s not where are you today, but where you’ll reach that counts. Good Day!