Age: 125
7956 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I want to believe you when you say you love me
I want to believe you when you say you care,
But it gets harder every time I look around
And find you're not standing there.
It's hard when I want to believe you love me
And I wake up to realize it's a lie,
It's even harder to soothe my aching heart
When a man ain't supposed to cry.
Someone once told me I'd get over you,
That I'd no longer be your backup plan,
Seems crazy, sometimes, when I think about it
Knowing I was supposed to have been your man.
I want to believe that things will be okay
That, somehow, we'll work things through,
But my mind's got no reason, nor my heart any hope
To believe we can start anew.
I want to believe you when you share your dreams
But it's funny how dreams, they deceive,
Even the wisest of men who have walked this earth
Oh God, how I want to believe.