Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Do you often wonder if sum1 is thinking of u? do u often wonder if sum1 out there misses u? do u often wonder if sum1 loves u? well, stop wondering coz i do!
even if £oVe is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a rose that's worth all the pain ........................................................ everyone says you only fall in love once but that's wrong; everytime i see your smile i fall in love all over again
...................................................... How about giving your heart to some1 who would love to make you happy, who would love to be loved by you... so how would you feel if i give my heart to you?
...................................................... remember dat der will always be S o m e o n e who remembers u everyday w/ or w/out messages!``` M e !
.................................................. &nbs p; D gauge of hw u trly trsure sm1 is not how hapi u r w/dem Bt hw sad u r wn u lose dem. But pls dnt try 2 find out how sad il b w/o u coz surely i wont last!!
.......................................................... Wat if u luv d wrong persn? r u gona give up or hold on? mayB u nid 2 do nuthin-juz continue loving..hu knows? mayB dat luv myt b enuf 2 make dat persn d ryt 1 .................................................
Everything in life is temporary, because everything changes. That's why it takes great courage to love someone knowing it might end anytime. ...................................................
When life is a mess, when my heart has been crushed, when I’m wearing a frown, when I breakdown and cry, when I’m blue, can I comfort myself by saying, I have you? .....................................................
Don't rush into falling in love, for love never runs out. Even if they mock you because you are single, just tell them this: "God is just busy writing the best love story that will swipe me off my feet!" .....................................................
When it rains, you don't see the sun, but it's there. Hope we can be like that. We don't always see each other, but we will always be there for each other. ...................................................
They say as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn't a waste. So when things go terribly wrong, and u feel like giving up, please remember u still got me. .....................................................
I'll lend you my shoulder for you to cry on, my ears to listen to, my hand for you to hold, my feet to walk with you, but I can't lend you my heart coz it already belongs to you. ......................................................
When the time comes I can't smile anymore, don't worry about me, I know what to do. I'll just stare at one corner and think of you. No one else could make me happy like the way you do. .....................................................
If I could choose a dream for you, it would be the kind of dream you deserve. A dream that someday, you'll find that special person who will make your life complete ...................................................... All I ever hear is what you whisper in her ear. All you ever say is how much you want her near. All I ever see is the things she makes you do, but all I ever wanted was for you to love me too .....................................................
What is love? Those who don't like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don't have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it You. .....................................................
I'm thinking u. I want to be with u. I am longing for u. I have a crush on u. I want to hug and kiss u. I love u. .....................................................
Darling, if you are the second best girl for me, then who is the best? The answer is nobody, because you will always be the best girl for me. ......................................................
my hart s made 2 luv u, my lips are made 2 kis u, my eyes r made 2 c u, my hands r made 2 hold u .....evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!
sum ppl luv w/o rly wshn 2b 2gdr.`sum ppl leav nt rly wilng 2 let go.`i luv nt 2b luvd bak.`i leav nt coz il b folowd.`i luv cz i luv,`i leav cz i hv 2 let go.
sumtyms loving cud be so painful, but its amazing 2 know that no matter how hard it is, loving someone is still the simplest reason why ul find yourself smiling
TherS aLways a reaSon`why we hav 2 muv on`2 say gUdbye`2 d fiLingS`we wantd2 stay 4eveR.`4 LuV has 2 set`its own winGs fRee`2 finD d ryt place`where it shud be ....................................................
i heard sm1 say`dt f wshes`dnt cUm trU``d sky wud CRY..``1nyt, `i t0t of wshn up0n dem`i wsH dt`he wUd jz b`myn agn`bt jZ b4 i`cLosd d`wnd0w 2sLip```it rained..
did u knw dat tears can sumtyms b more spcial dan smyls? 4 smyls can b given 2 any1 but tears r only shed 4 people we dont wnt 2 lose. ur one of them..