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Age: 124
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How to Resist Aging Process   ;
It is posible for human beings to accelerate Aging of the body systems under unhealthy envoronment. Simillarly we can prolong the efficiency of our body systems and Resist Aging by taking care of stressful conditions. Some of the well known measures that are usefull to our body in resisting Aging are mentioned below :
Exercise : Tests prove that men who regularly and strenuously work out can reduce their cholesterol levels as much as 27 percent below those of inactive males. This translates into better cardiovascular and respiratory activity, but it also affects bone mass, digestion, rest and attitude. The exercise to be effective should help in burning as much as 3,000 calories a week above the "normal sedentary baseline." That means jogging about four miles five times a week — a lot of exercise
Age: 124
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Walking briskly for half an hour three times a week does help reduce blood pressure, but rigorous exercise is "the single most important anti-aging measure anyone can follow, regardless of age, disability or general level of fitness,".
Diet : Diet is the next most important aspect of aging. Consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables halves the likelihood of some cancers and lowers the odds of developing Heart Disease, Diabetes and Gastrointestenal diseases. Abandoning high-fat foods for low-fat reduces Cholesterol and Blood pressure. Five servings a day of fruit and vegetables are recommended, and two to four serving of low-fat dairy products for calcium, with daily cholesterol intake limited to 300 milligrams. Multivitamins should be taken regularly to correct the natural deficiencies in older people of vitamins B6, B12,nd D, and Folic Acid and calcium.
Age: 124
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Older men are prone to dehydration and need six to eight glasses a day to keep the system running smoothly and efficiently. Smoking has no place in healthy life style, since it increases the risk of congestive heart failure, Lung Cancer and other problems. Alcohol is permitted, but only one glass of wine or one drink of spirits a day and any thing more than that is certainly unacceptable. Excessive exposure to the sun is blamed for deterioration of eyes and of skin, both cosmetically and in terms of cancer risk.
Stress : Stress hampers the immune system and so should be avoided. Again, exercise is sited as an antidote to stress, and as a spur to increased mental activity. Regularly challenging the mind can improve reaction time, a problem with older people, and help counteract short-term memory loss.
Age: 124
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Cholesterol Lowering Foods
It is claimed that dozens of foods have a cholesterol lowering effect. But there is nothing like a migic food. Most of them need to be eaten in multuple servings to be of any effect. Seafood: Though some studies found that fatty fish, like salmon and sardines, lower total and blood vessel-damaging LDL cholesterol levels (often called the "bad" cholesterol), this has been disputed by others. Still, eating fish a couple times a week is a better choice than a saturated-fat-rich piece of steak.
Garlic: Garlic which had a reputation of being a cholesterol lowering effect has got a lot of bad press when two well-designed studies found that ingesting the equivalent of one to one and a half cloves a day, taken as supplements, didn't make a dent in total or LDL cholesterol, nor did it affect cholesterol metabolism. While some experts still claim that whole garlic cloves may reduce cholesterol levels, critics like Dr. Tu Nguyen, assistant professor of medicine at the Mayo Medical School, are unequivocal. "Garlic's been well studied," Dr. Nguyen says, "and it doesn't lower cholesterol."
Age: 124
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Beans: Lima, kidney, black beans and other legumes are loaded with soluble fiber that can help curb cholesterol levels. Studies have found that eating 1½ cups of cooked beans a day can cause significant dips in total and LDL cholesterol levels. "Beans figure prominently in lowering cholesterol," says Cyndi Reeser, lead nutritionist at George Washington University Lipid Research Center. "I highly recommend them several times a week, if not daily."
Nuts: Nuts are loaded with fat and calories. Yet, in several studies, eating 2 to 4 ounces a day significantly reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels. Scientists speculate these benefits may come from poly- and monounsaturated fats, which can lower cholesterol when substituted for saturated fat, and several phytochemicals, like plant sterols, that can inhibit cholesterol absorption. However, "We rarely encourage eating nuts because they're too easy to overeat," says Streicher.
Age: 124
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Mushroom - a health tonic
Protein content of mushroom is very close to milk, soyabean and animal food. They contain all essential amino acids. Some of the mushrooms are rich in lysine and tryhptophan. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Mushrooms are rich in folic acid, vitamin B12 and iron. One third of iron found in mushrooms is present in available form. Thus they are good for anaemic patients. They are low in sugar content and thus are good for diabetics. Being low in carbohydrate and fat and high in protein and vitamins, mushrooms form ideal item for those who want to loose weight. Mushroom proteins are digested easily and thus are good for children and elderly. They also contain Vitamin C and D and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and iron. These are good for bone formation. Some mushroom extracts have shown cholesterol lowering effects. Mushroom or Manchurian tea is considered a very healthy drink. This is made from a type of mushroom which originated in the Russian region of Kargasok, where most of the people lived well over hundred years. It is also claimed that this tea lowers high blood pressure, prevents premature wrinkling of skin. Mushroom extracts induce interferom formation which plays a crucial role in the defense mechanism against viral infection. Mushroom extract also has high amount of retene that has an antagonistic effect on some tumours.
Age: 124
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Turmeric contains curcumin and an essential oil. Dry rhizomes yield 5.8 per cent essential oil, while the fresh ones yield 0.24 per cent oil containing zingiberine.
As per ancient literature, turmeric has many beneficial properties. Turmeric is being currently evaluated for its anti-cancer properties as curcumin has been shown to inhibit tumours of the skin and colon when administered in the early stages of carcinogenesis.
It has intestinal antiseptic properties. Dry powder of turmeric with butter milk or water is supposed to be helpful for chronic diarrhea and flatulence.
For Worm infestations -- a table spoon of juice of turmeric with a pinch of salt in the morning.
For Anemia -- a teaspoon of raw turmeric mixed with honey.
Bronchial Asthma -- A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk, twice or thrice daily is very effective.
Chronic cough and throat irritation -- half teaspoon of turmeric mixed with small amount of milk is beneficial.
Age: 124
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Sprains -- For sprains or the swellings caused by sprains, turmeric paste mixed with lime and salt can be applied.
Boils -- application of turmeric paste to the boils speeds up the healing process and ripens the boils.
Skin diseases like ringworms and scabies - juice of turmeric is applied on the affected part. Turmeric juice mixed with honey should also be taken orally.
Turmeric is extensively used is a spice. It imparts flavor and yellow colour to curries.
Its also used as a coloring matter for confectionary, food and pharmacy industries.
Turmeric is an important ingredient of herbal cosmetics. It is used in face packs and helps improve complexion.
Blemishes, Pimples -- Paste made of powder of turmeric with equal quantity of white sandal, orange peel, majeeth and rose leaves is helpful.
Chronic Pruritus & Urticaria -- Powder of equal quantity of turmeric, amla and sugar - to take 1 gram twice a day for a couple of weeks.
Turmeric is a household first aid for cuts and bruises.
Curcumin - the main active constituent of turmeric has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic effects. It is known to have anti allergic, carminative, diuretic and anti oxidant properties.
Age: 124
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Fruits and Vegetables Still a Good Bet Against Cancer One of the mantras of modern health advice is that a diet high in fruits and vegetables is key to preventing cancer. So far, though, studies have been unable to pinpoint the responsible agents. For example, recent clinical trials of supplemental beta-carotene, pegged as one of the most promising anticancer nutrients, failed to show any benefit .
A study in the March 20 Journal of the National Cancer Institute may help clarify the relationship between some nutrients and cancer prevention. Researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo interviewed nearly 300 premenopausal women with breast cancer and a similar number of cancer-free women about their consumption of 172 foods over the previous two years. Looking specifically at fruits, vegetables, and several of their nutritional components, the researchers found a strong protective effect against breast cancer for vegetables in general as well as for diets rich in vitamins C and E, folic acid, alpha- and beta-carotene, and dietary fiber. Fruit consumption didn't have as strong an effect. Interestingly, these components appeared to provide protection only when eaten as part of a regular diet; supplements offered no benefit.
No one nutrient will be a magic bullet
This study suggests that if you want to reduce your risk of cancer, the best approach is to eat more fruits and vegetables. The value of supplements is still in question, at least in warding off cancer.
Age: 124
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Effect of Fats on Cholesterol levelsFa
A study in New England Journal of Medicine looked at how harder, processed fats such as stick margarine, butter and lard affect cholesterol levels when compared with softer products like tub margarine and oil. The softer products were found to be healthier because the harder ones have more of what are called trans fatty acids, which raise cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Trans fatty acids are created during a production process called hydrogenation, which transforms vegetable oil into a more solid substance so that it will resist spoiling.
In the study, 18 women and 18 men over 50 were each fed one of six diets for five weeks. Each diet provided 30 percent of calories from fat. Participants were given either soybean oil, semiliquid margarine, soft margarine, shortening, stick margarine or butter. Participants eventually were fed all six diets, and the researchers measured the effects on their cholesterol levels after each five-week period.
Age: 124
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Researchers checked the participants' levels of two opposing cholesterol forces in the bloodstream: LDL, or bad, cholesterol, which can clog arteries, and HDL, or good, cholesterol, which protects against heart disease.
People who consumed soybean oil reduced their levels of LDL cholesterol by an average of 12 percent compared with those who ate butter. Those given semiliquid margarine lowered their levels 11 percent. Among those who ate soft margarine, the level dropped 9 percent, and for shortening, the level fell 7 percent. Those who ate stick margarine reduced their LDL cholesterol only 5 percent. Conversely, those who ate the softer fats had smaller reductions in HDL cholesterol.
Age: 124
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Salad Dressing Good for Heart
Home Medi News Medical Tidbits Interesting Topics Diseases/Conditions Medical Wonders Alternative Systems Nutrition Exercise Obesity Osteoporosis Cardiac Care Stroke HIV Update HIV Infection Alzheimer's News Parkinson's News Snake Bite Lighter Moments Ask a Question The next time you have a salad, pour some oil-based salad dressing on it. Researchers say regular consumption of salad dressing actually may be good for your heart. A new study published in the May issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that oil and vinegar salad dressing is an important source of alpha-linolenic acid, a polyunsaturated fat shown to have heart-healthy benefits. Researchers at Harvard University in Boston followed 76,283 women over a 10-year period. The study participants had never been diagnosed with heart disease or cancer. When the study began in 1984, women were asked how often they consumed 116 foods. During the study, 232 women died and 597 women developed heart disease. Mayonnaise, creamy salad dressings and oil and vinegar dressings were the most common source of alpha-linolenic acid in the study, researchers say.
Age: 124
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"A higher intake of oil and vinegar salad dressing, an important source of alpha-linolenic acid, was associated with a reduced risk of fatal ischemic heart disease when women who consumed this food five to six or more times a week were compared with those who rarely consumed this food," researchers write. There also was a slightly lower risk of fatal heart disease associated with a higher consumption of creamy salad dressings and mayonnaise, study results showed. Fat-free salad dressings, very popular among women, may not provide the healthy types of fat the body needs. Researchers say the study raises "concern about widespread use of fat-free salad dressings, which has eliminated an important source of alpha-linolenic acid ... in the U.S. diet."
Age: 124
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Can You Delay Ageing ?
Ageing was once thought to be an irreversible process. No, it isn't. You can delay ageing. Yes You can do it. The stress should not be on mearly adding years to life rather on adding life to years by active and happy ageing. Scientists have been exploring the secrets of biological processes that affect ageing of living beings.
The measures that affect various body processes and have bearing on the health of an individual, in turn effect the Ageing process.
Calorie intake: Total calories should preferably be kept on the lower side keeping in mind the lipid profile.
Exercise: Exercise has a very important role in the general well being of an individual.
Age: 124
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Stress Management in day to day work. The age old Indian Joint family system is a biggest source of Moral, Physical and Economic support to an individual. It acts like a great buffer. Also environmental Stress like Strong Heat, Strong Light, Exposure to Pollution has effect on health.
Supplementation of vitamins especially Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-Carotene,Chromium. Fibers, minerals, trace elements and other Anti-oxidants.
Ideal Body weight.
Checking of active and passive smoking. Tobacco in whatever form is injurious to health.
Vegetarian Diet
Role of Hormones: Hormone replacement in women after menopause. Lately role of Melatonin,Growth hormone have been claimed to be beneficial.
Age: 124
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Lahore, Pakistan
Grapes as Cancer Fighting Food !!
Great Grapes? The latest candidate in the quest for cancer-fighting foods or nutrients is a chemical in grapes that researchers say prevents cell-damaging mutations, blocks the development of tumors, and inhibits the growth and spread of cancer—at least in mice. Like many medical research findings, the discovery that the chemical, known as resveratrol, has anti-cancer properties makes intriguing news, but it's still too soon to recommend that anyone start imbibing wine or gobbling grapes as a way to stave off the disease, experts say.
Resveratrol is one of several hundred compounds being studied for their cancer-fighting potential, and a number of these occur naturally in foods. In addition to grapes, resveratrol is found in at least 70 species of plants, including peanuts and mulberries, according to the report in the January 10 Science.
Age: 124
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So far, the experiments by University of Illinois scientists show that resveratrol inhibited cancer development in mouse cells in laboratory dishes and reduced the number of skin tumors in mice without causing any obvious toxic reactions. If it still shows promise after additional tests in animals, it eventually could be tested in people, although that is likely to be years away, Dr. Greenwald says.
Until then, the wisest approach is to stick with the NCI's recommendation to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, including grapes. And, while an occasional glass of wine probably won't hurt and may in fact be healthful , these findings aren't an endorsement to start drinking if you don't already.