
Age: 125
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ur married
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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u like cat
Posted 24 Feb 2009


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Posted 24 Feb 2009


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Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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lsitning music
Posted 24 Feb 2009


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Posted 24 Feb 2009


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Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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nice work
Posted 24 Feb 2009

Topic: J.J.J


Age: 125
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javad said:

   wah bhai aaj to 3 j..s nay hi janubaba sambhala he

   • jag
   • javad
   • JanuBaba

Posted 24 Feb 2009

Topic: cuties gif


Age: 125
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Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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Life is a hope a dream for some,
That is always something new,
Every new day a new escape that helps the soul break through,

The pain and sorrow wash away with the simple breath of a passing breeze,
And a new love will over come the past heartaches and heartbreaks,
The lesson in life is simple to some,
But a mission for most,

The more you live and age the truth will appear more clear,
Love is always on your side and no matter what,
You will always be loved!
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
At times at night I stay awake wishing on a star,
The twinkle in the sky reminds me much of you,
For I know I recall the very same twinkle in your eyes,
Which I fell in love with from the start,
The love I feel for you is very deep indeed,

My love is deeper than the oceans and all the seas,
And when I see that perfect smile on your perfect face,
My heart seems to never stop its race,
My love for you is stronger than strong,

I can’t believe it’s true,
But the one thing I know is that the love so strong that I have for you will stay forever,
And on!
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The life I walk is hard,
I live with loved ones that know nothing of the pain I carry,
They keep my feet bolted to the ground,
But they don’t realizs that stops me from finding the true me,

I’ve learned from the past that you must live as your own person,
Not as a slave of another,
To help the needed,
And to keep those with full lives in mind is my mission so far,

Although you might feel there is no one with your problems,
You should know,
You’re not alone in the world.
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
To stop a child’s imagination,
Is to stop the world from revolving,
Imagination is the heart,
To live the life of a spectacular art,
Dream of life with out end,

Dream of love and tell your friends,
Imagine yourself flying high,
Imagine yourself make sure you try,
See the fairy’s bright blue wings,

See them fly in the sea winds,
Make a wish and hope it comes true,
For what would you do without imagination to give you,
Something to do!
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
We all started off as strangers,
But time brings us together,
We learned to care for each other,
Which made our hearts grow bigger,

We helped each other when times were hard,
We held hands to stop the hurt,
The comforting words,
Meant the world,

They lifted the soul,
They healed the heart,
They made us realize,
The truth of life,

They made us realize,
To think twice,
Now as we grow we might part,
But the real truth is,
We will always stay in each other’s hearts!
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Cross the bridge of freedom,
Climb the mountain of faith,
Share your secrets with the world,
Make a promos to stay away from harm,

Comfort all people,
Just stretch out your arms,
Keep your eyes on your goal,
Let your heart rise above pain,

Sooth your soul,
Walk the path of success,
Let the world see that your found,
Just don’t look down!

Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Open your eyes,
What do you see?
Clear your ears,
What do you hear?

Let the tears fall,
From your eyes,
Release your feelings,
Show your pride,

Be happy for life,
Be happy for friends,
Be happy for love,
Use every thing God has given you,

Be one of god’s children,
Make him proud,
Kneel at the side of bed,
And pray out loud,

Show your love,
Show your care,
For all it takes,
Is a simple prayer!
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree—
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?

The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?

Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green.
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
In such a night, when every louder wind
Is to its distant cavern safe confined;
And only gentle Zephyr fans his wings,
And lonely Philomel, still waking, sings;
Or from some tree, famed for the owl's delight,
She, hollowing clear, directs the wand'rer right:
In such a night, when passing clouds give place,
Or thinly veil the heav'ns' mysterious face;
When in some river, overhung with green,
The waving moon and trembling leaves are seen;
When freshened grass now bears itself upright,
And makes cool banks to pleasing rest invite,
Whence springs the woodbind, and the bramble-rose,
And where the sleepy cowslip sheltered grows;
Whilst now a paler hue the foxglove takes,
Yet checkers still with red the dusky brakes
When scattered glow-worms, but in twilight fine,
Shew trivial beauties watch their hour to shine;
Whilst Salisb'ry stands the test of every light,
In perfect charms, and perfect virtue bright:
When odors, which declined repelling day,
Through temp'rate air uninterrupted stray;
When darkened groves their softest shadows wear,
And falling waters we distinctly hear;
When through the gloom more venerable shows
Some ancient fabric, awful in repose,
While sunburnt hills their swarthy looks conceal,
And swelling haycocks thicken up the vale:
When the loosed horse now, as his pasture leads,
Comes slowly grazing through th' adjoining meads,
Whose stealing pace, and lengthened shade we fear,
Till torn-up forage in his teeth we hear:
When nibbling sheep at large pursue their food,
And unmolested kine rechew the cud;
When curlews cry beneath the village walls,
And to her straggling brood the partridge calls;
Their shortlived jubilee the creatures keep,
Which but endures, whilst tyrant man does sleep;
When a sedate content the spirit feels,
And no fierce light disturbs, whilst it reveals;
But silent musings urge the mind to seek
Something, too high for syllables to speak;
Till the free soul to a composedness charmed,
Finding the elements of rage disarmed,
O'er all below a solemn quiet grown,
Joys in th' inferior world, and thinks it like her own:
In such a night let me abroad remain,
Till morning breaks, and all's confused again;
Our cares, our toils, our clamors are renewed,
Or pleasures, seldom reached, again pursued.
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
What is our life? A play of passion,
Our mirth the music of division,
Our mother's wombs the tiring-houses be,
Where we are dressed for this short comedy.
Heaven the judicious sharp spectator is,
That sits and marks still who doth act amiss.
Our graves that hide us from the setting sun
Are like drawn curtains when the play is done.
Thus march we, playing, to our latest rest,
Only we die in earnest, that's no jest.
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I love the evenings, passionless and fair, I love the evens,
Whether old manor-fronts their ray with golden fulgence leavens,
In numerous leafage bosomed close;
Whether the mist in reefs of fire extend its reaches sheer,
Or a hundred sunbeams splinter in an azure atmosphere
On cloudy archipelagos.

Oh, gaze ye on the firmament! a hundred clouds in motion,
Up-piled in the immense sublime beneath the winds' commotion,
Their unimagined shapes accord:
Under their waves at intervals flame a pale levin through,
As if some giant of the air amid the vapors drew
A sudden elemental sword.

The sun at bay with splendid thrusts still keeps the sullen fold;
And momently at distance sets, as a cupola of gold,
The thatched roof of a cot a-glance;
Or on the blurred horizon joins his battle with the haze;
Or pools the blooming fields about with inter-isolate blaze,
Great moveless meres of radiance.

Then mark you how there hangs athwart the firmament's swept track,
Yonder a mighty crocodile with vast irradiant back,
A triple row of pointed teeth?
Under its burnished belly slips a ray of eventide,
The flickerings of a hundred glowing clouds in tenebrous side
With scales of golden mail ensheathe.

Then mounts a palace, then the air vibrates--the vision flees.
Confounded to its base, the fearful cloudy edifice
Ruins immense in mounded wrack;
Afar the fragments strew the sky, and each envermeiled cone
Hangeth, peak downward, overhead, like mountains overthrown
When the earthquake heaves its hugy back.

These vapors, with their leaden, golden, iron, bronzèd glows,
Where the hurricane, the waterspout, thunder, and hell repose,
Muttering hoarse dreams of destined harms,-
'Tis God who hangs their multitude amid the skiey deep,
As a warrior that suspendeth from the roof-tree of his keep
His dreadful and resounding arms!

All vanishes! The Sun, from topmost heaven precipitated,
Like a globe of iron which is tossed back fiery red
Into the furnace stirred to fume,
Shocking the cloudy surges, plashed from its impetuous ire,
Even to the zenith spattereth in a flecking scud of fire
The vaporous and inflamèd spaume.

O contemplate the heavens! Whenas the vein-drawn day dies pale,
In every season, every place, gaze through their every veil?
With love that has not speech for need!
Beneath their solemn beauty is a mystery infinite:
If winter hue them like a pall, or if the summer night
Fantasy them starre brede.
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Black shadows fall
From the lindens tall,
That lift aloft their massive wall
Against the southern sky;

And from the realms
Of the shadowy elms
A tide-like darkness overwhelms
The fields that round us lie.

But the night is fair,
And everywhere
A warm, soft vapor fills the air,
And distant sounds seem near;

And above, in the light
Of the star-lit night,
Swift birds of passage wing their flight
Through the dewy atmosphere.

I hear the beat
Of their pinions fleet,
As from the land of snow and sleet
They seek a southern lea.

I hear the cry
Of their voices high
Falling dreamily through the sky,
But their forms I cannot see.

Oh, say not so!
Those sounds that flow
In murmurs of delight and woe
Come not from wings of birds.

They are the throngs
Of the poet's songs,
Murmurs of pleasures, and pains, and wrongs,
The sound of winged words.

This is the cry
Of souls, that high
On toiling, beating pinions, fly,
Seeking a warmer clime.

From their distant flight
Through realms of light
It falls into our world of night,
With the murmuring sound of rhyme.
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Don't wait until it's too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care. Because when they're gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Memories r treasured
no1 can steal.
Parting is heartache
no1 can heal.
Sum'll 4get u wen ur gone
but i'll remember u
no matter how long..
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Softly d leaves fo memories wil fal,
i'll pick them up & gather them all,
coz 2day, 2moro & til my life is through
i'll cherish having sum1 like u!
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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Sender:Name Missing*
*Number Missing
*Sent:Date missing
*Missing U a lot thats y
everything is missing....
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Love is like a CD track
That links our hearts together
Dont ever break that CD coz
That wud break my heart too
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
All I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 me
All I wanted was sum1 who'd b there 4 me
All I ever wanted was sum1 who'd b true
All I ever wantedwas sum1 like U...
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
As days go by, my feelings get stronger,
To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer.
Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true,
Day & Night my thought r of U..
Posted 24 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Don't go for looks,
they can deceive
Don't go for wealth
even that fades away.

Go for sum1 who makes u
smile becoz only a smile makes
a dark day seem bright..
Posted 24 Feb 2009