Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
holy cow! i can understand PTL cause he's in pk, but sanam don't know what boxing day is?!
well.....boxing day is the day (or week) after christmas day, when all things (clothes, electronics, furniture, appliances etc.) go on sale. stores try and get rid of their left-over stock from christmas and put it on sale at crazy low prices! thats what boxing day is!!!
Age: 125
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PartTimeLuver said:
huh... dunno wot kind of attitude u talkin abt...pple keep on arguin abt one's attitude..neva understand dat sh*tty term "Attitude Problem"..wud u plz make my mind clear abt dat..... stay kooooool n hang looooose.... c ya............
i can't speak 4 everyone, but here's what i mean when i say meera has an attitude problem:
-doing an interview with 2 new hosts, and making them feel uncomfortable by not laughing at their jokes, by giving them one-word answers, by rarely smiling, and by being rude in general. -saying she's not prepared for a dance number (at a concert) and then coming out 2 minutes later and doing just that. LOL. -thinking WAY 2 highly of herself and claiming she's responsible 4 reema's success in this industry. HAHAHAHA! whatever meera... -claiming she's 21 -going on record as saying, she can get ANYTHING she wants from ANY man. dream on meera! don't flatter yourself!
these are examples of meera's attitide yaar (in my opinion! but if u like her....i respect that! she looks good, nobody can deny that, but her attitude... lol. hope u're not offended yaar!
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
u're right mr death...we should leave the singers of yester-year outta this. but last point 2 make on this topic...noor jehan NEVER WAS NEVER IN BOLLYWOOD!!! u're wrong there...
as far as dehler goes.....u say u saw a program on ptv abt basant....YAAR, I WAS ACTUALLY THERE ON BASANT THIS PAST FEBRUARY!!!!!!!! i saw/heard first-hand, abrar, humaira arshad, (ESPECIALLY) fariha pervaiz, and loads of other pakistani artists, and NO DEHLER AT ALL on rooftops!! the only indian song i heard ONCE was that 'ding dong' song....
the point i'm makin' is....we do listen 2 indian music. we're human yaar! and indians definately listen 2 pakistani music. but we'll watch your movies more than listen 2 your music, and you will listen 2 our music more than watch our movies! u get what i'm sayin?!?!
rahee baat pakistan ki...u can have a dehler concert and an abrar-l-haq concert in side by side buildings....i PROMISE you, the abrar concert will sell out while dehler will be lickin' his chops! in india the story might be a little different, but we're talkin abt pk right?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
PartTimeLuver said:
iya... hey man....lolzz....u r supposed to ignore the petty things.....fanx for respectin ma's not the white hair on her's the sh*tty bleach she does to remove the unwanted hair or....emm...wotever it is...(i'm not dat much into ladies things lolzz.... ) c ya........
i do ignore the petty things yaar! but meera's got an attitude problem! that bothers me....
lol. i like u're reasoning 4 meera's 'white' hair! LOL. u might be right!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
ScotchTape said:
LOL i just get them from the internet and save them. I have such a large collection of pakistani pictures probably around 10000 at least. some websites are, images in,,,,,, and others. Hope that helps.
wicked...thanks man...its a good thing u save em all. sometimes they're hard 2 get back/see when u dont...!
Age: 125
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scratch that.....humaira was on the concert shown last night, so my eid was salvaged (since i was lookin 4ward 2 the eid specials on ptv prime!)lol (j/k) i was just a little disapointed tho, that she has not grown her hair back....i don't like this new doo of but ah well....who cares....
my eid was great! lots of food, met loads of people (family/friends) and we all hung out! even the wheather was good, so eid was a great day, thanks!
they even showed on the news, that muslims all across toronto and the world were welcoming EVERYBODY into mosques. it was nice 2 see our religion depicted in a positive manner. lately, the media makes us out 2 be terrorists, as u know. so it was nice 2 see everyone appreciate ISLAM and show it how its supposed 2 be shown: an open, peaceful religion!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
wat up PTL?! we're just discussin' eid....! how was yours yaar?
sanam jee, i'm glad u had fun since u were looking REAL 4ward 2 eid! lol....u're right abt the mosques! if u go 2 a pakistani one...everyone knows everyone! lol.
next big event looks 2 be christmas/boxin' day....i need a new dvd player/recorder, so i'm waiting 4 boxing day! lol. don't think i'm cleap yaar! cause i'm not! its just that if i can wait....y not?! lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. i guess u're right. the food would go bad by the time it hits canadian shores. lol.
i feel 4 ya oh slik one! don't worry tho.....all them rosa's will come in handy now. ramadan teaches patience. now u could put it 2 use! b4 u know it...u could throw somethin' 2gether when u get back from university! but until then...patience mr friend!
and btw...not sure if u knew but 'hommes' means buddy/friend/yaar/dost, in latino. lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
iman's cool. she's no sadia imam (whose in a league of her own when it comes 2 good looks!), but she's aiight, even in the pic saki jee has in his/her sig...