Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
6 weeks , 6 months, 6 years . . .
Dating process: 6 weeks : I love U, I love U, I love U. 6 months : Of course I love U. 6 years : GOD, if I didn't love U, then why the hell did I propose?
Back from Work: 6 weeks : Honey, I'm home. 6 months : BACK!! 6 years : What did your mom cook for us today??
Gifts: 6 weeks : Honey, I really hope you liked the ring. 6 months : I bought you a painting; it would fit the motif in the living room. 6 years : Here's the money. Buy yourself something.
Phone Ringing: 6 weeks : Baby, somebody wants you on the phone. 6 months : Here, for you. 6 years : PHONE RINGING.
Cooking: 6 weeks : I never knew food could taste so good! 6 months : What are we having for dinner tonight? 6 years : AGAIN!!!!
Apology: 6 weeks : Honey muffin, don't you worry, Ill never hold this against you. 6 months : Watch out! Don't do it again. 6 years : What's not to understand about what I just said??
New Dress: 6 weeks : Oh my God, you look like an angel in that dress. 6 months : You bought a new dress again??? 6 years : How much did THAT cost me?
Planning for Vacations: 6 weeks : How do 2 weeks in Vienna or anywhere you please sound?? 6 months : What's so bad about going to India on a charter plane? 6 years : Travel? What's so bad about staying home???
TV: 6 weeks : Baby, what would you like us to watch tonight? 6 months : I like this movie. 6 years : I'm going to watch ESPN, if you're not in the mood, go to bed, I can stay up by myself .
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Teen Tracker said:
Husband & Wife - Come Home Late
A woman was complaining to the neighbour that her husband always came home late, no matter how she tried to stop him. "Take my advice," said the neighbour, "and do what I did. Once my husband came home at three o'clock in the morning, and from my bed I called out: "Is that you, Jim?" And that cured him. "Cured him !" asked the woman, "but how?" The neighbour said, " You see, his name is Bill ."
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
cutefriend said:
Teri gali whicho langaa ge jaan-jaan ke, saanu pata ae ki tu Thane report likhvayi hoyi ae, jaa ke puch layi tu Thanedaar nu, assi ohdi vi kudi fasayi hoyi ae!!!
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Husband & Wife - Problem Father
"You looked troubled," I told my friend, "what's your problem?" He replied, "I'm going to be a father." "But that's wonderful," I said. " What's wonderful? My wife doesn't know about it ye t.
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Husband & Wife - No Answer Back
A man was telling his friends, "When my wife is infuriated, she starts shouting at me, my children and even at our dogs and nobody dares answer her." One of his friends asked."And when you are angry, what do you do?" The man replied, " I also shout angrily at the windows and doors of the house and none of them dares to answer bac k.
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Husband & Wife - Talk About Husband
One woman told another : "My neighbour is always speaking ill of her husband, but look at me, my husband is foolish, lazy and a coward; but have I ever said anything bad about him ?"
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Husband & Wife - Why divorce?
In a divorce court a woman requested the judge: "Your honor, I want to divorce my husband." "But why ?" asked the judge. She replied, "Because he is not faithful to me." The judge asked, "How do you know ?" She replied, " My lord, not a single child resembles him ."
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The beautiful word is ALLAH, Most beautiful song is AZAN, Best exercise is NAMAZ, World perfect book is QURAN, And You are so lucky if YOU are a MUSALMAN.
Age: 125
7955 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
bad marnay kay mery mery kahani likhna kise trah barbad hoye mery jawani likhna yah bhi likhna kay meray hont hasii ko tarsay kise trah bahta raha mery ankhon say pani likhna