SohniKuddi said:happy story?
.......alien 2 me
cutefriend said:dolly hun agye mashwara deyoon
face na banaoo
King of jb said:Dolly jay nai samaj lagi tay mashwara kuyn dita c
King of jb said:jay o nai mani tay
sara_kh said:well its the parents fault that have given their children too much xposure to the media
but at the same time i also agree no matter how hard parents try when children goto school and spend 7-8 hours there...the company the get and the friends they have ruin their thinking..
javad said:well nice views
but tell me one thing wt is the difference between a child age 10 of 10years back and the childern we hv around now, they hv complete knowldg of SEX and other worst things,
thts y the aveg age of adultation is decreasing now a 10 , 11 years old gal is adult and boys are also same
Okay so you are basically saying that at 11 years both boys and girls are adult. This is wrong. Maybe boys I don’t know. But, girls for sure do not reach the age of maturity until anywhere from 9-18. All Women are different. You can read up on it if you want because I don’t know how much I can say here on jb.
I understand that you noticed that there is a difference in children at age 10 today than other 10 year old children many years before. Every generation is different. Times change and people change and we have to keep up with it.
problem is tht 4 to 5 years wt a child do in this period
where v thougt tht this is child wt he/she know buttt they nomore a child,
media is giving frastrtion in our children due to tht frastration v hv now such sex cases in our close relatives/frnds
My question to you is…How do you think that the media is influencing our children? What is the media showing to our children that is making them frusterated?
Im really interested in knowing what you really mean so I can give you the right answer. I wanna tell you my opnion and what I think.
Dolly i agree wid u v hv such difference tht boy can do everything but gal hv no right to even think abt tht...
u know 1 thing women are weakness of men
v always protect our weakness,
that’s not always true…
i wish Allah save our children
yaar these bad things v hv in our life becoz v left islam v r not following islam...