Rapunzel said:
Rapunzel said:awesome
~CHANDNI~ said:
~tasha~ said:
Scarlet visions adrift,
permeate the mind
as soul grasps for air.
Thoughts on fire
beckon mid my sleep.
Feel the heat of hell
draw near as the
night lights the way.
Into my nightmares
red devil eyes creep.
Raging embers flash,
breaks the silence
of the eerie red mist.
The sins of man sown
we must now reap.
On the Inferno's edge,
struggling to awake,
flames begin to consume.
Destiny can not be
in pit of hell so deep.
Scarlet flames before me,
mind feverishly searches
for day's crimson sunrise.
So for one more day,
my soul I may keep.
Rehan M Din said: