
Age: 125
6669 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Irish Coffee Magic
Come have a cup of Irish coffee,
well top of the morning to you.
Made with magical coffee beans,
the leprechauns mix up this brew.
The wee ones are hidden away,
they live in the forest so deep.
All day long just brewing coffee,
getting stronger letting it steep.
To find them is not very easy,
you must follow any rainbow.
There for only a brief moment,
quick into the Forrest you must go.
Follow the meandering stream,
till it comes to a sharp bend.
A mile left then a mile right,
brings you to the rainbow end.
There you shall find such treasure,
no, there is no gold in the pot.
It is filled with a magical brew,
Irish coffee that is piping hot.
The wee ones welcome you,
Please come and sit awhile.
relax with a cup of coffee,
you journeyed many a mile.
They say drink up and enjoy,
the coffee is a magical brew.
For it only takes one little sip,
you'll become a leprechaun too.
So better beware of Irish coffee,
unless you don't mind being small.
If you believe, I've another tale,
Irish whiskey makes you grow tall.