Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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all girls dun dress up for guys...n u kno y guys dun take long in dressin up...cuz they are lazy! their mom or sis or wife will pick out their clothes n iron em...tell em wut shoes to wear...all they hav to do is do their hair n shave
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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quote:Originally posted by Fardeen Khan
girls alwas use to thinks that thay are more smart then boys. girl freinds wives mothers always try to make their family do as they want
that's cuz girlz are smarter than's a fact, not all but majority. n u kno wut if girlz want things to be their way then wuts wrong with that? they end up with 95% of the responsibilies
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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nfak u just said u'd be happy if i'd agree lol u didin say i had to sincerely mean wut i it's kinda hard to like saima i mean she's jus....blah but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. the desi stores by my house dun hav paki movies, i kno they got some in brooklyn n stuff but that's too far from my house n i hardly go there so the only ones i get to see are the ones on ptv prime lol n those aren't that great.
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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yes nfak it wuz a very wrong comparison but ur rite wuts done is done. oh u are so riteeeeeeee...saima looked so pretty n classy, that sari looked so nice on her n she n shamil make such a good coupleeeeee i mean tooo good! lol did i make ur day nfak? nah honestly i dun watch much paki movies, last one i saw wuz choodiyan....i prolly see one or two paki movies a year but ever since i started janubaba i heard a lot abt all these paki movies n how they improved so i'm kinda interested now but i really dun kno where they sell paki movies here
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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it'd be wrong to say that india has no talent at all cuz that aint true. actually i too heard abt reema singin that song, i dun think it's made up. y do desi parents always wanna send their kids to u.s. or u.k.? cuz they believe they'll get better education there n hopefully go into a better profession. singers/actors/actresses in pakistan also face similar situations....they do hav talent but the money they'd get in india they def. wont get in pakistan. the talent they have is noticed in pakistan but wayyyyyyyy more in india n that's true guys. i'm not favorin india more than pakistan but wuts true is true. if adnan sami wants to make more money n goes to india n sing, y is that wrong? dun we all like money? why is that when a pakistani moves to u.s. or u.k. or canada that's ok but if he moves to india he's a traitor? if we dun change our attitudes towards india then there'll never be peace b/w the two countries!
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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well wut is it that ur parents dun like abt ur boyfriend? maybe then i can give u an it religion, job, family, age, looks, i mean why dun they like him?
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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actually there's this new girl in janasheen, her name's celina, i dunno i found her prettier then ashwariya...yes/no?...i get the feelin i'm gonna get a lotta disagreements here
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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classy huh? so u sayin saima wuz classy? lol dun take this seriously i'm jus playin w/u esp. b/c i kno u like her that much that u compared her with madhuri WHICH i still think wuz but wutever
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
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lol that old paro wuzin even pretty, dunno wut he saw in her. the newer devdas wuz wayyyy better but i think dilip acted better not that shahrukh acted bad but since it's a comparison i'd say dilip kumar
Age: 125
7885 days old here
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lol...nfak i guess i jus dun like saima so i'm always lookin at every negative aspect of her anyways sorry but i really dunno wut mubadar is. oh that singer's name wuz zain? ur so rite shujaslam....that guy didin hv a nerdy voice but more like a faggy voice...really bad!
Age: 125
7885 days old here
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1. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR KITCHEN PLATES? majority r white 2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? i hate readin! 3. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? the mouse :) 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOARD GAME? 5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINE? hmmm dun hav a specific one 6. FAVORITE SMELL? *white diamonds* n *miracle* n *bora bora* 7. LEAST FAVORITE SMELL? poop 8. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? brush my teeth n fix the hair 9. FAVORITE COLOR? black n navy blue 10. LEAST FAVORITE COLOR? dun really hav one but i dun like neon green in clothes 11. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU LET THE PHONE RING BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? depends how close i am 12. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? 2 boyz: ali, omar n 2 girlz: marium, alia 13. WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? ZzZzZzZzZ 14. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? both...wait maybe vanilla 15. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? dun got a license yet [:I] 16. Do you SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? nah 17. STORMS - COOL OR SCARy? dun really care 18. WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? NO LICENSE! although i'd like an eclipse 19. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE??? my nani, i love her 20. Favorite ALCOHOLIC DRINK? dun drinkkkk 21. WHAT IS YOUR SIGN? YOUR BIRTHDAY? cancer, july 18th 22. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? urghh broccoli is nasty 23. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB WHAT WOULD IT BE? ummmm doctor is a nice profession n u get good money but too bad i dun got the brains for that 24. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY COLOR HAIR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? i like mine but maybe i can use some highlights 25. IS THE GLASS HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY? full n empty 26. FAVORITE MOVIE? tere naam, salman wuz awesome in it! 27. DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? right n left...asdf-jkl; n thumb on the space bar 28. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? floor? 29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? 7 30. SPORT TO WATCH? cricketttt (only paki vs. india match) 31. WHAT IS YOUR SINGLE BIGGEST FEAR? death of my loved ones 32. FAVORITE CD?????? ummm i burn most of my cdz 33. FAVORITE TV SHOWS??? well i'm more of a desi freak so i like naam gum jayega n lipstick(yes i kno the name's weird) i used to like kutumb but it's over 34. KETCHUP OR MUSTARD? ketchup 35. HAMBURGERS OR HOTDOGS? hamburgers 36. FAVORITE SOFT DRINK? sprite 37. WOULD YOU RATHER BE A BORE OR A BOAR?? def. not a boar n not a bore either, atleast i hope i'm not
Age: 125
7885 days old here
Total Posts: 415
Points: 0
wuts the difference...if i make a good point or flawless makes a good point atleast U GET THE POINT!! hmm mai kahin gum nahi hoi fardeen bus just been a busy lately, that's all.