Age: 125
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the american government is so retarded its not even funny. they start 2 wars and are hell bent on nailing 2 prime suspects - one in each war: osama and sadaam. 2+ years later, sadaam and osama remain at large, terrorism is only being fueled by american occupation of muslim countires, and innocent men/women continue 2 die on all sides. pure retards.
another example of the american government (namely their president) being retarded: bush was giving a speech somewhere in the u.s. he said someting to the effect of 'our right hand has 2 know what our left hand is doing.' sounds ok right?! the thing is...when he said it, he used his left hand 2 represent his right, and his right hand 2 represent his left!!! so he goes: 'our right hand (*raises left hand) has 2 know what our left hand (*raises right hand) is doing.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! they don't get any more stupid than this peeps!
we're supposed 2 follow these people mr. death?!?! LOL.
Age: 125
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lol. so what'll u cook 4 them?! biryani/saag, korma/pulaou, haleem/naan!?!?! what'll be on the menu?! keep in mind its eid....u can't stick 'em with every-day stuff! u gotta bust out the main event dishes! lol.
Age: 125
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lol. they're scared yaar! they can feel the balance of power shifting ever so slowly 2wards lollywood!!! internationally, larki punjaban will attract a bigger audience (in my opinion) cause its a change from the same old bollywood stuff! so they're 'crying' out of fear; fear that lollywood will upstage bollywood and whichever movie it puts up against LP internationally!!
Age: 125
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peeps....let them stupid bollywood assclowns make their anti-pakistan movies. our directors r better than that. they put their efforts/expertise into trying 2 make a good movie. not promote an age old rivalry. talk abt spewing the same sh*t over and over and over again. toba! they're so retarded. pakistani's r better than that. y should we stoop 2 their level? by not making an anti-india movie we show the world at lagre what we've known for 57+ years now....PAKISTAN IS THE PEACE-INITIATOR....WE STAND 4 PEACE, unlike our neighbours which are INSTIGATORS of war, and use their film industry 2 promote hatred 2wards pakistan.
Age: 125
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mr death, God's the boss! the united states is more of a bully. no doubt, the biggest most powerful bully 2day. but as i said earlier, they're simply enjoying their reign as the biggest political powerhouse, as did rome, the british, and other empires. there will come a day when the united states will be taken out, by some OTHER powerhouse.
as 4 kissing their ass 'until we're established' thats not the right thing 2 do. if u disagree with them, TELL 'EM. many countries have already done this - pakistan included. france, canada, and russia r other examples of established countries 2 NOT 'go with the states' as far as this iraqi war is concerned. so clearly, u don't HAVE 2 side with the states, even if you're not 'established.'
life goes on 4 canada, pakistan, india, france, russia, china and all these other countries who have told the americans 2 screw off (in regards 2 the iraqi war and its 'cleanup' stage). why should anybody be the united state's chamchay?! we'll leave the kissing of asses 2 tony blair and co.
Age: 125
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charizmatic yaar.....shabby's got a point! i despise bollywood movies myself, but we have 2 be realistic...lp will have 2 be XTRA ordinary 2 beat an indian movie IN INDIA. in pakistan and abroad tho...i think lp will make HUGE waves. namely england.
Age: 125
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good point ydakh. familes want clean movies.
so lets wait and see. these familes better pack the cinema's 2 watch larki punjaban, which will be absolutely clean. if they fail 2 do so, as they have with laaj then that means gujjar-type movies will remain - cause no matter how vulgar they are...they seem 2 draw people. in the end vohi jatt aur gujjar log cinema ko fill karthe hain. thats y movies are targeted 4 them. sad but tru.
but again, i agree 100% with u. lolly movies need 2 be aimed at familes, and these familes in turn have 2 take the initiative and make sure they watch them in the cinema instead of watching our neighbour's movies. am i right or no?! whoever fills the cinema halls, will have movies made 4 them. so if familes prove they want clean movies by actually going 2 WATCH them in the cinema...then a new trend will start in lollywood. otherwize these jatts will continue to go, and lolly will continue 2 make movies for them! and who can blame them?! akhir they just want a quick profit. nothing else.
Age: 125
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PartTimeLuver said:
I m a dying fan of "SHAAN" koee indian khan uss jaisi acting nahin kar sakta..... I like some movies of saima......"DAKU RANI" is one of dem.....she acted in dat movie in a great way....... but she is not ma fav...actually i think...meera reema and saima are good actresses but dey havent come up yet with somethin no heroine is ma fav.
yup! shaan's the best lollywood has, no doubt. i have his autograph, and its neatly tucked away so nobody touches it! he rules! and lol @ u're indian khan's comment! 100% right agin. shaan jaisa koee nai!
as 4 saima...u're right abt daku rani. excellent performance that has been matched by NO OTHER PAKISTANI actress 2 date, in my opinion. but my favorite movie of hers was mendhi wale hath. she was also great in nikki jaee haan and ofcouse...chooriyan! reema's ok 2. but meera . lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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u gotta do what u're public wants. if they want basic old-time movies...then thats what they should make in my opinion. y force them 2 watch something they don't want to?!
but i think if the stories are good, people will watch regardless. lets hope sayed noor's larki punjaban delivers!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol @ sanam!
and jani yaar....atta boy! i agree 200% ----- on saima being a good actress! the sexy part.... lol. she ain't ugly. but sexy...?! i respect u're opinion tho bro! more power 2 u!