Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
1000 Times For 1 by Dave If I have kissed you once, I have kissed you 1000 times.
Each morning as I arise. Each night as I drift to sleep. Each hour of every day. Each moment before it goes away.
The kisses shared between you and I, Have many times reached the sky. As your lips part and anxiousness increases, Your heart pounds and breathing ceases.
My lips leap to yours hungry for the taste. Sweetness drips from you to me As desire grows, my heart races. Inches apart seem as miles waiting.
The miles increase as space shortens. Time appears to stand still. So close yet so far. When? Now, please now?
Once more, 1001. Make it 2, so many more. Caressing ever caressing those Tender lips, each time as the first.
If I have kissed you 1000 times, I would give them all away To make the dream a reality, And kiss you once.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Better Untouched by Chole I look at him, And a smile grows in my face. Just to remember the times, When he could've been mine.
As he gives me a hug, While he puts his arms around me. I remember what I would've gave To only have a chance with him.
But now I see him, In a different light. Yes, he still means the world to me, But now its a different way.
His friendship means a lot to me, Although we never had much anything else. Now I see why God doesn't answer all prayers, Because some things are left better untouched.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
This is for the greatest person that I have ever known. Being away from you for so long I am feeling so alone. With you I am so happy you keep my heart content. But I had to be a volunteer - so off to England I went. That is where I found my heart and how I feel for you. I try so hard to deny this feeling and I don't know what to do. I said that I would never again let someone take my heart. And here I'm sitting wanting you and hate that we're apart. Everyday you are in my thoughts, every night you're in my dreams. I can't believe what's happening, is this really what it seems? I know you're only wanting to be the best of friends, but I am asking you sincerely if it's your rule you'll bend. To take a chance to know me to let me share it all. And maybe one day very soon for me one day you'll fall. Our friendship we now have is something that I'd miss but maybe once we let go we will find eternal bliss.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Forbidden pleasures Who makes the rules Unfound treasures And beautiful jewels
Can that line be crossed What could we truly be And at what cost Do you see what I see I know there is more there Waiting to be found Can you feel how much I care I feel like I'm being drowned If you knew the amount of desire That I feel for you My burning fire That wants one to become two
Forbidden pleasures Who makes the rules Unfound treasures And beautiful jewels
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When you stood in the doorway engulfed in summer shadow and waved goodbye to me, I made a silent promise to the setting sun and hoped you would hear me.
I'll never love another like I love you, Darlin' I never make a promise I don't intend to keep. It doesn't really matter if you don't feel like that; Compared to you, they're only second best to me.
They followed me around, offerin' me kisses, gold, and diamond rings. But to each of them I said, "Hey, Honey, I'm sorry, but I know my heart's desire. "
I'll never love another like I love you, Darlin' I never make a promise I don't intend to keep. It doesn't really matter if you don't feel like that; Compared to you, they're only second best to me.
The years passed by, college came and went and now, I'm comin' home. I dialed your number, said a quick hello, then sang into the phone:
I'll never love another like I love you, Darlin' I never make a promise I don't intend to keep. It doesn't really matter if you don't feel like that; Compared to you, they're only second best to me.
Silence on the line, then I heard you smile, and take a long deep breath. You said, "Baby, I know exactly what you're thinking, but why'd you wait all this while? "
Because I'll never love another like I love you, Baby I never make a promise I don't intend to keep. I'll never love another like I love you, Baby. Compared to you, they're only second best to me.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Coffee Lovers by Aindréas Brennan Silently, He smiles to himself, As he thinks of her, Sitting alone in her kitchen, Sipping coffee. She thinks of him too, But little does he know it. Shamefully, Both pass each other every day, Without passing on the knowledge, Of their inwardly turned love. Time and time again it happens, For who has the courage to say it first, Or do they just enjoy, Their secret love affair.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Where are you going, where have you been? My dear, close, and quiet friend, As we sit in the soft springtime Saturday's end Taking comfort in each other once again.
Tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine; And so we will pass a few hours time With the quaint and the comic and even sublime - Silently searching for that elusive sign.
We'll fashion the future and polish the past, Allowing the memories to amass; While the grains of sand slip through the glass 'Til a tranquil lull pervades at last.
Conversation fades with the eve's golden light, We cannot go on, try though we might; So you gather me an embrace so tight, And we wistfully, longingly say goodnight.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My Best Friend
It wasn't long ago that I was another person I was quiet and shut people out for no reason I would smile but it wouldn't symbolize happiness Then one day I met a friend that would soon be my best
She made me happy and opened me up without even knowing We always had so much fun, it was clear where this friendship was going When I needed her the most she was always there We always had so many laughs and cries to share
Every time we talked or laughed the more we would bond Girl, you know that you always have my shoulder to cry on If only you knew how important you being my friend means to me I hope that we are forever "Manda Bear" and "Linzi-Bee."
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Adrift in a sea of sadness lost in my thoughts Jokes can be taken so harsh when meant to be taken lightly
A slip of the tongue is all it takes and suddenly you're alone boxed in a world of fears a world of tears
Cruelty is it's game life it's name ever changing, rapidly sweeping you along like a roller coaster you can't stop and as you spin wildly spin out of control scenes from earlier on this ride of life flash through your mind
The walls are closing in The room begins to spin you fall to your knees and beg for it to stop you beg and plead for forgiveness knowing that you were wrong
You've been to bossy, said too much, you say it will never happen again and you know that you'll do anything in your power to keep it from happening again you love these people and can't fight like this with them so you plead for forgiveness.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
To hold you all close is one of the few times I feel at ease. To look at your faces and know you'll forget me in time makes my eyes water.
When I'm an adult I'll see your faces in my child's eyes, and hear your voices echoing in their laughter.
When I'm old I'll sit on my front porch and sip freshly made lemonade, while watching my grandchildren frolic in my front yard, under the sweet smelling Willow. Tears will fall from my green eyes, and softly hit my faded dress, as I think of all the times we were together. I'll smile.
When I die I'll think of my children and grandchildren. I'll know how lucky I've been to have such love and joy in my life. I'll wonder which of my dearest friends are awaiting my arrival, or if I'm the first. And just as I take my last breath I'll see us as we were when we were teenagers, our golden skin, our eyes wide with hope, our hearts full of love, and our minds full of larger than life dreams - it's not long now.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
When you keep anger inside, it is pretty easy to hide; but when you keep so much it often explodes in just one bust.
When you keep sadness in too long, and just act "OK" and say your fine; you know on the inside you're wrong, so why must you hide?
When stress and worry are on your mind and all you can do is sigh, just remember that you cannot hide from I.
When you love a good friend of mine, but she does not love you back; all you can do is have a good cry, but do not turn your back on life.
Remember that I have been in your same situation. and I know it is not an easy road; but if you keep faith and hope in your heart, just remember that is part of the not so easy road.
Just remember that time heals and will tell all, and that God above has a lesson for all. Whether if it is about anger, sadness, pride, or love - just remember that he has a reason for this from the good angels above.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
What It Takes To Be A Good Friend A good friend is always kind, Should always speak their mind, Their compassion should never end, That's what it takes to be a good friend.
A good friend is there for you, They are real, they are true- blue, Their compassion should never end, That's what it takes to be a good friend.
A good friend will be there when you marry, A heart full of memories, they will carry, Their compassion should never end, That's what it takes to be a good friend.
They'll be there if your mother dies, They'll weep with you when you cry, Their compassion should never end, That's what it takes to be a good friend.
If a good friend you do find, Make sure they treat you kind, Understanding they shouldn't lack, And they would never stab you in the back, On top of everything always remember, A best friend is forever.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The End by Dev I turn the corner, and there you are, While we both pretend not to see the other. We keep walking, our eyes straight ahead, And I'm grateful, as we pass one another.
We were best friends for one year, A year of laughter, a year of tears. In the short time of bliss, We had promised to be friends for years.
But those ‘years' have now been altered, And the friendship has lasted just one. I know that it is the end, This is a friendship that will not be won.
You don't understand why it ended, Or that I didn't want it to. But sometimes in life, You have to do what you have to do.
This was one of those cases, I could no longer call you my friend. I now know it can never go back, And I have to realize, this IS the end.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Forever Never Ends
F riends 'til the end, is what was once spoken, O r is that just what you wanted to say? R eally, I'd be heart broken E veryday, I thank God for you in every way V ery often do I forget to say, "I love you," E ven when I don't feel like it R emember me when you're scared and remember I care about you too!
N ever take anything for granted, E ven if there was a fight or two. V ery Lucky am I, to have you as my best friend. E veryday I think about you, R emembering we're gonna be forever friends!
E ven if we're both scared, N ever will I say Good- Bye. D idn't I always say, "Forever Never Ends?" S o, please believe me when I say, "Forever Friends."
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You are my lucky star In life you've helped me get really far You were always there when I needed you And I hope I was always there for you too
You are my lucky star I know God sent you here for me from afar You had a way of making me happy when I was sad And if I did something wrong, you wouldn't be mad
You are my lucky star My best friend is also what you are You helped me realize what I'm living for But now you're gone & each day I'm missing you more
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You turned my darkness into light; You made everything all right. You picked me up when I was down; You turned my life around. If I didn't have you, what would I be? A blessing is what you are to me.
When I needed you the most, you were there; Even if it seemed like you didn't care. When I didn't think I could make it another day, You chased all my doubts away. If I didn't have you, what would I be? A treasure is what you are to me.
The world is full of many people, it's true; But there is only one of you. You fill my heart with love; You're a God-sent gift from above. If I didn't have you, what would I be? An angel is what you are to me.
Lost and alone, I will no longer be; Because you are here with me. There is no reason to be sad; You've taken away all the bad. If I didn't have you, what would I be? A best friend is what you are to me!!
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Class of 2000 so bold and sweet listen to us we shall speak be so strong, be so tough. One thing we say - just never give up. If we're faced with defeat, we just jump back on our feet. We go one day to the next not knowing what lies ahead - To listening to what someone had once said. So we say don't give up or bend your knees just shoot for your hopes and your dreams.
Age: 125
6953 days old here
Total Posts: 18948
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The smell of the just smoked joint, Intoxicates my lungs. My boyfriend pulls me closer to him. I pull back and look deep into his blood shot eyes. Does he think I wouldn’t notice? Does he think I wouldn’t care? As he tries to kiss my fatal lips, I smell the mint he tried to use to cover up. The pot is too strong and overpowers the mint, And the cologne his body is smothered in. A single tear flows down my cheek. I wonder why he is doing this. He told me he has stopped and it hurts. It hurts that he lied. It hurts that he had the nerve to show up, Acting and looking high. What if he gets addicted to drugs? What if one day he O.D.’s? I turn around and run into the darkness. I’m sorry my love, I’m sorry my friend, I’m sorry I don’t Understand. Please tell me Why?