Hi Friends, as u all know that I am a Doctor. I am qualified Practitioner of Homoeopathy. If you or anyone of your family, have some health problems and want Homeopathic treatment then you can tell me. I’ll be there for your help.
I will try to post here some information about the diseases or other problems, for your knowledge. I hope you will be like it.
Age: 124
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Bath Orthodontics
Common Questions - Answered...
What is Orthodontics? Many people have teeth, which are crooked or crowded. Orthodontics is the straightening and realigning of teeth to correct these irregularities. This aims to enhance their appearance.
Can anybody be treated? Yes, and at any age too. However, Orthodontics is most successful when carried out in children whose teeth and bones are still actively growing.
What will happen at the first appointment? The first appointment will take aprrox.15 mins. A brace will not be fitted at this appointment. We will use the time to asses your problems, the treatment plan that will be necessary and the optimum time to start treatment. We will also take in to account your concerns, your dental development and your oral hygiene.
What is a bite problem? This is when your teeth or your jaw are in the wrong position so your teeth do not line up evenly. Your upper or lower jaw might be too far forward or back, or your teeth simply too tight or far apart.
How do we carry out orthodontic treatment? This involves wearing a brace (appliance) that is specially made for you. Depending on the type, the appliance can move your teeth in to position, guide the way your jaw grows, or even widen your jaw to make room for crowded teeth. Occasionally it might be necessary to extract some teeth if your mouth is very crowded.
What are the different types of braces? There are two types of braces, fixed and removable. Different combinations of braces may be used to treat individual cases. Removable braces are used for simple treatment, and work by exerting gentle pressure. Fixed braces give more precise guidance and have brackets and bands temporarily attached to the teeth.
Will it make my teeth sore? Quite possibly, but do not be discouraged. A few hours after fitting your brace your teeth may well feel tender and sore. This discomfort may last for four to five days and a mild analgesic, such as Paracetamol, may be necessary.
Can I eat normally while wearing a brace? Yes, you can carry on eating your favorite foods, just beware of eating hard or chewy food which can damage your brace. To help keep your teeth in top condition, try to cut down on sugary food and fizzy drinks.
How do I clean my teeth? Keep brushing like you did before, but remember to brush your brace as well. Use a soft brush and toothpaste and make sure you clean every nook and cranny so your teeth and braces are spotless.
How long will treatment take? This depends on your age, your bite problem and how well your cooperate with your orthodontist. Most people need to wear a brace for about two years, but you can make a difference by looking after and wearing your braces properly. Broken braces and missed appointments will slow your treatment down.
How often do I need to visit the orthodontist? Generally your brace will need adjusting every six to eight weeks.
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
More coffee, fewer gallstones Men who drink coffee regularly have a lower risk of developing gallstones than those who do not drink coffee regularly, according to a new study published at the Harvard School of Public Health in United States.
In this study involving 46,000 men, investigators assessed the consumption of coffee and other caffeinated drinks with a follow- up period of 10 years. During this period, 1081 subjects reported symptomatic gallstone disease, of whom 885 required surgical removal of gall bladder. After adjusting for other known or suspected risk factors, the risk of symptomatic gallstone disease declined with increasing caffeine intake.
Men who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day had a 40% lower risk while those who drank 4 or more cups a day had a 45 % lower risk.
But only coffee with caffeine, which is known to stimulate contractions in the galibladder and lower cholesterol concentrations in bile, was associated with the lower risk. Caffeinated tea and soda did not have the same effect, the researchers reported.
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Effects of Microwave Cooking
Microwave ovens emit two types of radiation: the microwaves or high frequency radio waves, and the 60 hz magnetic fields common to other home appliances.The oven door is the most dangerous place for microwave leakage, but magnetic field can occur all around the oven.
Following are some of the facts relating to the effect of microwave on the food substances.
Microwaving causes adverse effects in food. They include: formation of cancer-causing substances, leakage of toxic chemicals from the packaging into the foods, and destruction of nutrients.
Summary of the Russian investigations published by the Atlantis Raising Educational Center in Portland Oregon.
Microwaving prepared meats sufficiently to insure sanitary ingestion caused formation of d-Nitrosodienthanolamines, a well known carcinogen. Microwaving milk and cereal grains converted certain of their amino acids into carcinogens. Thawing frozen fruits converted their glucoside- and galactoside- containing fractions into carcinogenic substances. Extremely short exposure of raw, cooked or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into carcinogens. Carcinogenic free radicals were formed in microwaved plants, especially root vegetables Deceased bioavailability of vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics factors in all food tested. Various kinds of damage to many plant substances, such as alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides. Possible leakage of numerous toxic chemicals from the packaging of common microwavable foods, including pizzas, french fries, popcorn etc.
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
PATHOGENIC CHANGES OBSERVED IN CONSUMERS OF MICROWAVED FOOD Changes are observed in the blood chemistries and the rates of certain diseases among consumers of microwaved foods.The following is a sample of these changes.
Lymphatic disorders were observed, leading to decreased ability to prevent certain types of cancers. An increased rate of cancer cell formation was observed in the blood Increased rates of stomach and intestinal cancers were observed. Higher rates of digestive disorders and a grandual breakdown of the systems of elimination were observed. The Russians did research on thousand of workers who had been exposed to microwaves during the development of radar in the 1950's. Their research showed health problems which they called microwave sickness. Its first signs are low blood pressure and slow pulse, the later and most common manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous system (stress syndrome) and high blood pressure. This phase also often includes headache, dizziness, eyepain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach pain, nervous tension, inability to concentrate, hair loss, plus an increased incidence of appendicitis, cataracts, reproductive problems, and cancer.
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
GENERAL EFFECTS OF MAGNETIC (60 Hz) FIELDS FROM ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES These effects have been widely studied by the russians and other European scientists and over 300 U.S. scientists.
In addition to microwave ovens, other commonly used devices may be dangerous because people use them (within field range) or work near them. The most common of these are electric stoves, TV's, VDT's (the display monitors of computers), cellular telephones, portable radio telephones, clock radios (usually placed close to the head of the bed), electric hair dryers, radar gun speed detectors, and ham radios. The list also includes residential magnetic fields from power transmission lines, distributions in the home,
The effect has to do with the source of magnetic radiation as well as the part of the body it strikes. For example, the cellular telephone and the portable radio phones both emit high magnetic fields. When in use, they ar held next to the head where the radiation strikes the pineal gland, inhibiting its production of melatonine. Melatonine is a hormone that inhibits breast cancer, among other functions.
Although microwaves heat food quickly, they are not recommended for heating a baby's bottle. The bottle may seem cool to the touch, but the liquid inside may become extremely hot and could burn the baby's mouth and throat. Also, the buildup of steam in a closed container such as a baby's bottle could cause it to explode. Heating the bottle in a microwave can cause slight changes in the milk. In infant formulas, there may be a loss of some vitamins. In expressed breast milk, some protective properties may be destroyed. Significant changes were discovered in the blood of the volunteers who consumed foods cooked in the microwave oven. These changes included a decrease in all haemoglobin values and cholesterol values, especially the HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol) values and ratio. Lymphocytes (white blood cells) showed a more distinct short-term decrease following the intake of microwaved food. Each of these indicators point in a direction away from robust health and toward degeneration.
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Origin of Microwave Cooking ovens
The microwave cooking ovens were originally researched and developed by the Nazis for use by the mobile support operations for the invasion of the Soviet Union. It was used for the preparation of meals on the mas scale. It helped in elimenating the problem of cooking fuels and the convenience of producing edible products in a greatly reduced time-factor. After the close of World War II, the Allies discovered the medical research and documentation concerning these apparatuses. These documents and the experimental microwave equipment was transferred to the U. S. War Department, and classified for reference and scientific investigation. The Soviet Union also retrieved some of the devices, and proceeded to undertake experimentation on a separate basis.
The Russians have been the most diligent in their research on the biological effects of microwave ovens, and have outlawed their use, and have also issued an international warning concerning the possible biological and environmental damage that can be caused by the use of this and similar-frequency electronic apparatus.
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Use of Microwaves
There are many devices in use, that generate microwaves and other radio frequency electromagnetic (RFEM) fields (3 kHz to 300 GHz). Important applications of RFEM energy are radio and television broadcasting, point-to-point microwave radio (long-distance telephone and data transmission), mobile radio including cellular telephone, paging and radio dispatch, ship to shore radio, amateur radio, and citizen's band radio, navigation (ship and aircraft), and radar (military and civilian use for detection and guidance, flight surveillance around airports, weather surveillance and prediction, traffic speed control). Applications in the home (cooking), industry (sealing and drying), and medicine (diagnosis and treatment).
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
What happens to Food in Microwave ?
Microwave ovens emit two types of radiation: the microwaves or high frequency radio waves, and the 60 hz magnetic fields. Atoms, molecules and cells hit by this hard electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100 billion times a second. There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power.
Microwaves violently vibrate the water molecules in food, thus creating internal friction and heating the food from the inside out, while other forms of heat, including the sun do not create friction heat in Organic substances. The radiation, created by Microwaves, results in the destruction and deformation of food molecules, plus the formation of new radiolytic compounds, which are substances, that are formed through the subjection to radiation. These compounds occur much more, when food is cooked with microwaves, than food, that is cooked by conventional means. Researchers are still trying to determine the long-term effects of these Radiolytic compounds.
Is it possible, that we are ignorantly sacrificing Health on the altar of convenience?
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Irradiation of Food
Irradiation of food has been approved in 37 countries for more than 40 products. The radiation of interest in food preservation is ionizing radiation, also known as irradiation. These shorter wavelengths are capable of damaging microorganisms such as those that contaminate food or cause food spoilage and deterioration. Irradiation is known as a cold process. It does not significantly increase the temperature or change the physical or sensory characteristics of most foods.
Food is irradiated to provide the same benefits as when it is processed by heat, refrigeration, freezing or treated with chemicals to destroy insects, fungi or bacteria that cause food to spoil or cause human disease and to make it possible to keep food longer and in better condition in warehouses and homes.
Because irradiation destroys disease causing bacteria and reduces the incidence of food borne illness, hospitals sometimes use irradiation to sterilize food for immuno-compromised patients. Irradiated foods are wholesome and nutritious. All known methods of food processing and even storing food at room temperature for a few hours after harvesting can lower the content of some nutrients, such as vitamins. At low doses of radiation, nutrient losses are either not measurable or are not significant. At the higher doses used to extend shelf-life or control harmful bacteria, nutritional losses are less than or about the same as cooking and freezing. As in the heat pasteurization of milk, the irradiation process greatly reduces but does not eliminate all bacteria. Irradiated poultry, for example, still requires refrigeration, but would be safe longer than untreated poultry. Strawberries that have been irradiated will last two to three weeks in the refrigerator compared to only a few days for untreated berries.
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Irradiation does not make food radioactive.
Eating irradiated food does not present long-term health risks. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved irradiation for eliminating insects from wheat, potatoes, flour, spices, tea, fruits, and vegetables. Irradiation also can be used to control sprouting and ripening. Approval was given in 1985 to use irradiation on pork to control trichinosis. Using irradiation to control Salmonella and other harmful bacteria in chicken, turkey, and other fresh and frozen uncooked poultry was approved in May 1990.
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Potential food irradiation uses Type of food Effect of Irradiation Meat, poultry Destroys pathogenic fish organisms, such as Salmonella, Clostridium botulinum, and Trichinae Perishable foods Delays spoilage; retards mold growth; reduces number of microorganisms Grain, fruit Controls insect vegetables, infestation dehydrated fruit, spices and seasonings Onions, carrots, potatoes, garlic, ginger Inhibits sprouting Bananas, mangos,papayas, guavas, other non-citrus fruits Delays ripening avocados, natural juices. Grain, fruit Reduces rehydration time
Other uses of Irradiation - In addition to cancer treatment, irradiation is used for many purposes, including: performing security checks on hand luggage at airports, making tires more durable, sterilizing manure for gardens, making non-stick cookware coatings, purifying wool, sterilizing medical products like surgical gloves, and destroying bacteria in cosmetics.
Since 1986, all irradiated products must carry the international symbol called a radura, which resembles a stylized flower.
Microwave radiation similar to kind used in the cellular phones may cause long term memory loss. This has been shown to happen in rats by researchers. This study was conducted by Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington.
The cell phone industry itself funded 27 million dollar study to look into possible health risks, especially cancer, but the results were inconclusive.
Experts suggest that the cellphone addicts leave the antennas down whenever possible and also suggesting the industry to design sets with the antennas pointing backwards.
July 03, 2002
Recent studies have shown that brain's response time speeds up when people are exposed to radio frequency signals from mobiles phones.
Other research from Sweden and Switzerland has indicated that radiation from mobile phone calls disturbs sleep.
In a study not yet published in scientific literature, Swedish professors Lennart Hardell and Kjell Hansson Mild found that people who had used analog mobile phones for up to 10 years had a 26 percent higher risk of brain cancer than a control sample. These finding are based largely on a previous generation of mobile phones, many of which were installed in cars with aerials on the roof, and which emitted signals continuously, unlike the latest, digital phones.
The World Health Organization (WHO) said last week that more research was needed before damage to health could be ruled out.
Age: 124
7849 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Cell phone Radiation has effect on human cells
The study at Finland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) found that exposure to radiation from cellular phones can cause increased activity in hundreds of proteins in human cells grown in a laboratory.
The study found that a protein called hsp27 linked to the functioning of the blood-brain barrier showed increased activity due to irradiation and pointed to a possibility that such activity could make the shield (blood -brain barrier) more permeable.
Darius Leszczynski headed this two year study. At present it is not possible to speculate on what kind of health risks that could pose, but said a French study indicated that headache, fatigue and sleep disorders could result.
Age: 125
7102 days old here
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United States, United States
Hi Doc! I have a concern...I want to loose weight, i tried so many diets and all fabs out there bt not able to loose pounds..pls give me sum suggestions ... I will luv u till death if u actually tell me how to loose these xtra pounds! srus! u can either pm me r mail me...@[email protected] thanks
Age: 125
7496 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
hey queen victoria...do you know any good psychiatrist in Islamabad............ mujay apnay chootay bahi ko dekhna hai............woe normal act nahi kartaaa..........today i found drugs in his pocket....mai nai apnay father ko batayaaa ore they start beating him..............jub ussay maar paar rahi thi ...i saw his eyes....woe kisi normal insaan ki aankheen nahi thi.........and i found that he hates us a lot.
when we don't ask him ...kay late kue ayee ya ye harkat kue ki tub woe normal act karta hai ..haar kisi sei bateen ..magar jub hum usay een kamoo sei rooktay hain tu woe bohot bura react kartay hai...
Please tell me only if you konw any good psychiatrist ....agar net sei search kar kay batana hai tu please leave it...