
Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
How do you rid memories of the years past?
To burn away thoughts of those you no longer want to remember.
Is it easy to forget?
She walks out tonight with her pen and paper in her hand,
crying because she thought of him again.
She wants to call her mom but its been years since they laid her down.
She still remembers that day, and watching the coffin go down in the cold,
cold, dark ground.
She sits down on the edge of the couch,
She started crying now,
Takes a deep breath and looks around.
“This isn’t the way I wanted my life to be,
I wanted more adventure, more me,
More of what I got now.”
She looks around again, and starts to giggle,
“I forgot there isn’t even anyone to listen to my sorrows.”
As she Takes up her paper and pen,
holds in her hand so tight,
Closes her eyes and starts to write.
I want to forget everything,
her thoughts running through her mind,
I want to go back,
rewind time.
I want to forget the time when I was 3 and scraped my knee,
I want to forget all the bad, and even the good that happened to me,
I want to forget about my mom having to go,
I want to forget all of our memories that we had, that we shared, I need it all just to go.
I want to forget about my first lover,
I want to forget about past boyfriends and friends.
The friends that said they would stick it out with me until the very end. Where are they now?
I want to forget,
She keeps writing, and writing,
til her mind runs blank
and her hands grew sore.
She kept writing,
until there was no more.
With that she lit the paper on fire,
Sat there and watched her burn,
everything was leaving her memories,
even her hearts most desires.
As she watched the crimson red embers fall,
She knew she was forgetting everything once and for all.
Finally a tear trickled down her cheek.
So burning hot, it left a mark for all the world to see.
All of her memories parted……
She gets up and leaves the ashes there to scatter,
It doesn’t make a difference no more,
none of it matters.
She goes to bed calmly barely making a sound,
Closes her eyes softly and takes one last look around.
Tonight is the night that I will forget it all,
so goodnight world,
say goodbye to me now.