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Age: 124
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Did u ever notice when ppl are drunk they tend to be truthful..If u ever wanna see the real person behind the mask...talk to them when they're drunk...its real interesting[;)]
Posted 12 Jun 2003

sharara says
LOL night
Posted 29 Jun 2003

Night says
hi there!! how are you ;-)
Posted 30 Jun 2003

sharara says
night im not feeling well and im miserable
Posted 02 Jul 2003

Posted 03 Jul 2003

Night says
Transfer your misery to Untouchable!!!!!! ;-) or just give it to me,
Posted 04 Jul 2003

Originally posted by Night

Transfer your misery to Untouchable!!!!!! ;-) or just give it to me,


Posted 04 Jul 2003

sharara says
lol.. night ure soo sweet.. and untouchable.. jhoote monh bhi nahi bola :(
Posted 05 Jul 2003

Night says
lol.... I'm not as sweet as sugar...
Untouchtable need misery...give it to her!!!! I'm sure she won't mind, right touchy???
Posted 05 Jul 2003

Originally posted by Night

lol.... I'm not as sweet as sugar...
Untouchtable need misery...give it to her!!!! I'm sure she won't mind, right touchy???


Posted 05 Jul 2003

Night says
she don't mind.......
Posted 06 Jul 2003

sharara says
Posted 06 Jul 2003

Originally posted by sharara


Posted 06 Jul 2003

Night says
lol.... I think I like that face that untouchable made... she always made that kind of face....
Posted 08 Jul 2003

Originally posted by Night

lol.... I think I like that face that untouchable made... she always made that kind of face....

Posted 08 Jul 2003

yesh yesh
Posted 08 Jul 2003

sharara says
Posted 08 Jul 2003

Originally posted by sharara


kya huwa?
Posted 08 Jul 2003

Night says
what is it with Sharara??
Posted 12 Jul 2003

i dunno....?
Posted 12 Jul 2003

Night says
well... you are girl... you can do a clever find out than me.... may be she's having girls's problem.... you go ask her.
Posted 13 Jul 2003


sharara what wrong?

u can tell me...?
Posted 13 Jul 2003

Night says
Lol.... not working, touchy??
Posted 16 Jul 2003


she is not answering....

u should try...


try maro...

then we will c...

Posted 16 Jul 2003

Night says
lol...well.. may be she's busy and don't want to disturb. Just wait and see.....I'm not good in this girlish thing ;D

Are you okey Sharara???
Posted 17 Jul 2003

she will not answer ur ques

Posted 17 Jul 2003

Night says
how come you be so sure Touchy?? :-D
Does it written on my head?? "She won't answer" with red letter.. lol. well...do you know why she won't answer?? aaahh you talked with her behind my back.....achaaa.... you girls!!!!
Posted 18 Jul 2003

i know everything..
Posted 18 Jul 2003

Night says
aahhhh..... this is a surprise..... I'm talking with a girl who knows everything,lol...... tell me about "everything"...cmon.... :D
Posted 18 Jul 2003

what do u want to know?

ask and i will tell...

ask ask
Posted 19 Jul 2003

Night says
let me think the questionsssssss...
Posted 20 Jul 2003

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