Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power-And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?-The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.- Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand;-Peace!...This until the rise of morn!
Abu Huraira reports that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Anybody who gets up to offer the nafl (voluntary prayer) on the Blessed night due to deep sense of his faith and with self scrutiny will have his past sins remitted." (Bukhari & Muslim)
Aysha (R) states the Prophet (pbuh) said: " Look for the Blessed Night among the odd nights of the last ten nights of Ramadan" (Bukhari)
What to Say
Aysha (R) says that she asked the Prophet (pbuh) : O Messenger of Allah, if I come to locate the Blessed night then how should I pray in this night?
The Prophet (pbuh) said: Say
Allahumma In-Naka a'fuwn, tuhibul'afwa fa'fo 'anni
(Allah Thous art Most Forgiving and loveth forgiveness then do thou forgive me) (Tirmithi)
God the Almighty has spoken the truth. There is no god but He, Unique in His Majesty, Perfect in his beauty with honor and greatness. He the exalted in His glory revealed the Qura'n upon His servant so that he be a Warner for the worlds, His prophet
( many blessings and salutations be upon him ) has also spoken the truth.
Our lord, all thanks and praise belong to You for your mighty favors and great blessings. You revealed to us the best of Your books and sent to us the most supreme among Your messengers and established for us the best rules of the Religion that You chose for us and You guided us to the elevated principles of the religion of your choice and based on five rules: The Declaration that there is no god except Allah and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing the prayers, giving of the Zakat, fasting during Ramadn and Hajj to the Sacred House of Allah. Thanks be to You that You facilitated for us the fasting during the month of Ramadan, and standing in prayers during its nights and reciting Your book, to which falsehood approaches not, neither from the front nor from the back, it is revelation from the Wise and Praiseworthy.
O Allah, thanks belong to You, You deserve all thanks. Thanks be to You for Your continuous favors.
O Allah, we thank You in secret and in public. We thank you with love and with free-will. So our Lord, give us Paradise and veil us from Hell and do not expose us on the Day of Resurrection because that will put us to shame among the people. Do not disgrace us on account of our bad deeds because that will envelope us in humanity and dishonor.
O Allah, we are Your servants, children of Your Servants, You control our destinies, Your decisions effect us, Your judgment is always just and fair, we beg you by every name that is Yours, by which You have called Yourself or You revealed it to any of Your creatures or You have hidden it in Your own secret knowledge, that You make the Glorious Qur'an the blossom of our hearts, light of our chests, balsam of our grieves ,cure of our anxieties and our pains and our guiding and driving force to You gardens of bliss by Your mercy , O the most merciful .
O Allah , remind us from the Qur'an what we have forgotten , teach us what we have ignored, and grant us its recitation during the course of the day, in a manner that will please You with us.
O Allah, make us from amongst those who consider permissible what is permissible according to it and who consider forbidden whatever is forbidden according to it, who follow its clear guidance and who trust and believe what they do not understand and recite it as it aught to be recited.
O Allah, make us from amongst those who keep its words and its rules and not amongst those who keep its words but neglect its rules.
Make us amongst those who are the people of the Qur'an, who are Your people and Your elect, O the most Merciful.
O Allah, make us from amongst those who followed the Qur'an and it led them to Your love and to the heaven and do not make us from amongst those who went against the Qur'an and it thrust then in the darkness of the Hell.
O Allah, grant us honor and increase by the Qur'an and join us in the company of every righteous and fortunate one and employ us with good and righteous deeds. Surely You have power over all things.
O Allah, forgive us and our parents and all Muslim men and women, all believing men and women, all the living and the dead, by Your mercy O the most Merciful.
O Allah, forgive all those who died from amongst the Muslims, who declared Your oneness, who recognized Your prophet and died on this faith.
O Allah, forgive them, have mercy on them, save them with Your hospitality, grant them the spacious heaven and wash their sins with water and snow and hail and clean them from errors as the white garment is cleaned from every dirt. Have also mercy upon us when we reach where they have reached, by Your mercy, O the most Merciful.
O Allah, in this blessed and noble night, do not leave any sins of ours except removed, any pain of ours except healed, any evil from us except turned away, any sick person except curd, any dept except paid, any dead except blessed, any need of this world and the world to come that is pleasing to You and good for us except to be fulfilled. Help us and make things easy for us, O the most Merciful.
O Allah, forgive us all in this night. O Allah forgive us all in this night, O Allah You are the forgiver, You love to forgive, so forgive us.
O Allah, You are the Forgiver, You love to forgive, so forgive us.
O Allah, Your mercy is greater than our sins,
O Allah, Your mercy is greater than our sins, O Allah, Your mercy is greater than our sins.
O Allah You said and Your word is true: "Call me and I shall respond to your call". So here we are standing humbly and obediently before you, we confess our sins, so forgive our errors and have mercy upon us and cover our sins with Your mercy, O the most merciful. O the most merciful.
O Allah we turn to You, we seek Your door, we ask for Your generosity and mercy, So refuse us not.
O Allah turn us not away empty handed. Mercy our Lord, Your Mercy that includes everything.
Our Lord, if You would turn us away then who will shelter us, if You would distance us then who will bring us near.
O Lord, accept our apologies, O Lord, pity us in our standing before You.
O Lord, have mercy upon us with the mercy that includes everything.
Our Lord, have mercy upon us with the mercy that include everything. O the most Noble, O the most Merciful, O the Help of the seekers of help, O the Creator of the Heavens and earth, O Near One, O Responder to every call, O One who when asked gives, O One who when called upon responds. We seek protection in the light of Your Face which dispels all darkness from the descent of Your anger upon us or from the occurrence of your wrath.
O Allah forgive us and accept our apologies.
O Allah, disgrace us not on the Day of Appearance before You.
O Allah, You are the Forgiving one, You love to forgive, so forgive us.
O Allah, forgive the bad among us because of the presence of the good among us.
O Allah, make our gathering the blessed gathering, and make our departure in goodness.
O Allah, leave not among us, in us or with any who is unfortunate and unblessed.
O Allah, do not allow our troubles to be in our religion, O the most Noble One, O the most Merciful.
O Allah, let the month of Ramadan conclude with your mercy, kindness and cover us with Your blessings.
O Allah, we ask You all that is good, now and later, what we know and what we do not know. We ask You Paradise and the words and deeds that will bring us closer to Paradise and we seek your refuge from Hell and the words and deeds that may bring us closer to Hell. We ask You to make good every decision that You have made for us, O the Lord of the words.
O Allah, let us live as Muslims and let us die as Muslims and keep us in the of the righteous.
O Allah, keep us in Islam whether standing, sitting or sleeping and give not any joy to our enemies or to those who are jealous on our misfortunes.
O Allah, make our last deeds the best deeds and the conclusion of all our deeds good and the best of our days the Day we shall meet You.
O Allah, You are the most Forgiving one, You love to forgive, so forgive us.
Our Lord, we have done wrong to ourselves, and if you would not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we shall be surely among the losers.
Our Lord, do not let us go astray after You have guided is and grant us mercy from Your side. Surely You are our Benefactor.
Our Lord, do not hold is accountable for the deeds of the foolish among us.
Our Lord, hold us not accountable of we forget or make error.
Our Lord, place upon us not a burden that you placed upon those who were before us.
Our Lord, do not burden us beyond our capacity, and remit our sins, forgive us and have mercy upon us. You are our Protector, so help us against the disbelieving folk.
Our Lord, accept us, You are the Hearer and Knower. Accept our repentance, for You are the Accepter of repentance and Merciful. We seek forgiveness from God and we turn to Him. We seek forgiveness from God and we turn to Him.
Our Lord, give us good in this world and in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Hell.
Glory be to our Lord the mighty, and exalted be He from all they ascribe to Him. Peace be upon His messengers and Praised be Allah the Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and companions.