Yes, thats very true about many cases going unreported. I totally agree with nikama.
As a Muslim women...I would simply wear appropraite clothing to prevent evil eyes from even looking towards me. Sometimes when you wear the wrong clothes you attract unwanted attnetion.
Other times it doesnt matter what you wear. It doesnt matter if you are a child or a young women. You know that most sexual abuse occurs from people you trust the most. Its usually a family member or a close family friend. Its really hard in our desi lifestyle to confront people when you are put in this situation. It effects the families respect/izaath and so on. Usually girls are just told to shut up and not say anything. And how abused women and children go on with their lives is even harder to explain.
I understand where you are coming from Javaid. Now a days people have more access to media through many different ways. They are learning about sex. Through interenet, television, magazines, commericial ads, music videos, songs...I mean you name it its there and its really disgusting.
I think young children should be educated about what is wrong and what is general. Later, they should be explained to that no one can touch them in inappropriate ways. that their body is theres.
Another thing...this reminds me of. Well why is it okay for men to do wrongful things and be forgiven? Someone i Knew...the families had fixed their ristha. But, certain things led to end the ristha. The guy found out things he didnt like about the girl. And the girl found out the guy was browsing the internet looking at unappropraite stuff. yet when you young lady brought it to her elder in the family...he simply said tis ok...hes a boy.
Now thats horrible. Whether we are men are doesnt matter Allah Swt will reward us and punish us the same.
I think GOOD awareness is beneficial. I want to raise my children in an Islamic environment. I would teach them to dress appropriately. I would educate them about their body is theres and for no one else to touch them. And if someone does to tell mommy or daddy. This is very importnat. And when they reach teenage age...the sex is after marriage. I would try my best to be sure that my children are educated about what is right and wrong although our environment can be influencing sometimes. Inshallah all will be well.
All we can do is pray for the best for our Muslim communites and fmailies. And we can educate one another.