Did u...

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 11
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Did u ever notice when ppl are drunk they tend to be truthful..If u ever wanna see the real person behind the mask...talk to them when they're drunk...its real interesting[;)]
Posted 12 Jun 2003



me is waitin...

for ur questions
Posted 21 Jul 2003

Night says
okey...question no 1 :

What is the color of my t-shirt right now???
Posted 22 Jul 2003


with...black lines...

Posted 22 Jul 2003

Rain Man says
lil chick REAL life is different then REEL life, beta...chalo baahir jake khelo [shoot]
Posted 23 Jul 2003

Night says
nope...wrong touchy!! I wear no t-shirt!!!!!!! :P

What you want to say Ayesha|Khan Fanatic?? I think your statement is for Untouchable???
Posted 24 Jul 2003

Rain Man says
actually no, its for TheChick, can't u see me puttin her name in my previous post... "lil chick"
Posted 24 Jul 2003

Night says
aha.... hey touchy, respons to him/her?
Posted 24 Jul 2003

Night says
well... untouchable also "Little Chick"....lol...sorry for misunderstanding :)
Posted 24 Jul 2003

PumpKin says
what is reel life ????????
Posted 24 Jul 2003

Rain Man says
no problem, its all good

and reel life is the movie life
Posted 24 Jul 2003

Posted 24 Jul 2003

Night says
humm? Where is the "I know Everyting"??? :P
Posted 31 Jul 2003

Night says

Image Insert:

5.9 KB
Posted 31 Jul 2003

Posted 31 Jul 2003

Night says
want some pizza ??
Posted 01 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
4 slices please
Posted 01 Aug 2003

me 2
Posted 01 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
and extra cheese.....
Posted 03 Aug 2003


luv cheese...

Posted 03 Aug 2003

Night says
cheese...what else???
extra topping???
Posted 04 Aug 2003


i am goin to engalnd today....

Posted 04 Aug 2003

i will not come online for 3 weeks...


Posted 04 Aug 2003

Night says
ohhh.......thats bad news....you give me bad news today.....
Have fun...okey...
Posted 07 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
hey touchy...
big hi for prince william !
Posted 14 Aug 2003

lol...for the queen too...
Posted 21 Aug 2003

lol...for the queen too...
Posted 21 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
where r u????????
Posted 24 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
where r u????????
Posted 24 Aug 2003


i am back.......

i want to go again....

it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great
Posted 25 Aug 2003

i miss every1 soooo much....
Posted 25 Aug 2003

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