Did u...

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Age: 124
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Did u ever notice when ppl are drunk they tend to be truthful..If u ever wanna see the real person behind the mask...talk to them when they're drunk...its real interesting[;)]
Posted 12 Jun 2003

Mani says
it only happens in movies kiddo
Posted 12 Jun 2003

sharara says
true.. nly in movies
Posted 12 Jun 2003

TheChik says
umm....not quite
Posted 13 Jun 2003

Night says
U've been drunk and tell everyone that you are an actually male not chick?
Posted 13 Jun 2003

SaPnA says
Posted 13 Jun 2003

TheChik says
Hmm..i guess this forum isnt so great afterall...Where did all the mature people go? :/ ?
Posted 13 Jun 2003

SaPnA says
in mature section...lol
Posted 13 Jun 2003

Cute_gal says
lolz....good one sapna...:p
Posted 14 Jun 2003

~Fragi~ says
hehehe where is mature section
Posted 14 Jun 2003

sharara says
hey mature is where ull find all of us squabbling :D
ie evrywhere... so chill chik.. we just pull each others legs.. but we r not so bad.. talk to me if u like
Posted 15 Jun 2003

jag says
Yeah saw few ppl drunk, they don't tell truth but all they say is what they want coz u can't do anything as they are drunk :p
Posted 15 Jun 2003

PumpKin says
Posted 15 Jun 2003

PumpKin says

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Posted 15 Jun 2003

jag says
err! wot does that suppose to mean here?
Posted 15 Jun 2003

Night says
bcoz Pumpkin is drunk right now....he3x....

Well..Chik...I suppose you are a very mature person... may be you can share your maturity to me.
Posted 15 Jun 2003

sharara says
well admin.. u do it too? i mean get away wiht things?
Posted 15 Jun 2003

Night says
he does?
Posted 17 Jun 2003

WAS says
U know guys i love it when a person is drunk, you can tel them to their face what a p*onk*r they are and the next day when u are confronted, tel'em they wer drunk and mis heard ya [:D]
Posted 18 Jun 2003

sanam411 says
Posted 18 Jun 2003

sharara says
LOL nice theory...
Posted 19 Jun 2003

TheChik says
yep drunk section but no mature section...Janubaba must have been an interesting guy...;)

Hey how come i cant put any smilies in my replies??
Posted 20 Jun 2003

Night says
You don't have to put it if you can just type it :) :) :)

Interesting guy....ehem... Janubaba is not the only one.
Posted 20 Jun 2003

sharara says
chik.. mustve been means? jb is still here

and night.. how many intresting guys r u reffering to?
Posted 21 Jun 2003

Night says
my finger pointed to ME....lol....kidding, I'm sure many.... they are hiding.....they'll show up .....
Posted 21 Jun 2003

sharara says
yeah.. well im waiting and keeping my eyes open...
Posted 22 Jun 2003

PumpKin says
unless you fall a sleep shary :-p
Posted 23 Jun 2003

Night says
keep waiting ...and searching.
Posted 23 Jun 2003

WAS says
Did sum1 call me?? i heard interesting and guy, fits my description perfect. Btw night wher do u fit in all of this???
Posted 23 Jun 2003

sharara says
pumpkin: im not sleeping.. im awake...

Night: u do the seach.. the wait was over

WAS : noone called u.. and where does who fit?
Posted 24 Jun 2003

Night says
ufff.... I'm tired...... we'll do the search later.

And WAS... I'm not interesting for you.....as you are not interesting to me... I'm not gay :P

I only interesting to girls.
Posted 28 Jun 2003

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