Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I MUST do as you do? Your way I own Is a very good way, and still, There are sometimes two straight roads to a town, One over, one under the hill.
You are treading the safe and the well-worn way, That the prudent choose each time; And you think me reckless and rash to-day Because I prefer to climb.
Your path is the right one, and so is mine. We are not like peas in a pod, Compelled to lie in a certain line, Or else be scattered abroad.
'T were a dull old world, me thinks, my friend, If we all just went one way; Yet our paths will meet no doubt at the end, Though they lead apart today.
You like the shade, and I like the sun; You like an even pace, I like to mix with the crowd and run, And then rest after the race.
I like danger, and storm, and strife, You like a peaceful time; I like the passion and surge of life, You like its gentle rhyme.
You like buttercups, dewy sweet, And crocuses, framed in snow; I like roses, born of the heat, And the red carnation's glow.
I must live my life, not yours, my friend, For so it was written down; We must follow our given paths to the end, But I trust we shall meet--in town.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It Might Have Been
We will be what we could be. Do not say, "It might have been, had not this, or that, or this." No fate can keep us from the chosen way; He only might who is. We will do what we could do. Do not dream Chance leaves a hero, all uncrowned to grieve. I hold, all men are greatly what they seem; He does, who could achieve. We will climb where we could climb. Tell me not Of adverse storms that kept thee from the height. What eagle ever missed the peak he sought? He always climbs who might. I do not like the phrase "It might have been!" It lacks force, and life's best truths perverts: For I believe we have, and reach, and win, Whatever our deserts.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Artist's Life
OF all the waltzes the great Strauss wrote, mad with melody, rhythm--rife From the very first to the final note, Give me his "Artist's Life!" It stirs my blood to my finger ends, Thrills me and fills me with vague unrest, And all that is sweetest and saddest blends Together within my breast. It brings back that night in the dim arcade, In love's sweet morning and life's best prime, When the great brass orchestra played and played, And set our thoughts to rhyme. It brings back that Winter of mad delights, Of leaping pulses and tripping feet, And those languid moon-washed Summer nights When we heard the band in the street. It brings back rapture and glee and glow, It brings back passion and pain and strife, And so of all the waltzes I know, Give me the "Artist's Life." For it is so full of the dear old time-- So full of the dear friends I knew. And under its rhythm, and lilt, and rhyme, I am always finding--you.
Age: 125
6677 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
How is it that, being gone, you fill my days, And all the long nights are made glad by thee? No loneliness is this, nor misery, But great content that these should be the ways Whereby the Fancy, dreaming as she strays, Makes bright and present what she would would be. And who shall say if the reality Is not with dreams so pregnant. For delays And hindrances may bar the wished-for end; A thousand misconceptions may prevent Our souls from coming near enough to blend; Let me but think we have the same intent, That each one needs to call the other, "friend!" It may be vain illusion. I'm content.