Janubaba Story

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Age: 37
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Police State, Pakistan
okie a couple of friends and i were playing a game last night, it was really funny, we were falling off my sofa laughing, it's like a never ending story, each time you re-ply to this topic you add a little to the story,

so i'll start

One sip on a time, a young Prince called Fragi was walking down the street when he see's a beautfull....
Posted 28 Aug 2004

cow...its love at first sight...fragi is speechless, nothing of da sort has ever happened to him...
Posted 29 Aug 2004

Asian says
With so much love and despration, he see's a chair and bucket and sits down next to the cow, He bends over and begins to squeez milk out of the cow when he turns to see TEENTRACKER runing towards him with an Angery look on his face...........hehehehe
Posted 29 Aug 2004

~CHANDNI~ says

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------

Lots Of Love,
(¨`·.·´¨) Alwayz
`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨) Keep
(¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ Smiling!

Posted 29 Aug 2004

Asian says
luckly the king of jb land was on hand as he was riding along on his trusted steed, A donkey=ghada hehehehe called George
Posted 30 Aug 2004

Rain Man says
but no body knew that cow was Asian her self
Posted 30 Aug 2004

and Yas knows all this bcoz he was the horse standing at a distance surveying da whole situation...
Posted 30 Aug 2004

Rain Man says
and then sunz woke up n realised it was a dream cuz Yas was no horse he was a Playa...cuz Yas was pointin a gun at sunz when she woke up n the first words came out of sunz mouth were "Wow its simpleee Yas, who's about to shoot me, imma die a happy person"
Posted 30 Aug 2004

WAFA says
BUT SUDDENLY WAFA CAME..AND SNATCHED THE GUN FROM YAS'S HANDS AND SAID "yas! u lil baby! bachay gunz kay saath nahin kehltey juss go to ur bed n dont forget to drink bournvita
Posted 30 Aug 2004

Rain Man says
n even before wafa can finish her sentance Yas kicks her out of the window, she falls on the ground n dies on the spot...so now no more wafa n it is reality no dream

bye bye wafa no story for u
Posted 30 Aug 2004

WAFA says
dream on baby
u need to grow up for this
Posted 30 Aug 2004

suddenly Asian Rose her her and said mooooooo

Yas put his gun back in holester and said I cleaned one more swamp from this planet,Sunzzz said you killed WAFA Asian again said moooo
Posted 30 Aug 2004

Asian says
o thanklz guys if i'am not a vampire bunny , i'am a bloody cow, i need to change my friends,

Yas got confused because their was a princess standing next to the cow called Asian , suddenly an arkward silence drew near as the sound of screams were coming out of a forest, both the cow and TT horse hit the ground with a thud, both were dead, asian and sunnz stood their looking deep into the forest as YAS-D jumped into TT'S arm shouting "hi meai margayie" , a figure appeared something was drawing near....     
Posted 30 Aug 2004

Oh No that mad cow again named ASIAN with a hairy goatess Sunnzz Butcher Addi and Yas are sahrpening their waepons to slaughter and Yas Said we gonna have a Tikka Party....
Posted 30 Aug 2004

Asian says
TeenTrack screams and wakes up in his bed in a cold sweat, he was DREAMING , he gets up to splash his face with cold water and then starts to make a cup of coffie, he turns and looks to see someone standing on his balcony, to deep red eyes stairing at him, the thing went for him, as the thing came closer TT could see its yas-D, but this was a zombie yas-D wearing a pink tu tu, Yas tried to bite TT, as TT was on the floor crying for help, all of a sudden Sunzz burst into the room and fires a shot gun through Yas-d head "astar-bestara-baby".........
Posted 30 Aug 2004

WAFA says
NOW THIS IS NOT FAIR i dun wanna die right now dev change ur script else me BHATAKTEE ATTMA will come to finish u all
Posted 30 Aug 2004

Rain Man says
well as u can see wafa sunz already killed me...i'm dead n chillaxin in heaven...

but before Yas died, he snatched all four Legs from Asian cow and gave em to TT so later on he can make paya salan...after all Asian was the COW PRINCESS
Posted 30 Aug 2004

TT said my frnd Yas what happend to u who did this to you.His Relaxing Soul said Asian Cow is behind all that.TT screamed Fragi I am sorry i misunderstood u but Asian gonna pay for that.Wafa dont your case will be prosecuted under court of JB KI RANI
Posted 31 Aug 2004

Rain Man says
and the mystery begins when Yas-Dz soul started lookin for a new body to get in...hoo hooo hahahaha
Posted 31 Aug 2004

Asian says
yet again TT work up. a dream again? o well he went to work and sat at his computer only to finrf he had been fired from his job, his boss wafa diddent like the colour of his tie , sitting outside on some steps TT looked up to see a beautfull stunning girl wish soft lips and a warm smile with big brown eyes.......TT asked whats your name? she replyed my name is.........

p.s as all of this is taking place Yas-d enters Pamala Andersons body    
Posted 31 Aug 2004

is london_ki_hoor and dont wanna go on date u with U TT.
TT with broken heart move to addi who was TUN in bear bar and tell him the whole story.Addi offers him a pag.TT
takes a sip and suddenly door of bar opened and ....
Posted 31 Aug 2004

Asian says
Showed a new Audi TT roadster , TT was over joyed and decided to take it for a spin, as TT was racing past he felt over joyed to pass so many cars, he diddent know how far he got when he reached a beach area, cruzing along the beach TT got drenched with sand as Asian went roaring past In a Black Ferrari Enzo, She zoomed past and pulled up in front of TT, wined the window down and smiled ......
Posted 31 Aug 2004

tt got scared..tt got out of the car and started to run and saw sunzz come running from the opposite direction...wondering y tt stopped...
Posted 31 Aug 2004

Rain Man says
Yas-D gets in pamela anderson's body with a big smile...now don't u wonder why ne ways Asian is a retarded cow who doesn't know wat shez sayin because Yas killed wafa a while ago...so its time for TT to take Asian to Animal Hospital n since sunz was comin from other direction so TT stopped n took her to animal hospital too, so both of them can back to their senses...
Posted 01 Sep 2004

In Hospital Dr. said TT you are late "ab in ko dawa ki nahin dua ki zaroorat hay" MadCow Asian was thinking that she is FERARI but actually it was VESPA.

Yas is enjoying in his new body.WAFA ghost is wandering like "Bhataktee AATMA" in hospital.Suddenly a scream come from Hospital .....

Posted 01 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
n that scream clears out every thing...doctor comes out n says...Asian n Sunz are no more...they're dead for good...but since it was a very famous hospital of london so SRK was also their for his check up n then Yas jumps out of Pamela's body n gets in SRK's body...n then walks uo to the dead bodies of Asian n Sunz n burn em out side...

TT standin in the corner says...finally its all over virus infected ASIAN COW is dead along with virus infected SUNZ the roach

come to think of it, it wasn't even a dream...so these two are gone forever
Posted 01 Sep 2004

And both have a Cool party at Club Asia with Kareena Kapoor At last Asian menace was over and threat against world peace Adian and Sunzzz are gone.When ever World calls Virus Killers TT and YAS always there...

Posted 01 Sep 2004

Rain Man says
yup TT n YAS killed the virust infection animals, wafa, asian n sunz in notime...n that too in their own game now if they make up something kiddish...we don't care...we've done our jobs
Posted 01 Sep 2004

its party time yuppyyyy.....
Posted 01 Sep 2004

Asian says
Yet, what did the little peeons know , Sunzz and Asian arose , unburnt undead and angery for revenge , TT and yas spent the night partying away till 4.30 in the morning , As yas came stumbling out of the Club , two dark shadows stood on the other side of the bilding . Asian aimed her shot gun at Yas and smiled but sunzz grabed her arm and shouted "No" he's mine , Asian loweres he shot gun and stood smiling, Sunzz came down onto the street and stood infront of Yas , Yas being to tired diddent put up much of a fight , Sunzz tied Yas up and put him to be sold on E-bay , he still remains unsold . mean while Asian was following TT home........
Posted 01 Sep 2004

TT is totally drunk he doesn't know where he is going and asian was catching up with him...on the other hand yas was sold to an 80 year old woman to do her house work so sunzz decided to go after Asian and help her out in tracking down TT....
Posted 01 Sep 2004

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