Zara zara.......

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Age: 124
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there was a guy named M
a real nice guy.
There was a girl
A real pretty girl
Her name was M too

Noone knows how they came across each other
But when they did, the guy fell for the girl.
But the girl got all confused as how to react.....

Posted 31 May 2003

Cute_gal says
hahahahhahaa......we all kno....who da guy & da gal is.....[:D]
Posted 31 May 2003

Mani says
the guy was all nervous and gutles to tell her how he felt
He liked her too much
everytime he saw her, he felt good.....
No reason why
but he did.....
Posted 31 May 2003

Cute_gal says
Posted 31 May 2003

Mani says
so he used to do things to gte close to her.
Not to get her to see him, like him or anything
But just see her
It wasnt some kind of habit, or a bet or anything
It was his addiction if u must
He had to see her whenever he can
otherwise that hallow feeling never left him
he had to
Posted 31 May 2003

Cute_gal says
Posted 31 May 2003

Mani says
ending his two hour exams in one hours just to catch a glimpse o fher....
Posted 31 May 2003

SaPnA says
Posted 01 Jun 2003

Night says
That Guy got D coz he left his exam paper empty. unfortunately the girl is too afraid to confess...her face always turn an apple (red apple). The girl felt guilty coz the guy got D....and she treat the guy in return. They went to McDonald.
Posted 02 Jun 2003

Mani says
First thing....u aint getting D if u leave it empty..U fail..........second
its ma story
and my story means my story means no mcDonalds..........kapeesh

the gal found out somehow k he left his paper jus to see her and she felt real awkward.........she wanted to make it clear to him that she wasnt sure about what he was so dead sure..........

but she cudnt muster da courage to do so....

this crap went on for months.......then the guy cudnt take it no more.....he confessed.......told her he dont want her love in return...never did!

he just wants her to allow him to love her.........
Posted 02 Jun 2003

Cute_gal says
den....wat happen??
Posted 03 Jun 2003

Night says
I though everyone can add something in the story
Okey... its your story, I'll just listen then,
Posted 03 Jun 2003

SaPnA says
go on
Posted 04 Jun 2003

Mani says
u can add
go on
Posted 04 Jun 2003

2HOT4U says
hmm.... interestin.....
Posted 05 Jun 2003

Mani says
as long as u blv
there love to give
ull get it too
the dude blvd this.......
But teh was a diffrent story!!

She told the guy that she can never behave in the same manner,
She cudnt tell the reason to no one, she just cudnt
Maybe she never had any reason......Really confusing.....she was confused

Posted 05 Jun 2003

2HOT4U says
go on....
Posted 06 Jun 2003

Mani says
and teh guy thought
this isnto how its suppose to happen
this isnt the way
why is it happening like this

its all f**ked up
he likes her
she likes him
but still
somehting keep them apart

he had so much anger in his head he cudnt think for days
started smoking
hurting himself
mentally totrturing himself
but hje had to realize keeping his head in a fiery temple all the time dont works.............but ehre wasnt much he cud doi
and he hated it
he so very hated it
and no one was there when he needed thm..........
Posted 06 Jun 2003

SaPnA says
ahunnnn so intresting
Posted 06 Jun 2003

Night says
One day...the guy really sick of everything...he just wants to fade away, free from all the pain. He almost gave up with that girl. "Girl......why are you so complicated....why are you so hard to understand!!!!" the guy shouted. "I know you like me too...but why you never admit it to yourself!!!!!!!".

He was thingking to end it up. He stand on the edge of the bridge...thinking.....thinking..... what should I do???
And when almost out of his mind.... he heard voices.......the voice of his heart.
Posted 06 Jun 2003

Mani says
he was thinking
this is bullshit man
i aint no fuking coward
i aint gonna back out
my love isnt so trivial as to end in such a fashion
wat he felt for her was something more
more then love
more hten anything ever defined in words

so he went back
back to his home
looked at the single pic of her he had...which he used to see so many times a day.............but teh gal had her opinion as firm as a rock
Kia karay
kis ko batayee
his head hurts!
Posted 06 Jun 2003

SaPnA says
u both are doing good job keep it up
Posted 07 Jun 2003

PumpKin says
yeh..then the girl missed the guy coz the guy gone somewhere to buy a can of beer to torture his heart.when she met him then she made him a cup of tea instead of beer.end of story.
Posted 08 Jun 2003

2HOT4U says
I dun like da endin... DO OVER!
Posted 09 Jun 2003

Mani says
am gonna do it over today
after i gte bak from doing the most craziest thing ive dun in ma whole life
Posted 09 Jun 2003

sanam411 says
Posted 09 Jun 2003

Mani says
he was thinkin about just giving up on her
as it was leading to nowhere
she was being a total *********
but how cud he?
Cdu he?
Posted 10 Jun 2003

2HOT4U says
sure he cud!
Posted 10 Jun 2003

Mani says
he sure cud
but it was gona draing da life outta him
he started dissing her
ignoring her
was taking a lot out of him but he was doing it aniway
Posted 10 Jun 2003

Night says
when he was about to end it up and he heard voices..that he thought his heart's voice....he was wasn't the voice of his heart. Actually... it was a voice from a little yellow bird named "Sapna". That Yellow bird saw that guy standing on the bridge and wonder why? It was Sapna the bird responsibility when that guy started ignore the girl.... It was Sapna the bird who told to that guy to "Get a life"...

Sapna the Bird : "hey handsome man.... what are you doing?"
desperate man : "I'm confused by a girl"
Sapna The Bird : "yeah...girls are confusing.... live with it,I'm also confusing!"
Desperate man :"What should i do??"
Sapna the Bird :"Well...get a life!!!! I'm going to, that's all I can say...GET A LIFE!!!!!!!".....
Desperate man: "Is that the only thing you can say??"
Sapna the bird : "It might hurt you....but you'll be stronger than before...."
Desperate man :"Okey....careful on your way to South"
Sapna the bird:"I will, I'm going to South for mating....ka..ka..ka.."
Desperate man :" Good luck, if you couldn't find good male bird, you can call me!".
Sapna the bird : "I will,,.....bye"
Posted 12 Jun 2003

sharara says

shary watches amazed... nice thing... wish i were a bird too..
Posted 12 Jun 2003

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