it's okie smelly, i plan to give JB males something which males have been denied from the ages of 12 to 40, it's called the stupied bug
okie now a Language lesson
Girl says &n bsp; Boy thinks Girl means
GO AWAY! & nbsp; bug me baby go away
left hand draw Right hand draw Left, LEFT!
I hate you &nb sp; kiss me &nbs p; sod off
shower is clean complain about you stink
Everything take a shower
I'am happily married come get me get lost you
baby Lahorie freak
i'am not feeling well hug meeee leave me alone
do i look ok in this stair at my complement the
chest colour
pass the brown sugar pick me up
i like that car (she knowns we have a race
nothing) i'd make you cry,
eat my Italian
exaust emmersions
study these carfully, might help you not to get a hair dryer throwen at your heads
, or am i the only one who does that?