Zara zara.......

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Age: 124
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there was a guy named M
a real nice guy.
There was a girl
A real pretty girl
Her name was M too

Noone knows how they came across each other
But when they did, the guy fell for the girl.
But the girl got all confused as how to react.....

Posted 31 May 2003

sharara says
KIDDO FFM... line pe aao....
Posted 08 Jul 2003

adeeb says
hi guys kya chel raha hae??
Posted 09 Jul 2003

sharara says
sab ruka hai.. now ure here things will start walking
Posted 09 Jul 2003

Mani says
he sure cud
but it was gona draing da life outta him
he started dissing her
ignoring her
was taking a lot out of him but he was doing it aniway....

it seemed to work
it always do.
Its human nature
something to do with human mind
u start ignoring somehting and it comes after you.
U love someone or something and it goes as far from u as possible.
But the dillema was how to keep himself reassured that he is doing such just to make her love him, how to not just end it al and live his life that..not caring for no one..not giving a damn about anyone....juss breath as long its not to forget about her.,...but cud he?
It wudnt be fit too..
So he was hanging in da middle...still not sure what he want!! was like he ws standing in themiddle of the road...on omne side is the life he was living rite now...all alone...not really interested in life..but the one woman he loved to bits ..appreaciating heis existence....on the other a life full of everything normal people do...but the girl not entertaing the mere fact He loves her...
Still searching
still confused
Maybe himn destroying himself wud prove he is true in what he feels@!!!!!
Posted 12 Jul 2003

Night says
mani has started it... there he goes...
Posted 12 Jul 2003

adeeb says
move on guys..
Posted 13 Jul 2003

Night says
to where ? I am in the queue
Posted 13 Jul 2003

adeeb says
moving 2 the end..
Posted 14 Jul 2003

Night says
the end ........
Posted 15 Jul 2003

sniper says
hmm ... same everywhere :)
Posted 15 Jul 2003

PumpKin says
where's everywhere ?
Posted 17 Jul 2003

dreamgirl says
tell me the truth did this happen to you
Posted 17 Jul 2003

sharara says
WOW.... mani at his best
Posted 18 Jul 2003

adeeb says
Posted 04 Aug 2003

Posted 15 Aug 2003

Cute_gal says
ab age bhi to sunao na.....den wat?
Posted 16 Aug 2003

SBG18 says
and then the gal
pushed him aside
and totally came to confession
and bust out with the shocking truth
Posted 13 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
eem.......what's the truth ???
Posted 14 Sep 2003

Mani says
the truth is what u make o it
all relevance
what do u want it to be?

Posted 15 Sep 2003

truth is an incident has no doubt
Posted 10 Oct 2003

Bazigaar says
zara se hawa aye
Posted 15 Mar 2006

valandrian says
Posted 20 Apr 2018

Posted 19 Sep 2018

Posted 25 Oct 2018

Posted 13 Nov 2018

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