Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
realistic intelligent where did I cross the line? Knowledge wisdom so revered in this lifetime but oh how I feel misplaced
dreaming of sunset kisses dancing when it's raining it's hardest running through the flowers stay away from home for hours hoping no one misses me Sometimes I have to believe that life's joys come from daydreams
Who wants to wait to sleep but there alright with me this awakened vision of me I see is only one part of the story
crystal water falls bathing in the streams feeling the wind blow right through me have the summer breeze take my breath away and just breathe
Maybe having knowledge and wisdom makes you feel that you can do anything in your reality even in a daydream
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Just a small seed the promise of greatness potential for beauty created by the Lord unique and precious planted with dreams.... but just a seed in the ground isnt enough........
Warmth is needed caring words hugs and encouragement
Water is needed The essence of life love....... unconditional precious and sweet
Protection is needed to fend off the enemy until strength is gained to stand alone
Time is needed patience and a belief in the outcome
The seed is planted a small child given the warmth of caring words the water of love the protection from harm the time to bloom
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Knowingly it just may be my next earthly life in this case a tiny hill I make mountains out of
It is those minuscule things making life really worth living like remembering not to tread on certain cracks in the middle of the garage driveway exterior
Twice daily I carefully load my car tediously stepping around a tiny hole small pieces of dirt neatly piled around and possibly a lifesaving entrance or exit to a miniscule but important little ant hill
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
sow unequal parralel, sow bending the time that is,
sow... reap....
sow your favorite food, and every thought you have while cooking, sow your car with at least three personal charms of memory, sow your happiness in the rain without enough clothes, sow your signiture, sow your love to your lover,
what would reap... today, I did absolutly everything...
sow everything that feels good, sow everything that you touch and inspire, sow everything that shivers up your spine as a ghosts' name, sow everything graceful sow everything of balance at live,
what would reap... today, I smoked four cigerettes and four joints,
sow maddness of canvas, sow maddness of destiny, sow maddness of not knowing what to say, sow maddness sanity, sow maddness and lose in bliss,
what would reap... today, I wore the same socks,
sow a time limit we have, sow a time to the curves that grow through it, sow a time of those when your best friend was smiling purely, sow alone, sow all steps with a different shade,
what would reap... today, I saw one hundred and fifty nine faces,
sow the wrist bands of many a festive war on saddness, sow the high lone balloon and the boots on power lines everywhere, sow the invisible dreamer, lotus and upside down on the lively faery bushes peak, sow the gift, sow the feet to the moments earth,
what would reap... today, I sat at the same tree in the shadow and I day dreamed the wild strawberry apearing upon the cliff, the view, the stillness of this infinite mistake awehile rock climbing, and a tasty smile even when upside down, a shoe lace begins to loosen and my end
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When love is a friend, it never demands us to be other than who we are.
Under the eaves of our emptiness, we become the page unwritten. Wait for the strike of ink, splatters of poetry. Our prayers answered because someone’s love writes us into being. In the cries of our silence, we are not surprised. No one can leave etchings to make us worthy.
There is only one hand that writes us. It lies deep within the Light, brilliant since birth, and knows all the beauty we would deny is true. Our first friend sings our golden forever. The job before us: learn to let it shine.
When love is our friend and our lovers gifts, we can become participants in celebration; give thanks for all we are gifted with being; know we are never without love. When we join hand gifts with another, we increase the size of the universe we share from.
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Into the moon dreams are cast.. Haunting eyes watch as love passes by, Lone wolf wandering the night singing melodies of souls cry..
Pair of stars fall one by one as water cleans like the sun, wind turns the world 'round and 'round As your soul sinks in ocean's sand.. like flowers without rain air stills as does a heart beats lungs..
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It's rainytime, and amid the beauty of new life, it will rain, and it will rain, and rain. The sun will hide behind the clouds, and the sparrows and robins will seek shelter. But afterward, the birds will veer from their nests to sing anew and delicate buds will blossom beneath the kiss of the sun. And you'll discover your own rainbow.
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Trust your dreams. They are sweet and beautiful. Trust your visions. They are soulful and powerful. Trust your aspiration. It is your earth-friend And Heaven-brother. Trust your realisation. It is your Eternity's real Self.