The Pakistani Flag
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The Pakistan Flag was designed by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan.
Historically, the Pakistan Flag has associations with the flag which was hoisted at Dhaka on December 30, 1906, when a meeting of the leaders representing the various Muslim political organizations of the South-Asian subcontinent was held and, as a result of the deliberations on the occasion, the All-India Muslim League was formed as the premier political organization of the Muslims. The flag used at Dhaka was green in color with a white crescent and star in the center. In the forty years of political struggle that followed the meeting at Dhaka, this flag was used continuously by the Muslim League as an emblem of the political aspirations of the Muslim community. When these aspirations were fulfilled and Pakistan was established, it was felt that it would be in the fitness of things to incorporate the motif of this flag into National Flag of Pakistan.