Topic: Who & Why


Age: 125
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i am dissillusioned with the word friend, cos i havent found one that has been worth it, some really bad ppl r out there. bohot khud parast.
Posted 29 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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so that ppl wanna b us, rather than we trying to b someone else.
Posted 29 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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well who cares if you r labelled that thats good of u making ur own id, i dont giva when it comes to what is right, i dont care what ppl label me as, i ll jus say u f'in bigri hui khotay ki ass. u id less, mindless person, bata tu kon hai?
kehtay hain na kawa hans ki chal chala, apni chal bhol gia.
jo apni id bholtay hai, un kay as pas walon say pochoy keh app kon hain, woh kehtay hain originally sometin else, aur woh log apnay app ko paki kehtay nahi, shame onu ppl.
iam an expat, and what? proud to b a paki.

u can b any nationality u want, dont mean u forget wat ur roots r. dont have to boast bout them by being an extremist be an individual.
expats have more values than ppl in paki land, cos
1) here in the uk everyday u hear things about forced mariges, and british asians being confused.
2) i met a girl at uni who totally shattered my idea of a girl from pakistan. she was her on study from pakistan, and within a yr she had changed her religeon, she was an atheist. and she was tellin me exples of ppl from pakistan and she called me all those things, backward. well i think she were plain herself. she were respect less and everything. hate her.
so ppl in pakistan are very much british, amrican and indian wannabees. we need to get a life.
like all these societies we should creat a personality of ourselfves.
Posted 29 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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plz plz tell me what channel? sony, ary, what?
Posted 29 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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really sonia is hinduu now? how do u guys know?
Posted 29 Sep 2005


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Posted 28 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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cool. i am a bit of an old soul too. love her songs. some later ones picturised on actress anjuman i hate, cos i hate anjuman, .
anyway noori's granddaughter is sonia jehan who is in the film Taj mahal , directed by akbar khan. if u wanna chk out the site it is she is actually kisses the guy in the movie, cant believe no one ound that rude. well atleast i didnt hear any discomforts.
Posted 28 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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all the best brother
Posted 27 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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wild thing,
i make my heart sing
Posted 26 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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no i got beat up more than anyone on the family.
1. beat up when i bit a guys nose when i were little, cos he was rude to me.
2. ate infront of guests when they came. beating.
3. did something got kicked out the house in pouring rain.
4. locked up in dark bathroom, and told there was a dog in there, hence my fear of dogs.
5. got slapped so hard my mums nail got caught in my eye, briused eye for weeks.
5. beat up with court shoes cos i took out old cloths from the trunk, making a mess
6. threw sand in kids hair at playground, banned from going to park.
6. bit other kids at school, got ground by private tuitions.
7. strapped to the chair and table at primary school when naughty.
8. slapped by maulvi sab with branchs off trees, changers (roti wali), banged head n walls.

list goes on and continues till date.
Posted 26 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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he is sooooooooooooooooo ugly. ugly like a bublu
Posted 26 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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first of all dont take this personally. secondly im am 20, thirdly im not a mother, and finally all i say comes from experiences i have had and from what i have seen. i have been to so many places and met a lot of ppl, so i suppose i have always observed. i am not blaming u in anyway im jus saying that a majority of ppl who have had a strict upbringing feel that way. fair enough. i had somewhat a strict, and mid teens i felt the same that i would bring uo my kids like that. then i learnt why that strictness was important, however u add ur own way of how u trea\t ur kids. a moderate cilivised way and give them what they want, but leave no stone unturned when it comes to their development.
Posted 26 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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u know its very difficult to make new relationships, because ppl knowa days r so 2 faced, that u may think they r really nice but infact they dont even deserve to b seen with u.
i think its worth talking to the person rather than neglecting an isssue cos the longer u neglect it the worse the thing becomes in you, whereas if u say upfront that u r unhappy and hurt may prove to patch up friendships and misunderstandings, and brings a confidence of that relationship. i love getting to know ppl even if i dont call them friends, but i always get emotionally attached to a handful of ppl i do like, then i almost end up getting hurt. i like to treasure any friendship i make, in the hope that if i honestly fullfill my friendship so will the other person. but imm wrong...
and i would loved to b proved wrong about feeling wrong. sara dear tell us a good lesson uve learnt.
Posted 26 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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r u one of those ppl who have suffered enough from parents who are too strict and so have decided that they r going to b really free with their kids. this doesnt garentee happy kids. kidss will b unhappy with their parents for various reasons, and sometimes even for been given too much independance, that has spoilt them.
Posted 25 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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yeah ok, whatever. this is a serious issue for pppl who care. sorry guys for taking this topic off rail.
Posted 25 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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absolutly. its even more harder foe me cos where ever i have made mistakes or have misunderstandings or things just havent gone right, my head keeps on reapeating that thing over and over again, and i blame my self for blowing things out of proporation. but i cant help it even if i try.
like yesterday i couldnt understand what my friend said, and she got so snappy, that today i have just avoided spking to her like i used to. i jus cant stop my self. i feel wrong then i think that shes wrong, then i reapet the thing in my head, then i think what to do. god ill go crazy.
Posted 25 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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ya badshah u need to take serious dozez of chill pills.
Posted 24 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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tt dont eva make that mistake again. wat the worse that can happen shell say no, so ur a strong person, she wasnt worth u.
Posted 24 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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ya ur right, but i did what i thought was right at the time. i thought she valued and missed our friendship as much as i did hers. we were very much alike except a few differences. its a regret not in the way that i am still stuck in the time and think about it, but more a regret that i feel i wish things had happened a different way so, now i wont repeat it. to date i wish we could b friends. i even wanted to invite her to important family events, but i bite my lip at even the thought of it. oh emily
Posted 24 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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ya true. i was jus trying to b polite. and the laugh was an appriciation of your compliment. chill.
Posted 24 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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well i didnt know if u meant it as a joke, serious or u were being sarcastic.
Posted 24 Sep 2005


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Posted 22 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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bring it on sister, exactly right
audience need to b as educated as film makers, and vice versa. i think first there is a need to educate the audience too.
Posted 21 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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no i didnt say they were monsters or they should b stopped. but if u lived abroad in a country like england and met with english ppl her then compare it with the up bring of care that our generation had then go back to the way ppl nowadays r bringing up their children, ull clearly c the difference. parents r bothered bout their children as much. thats why even a cared for child learns stuff they shouldent know from some child who hasnt been cared for. and i know im not old thats whyim saying it. im 22 and i have met and come across many ppl cos i study sociology.
Posted 21 Sep 2005


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Posted 21 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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oh and she never gave the necklace back.
Posted 21 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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oh. u have been through a lot chand' the only thing i can say is i hope u get speedily get through your troubles. if u dont mind sharing then what happened? oh and that bus fare thing is always happening with me i am useless at money handeling.
when offered i try and b a good child, then later on i realise i needed that.
tt what was ur commitment?
oh i got another one.
when i moved to a new city i was to start uni and i didnt know anyone, so made friends with a girl who hapened to b doing the same course as me, she was really nic and all. well thats the idea she gave me. but she had a really bad habit of bad mouthing ppl on their backs. i dont remeber, oh yeah as a joke i just said stupid to her once, next day she wouldnt talk to me. i tried going up to her and she would spk load tellin me she dont wannna talk so i would moove away. i was so upset so i hate upstting ppl i care for. so i went to her house, she wasnt there and so i spoke to her mum and i started crying so hard.
her mum was ok come back in a few hours. so i left and came back and we made up, and i gave her what my grandmother had given me a special necklace bfr she died. then it was back to friends. course finished and i took a gap yr, where as she carried on.
come next yr turns out she is so distant n shes become friends with the goth she hated. surprise
we spoke a few days fine, alls fine. then one day she jus stopped talking again i tried consoling her. we caught the same bus and i went to her and spoke to her and she started shouting and insulted me infront of everyone on the bus.
that was one of my biggest regret to watch who to get close to, and if someone dont talk to u then mayb their not woth ur friendship. she hated kids, she would get annoyed when a kid laughed with her, now she got kicked off her course is is training to become a child day care nursery nurse.
Posted 21 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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parents have seen the old age and the new age so they can compare of what they were comfortable with, when we will get old we will compare the old and new.

here we have to compare the difference between the knowledge on tv and the knowledge of books and education. as far as educational knowledge goes it is too bland for anyone to think of it in a wrong way, unless someone is jus plain psyco.
knowledge from other entertainment sources like tv, radio, and computer has to b controlled as it can put ideas that are wrong into peoples heads, it exposes the wrong material that perhaps someone in our society isnt suitable for. look at the growing number of cable tv watched by youngsters, and they becoming americanised.
then they go to school learn techinical etc stuff of things, then they relate that to what influenced thhem on tv and take things very negative. inorder not to do that we have to b mature minded. but sadly our society idealises the western lifestyle and bear no mark to becoming like it?
i think the world has become an information ground but only the stuff that is good should b used. there is a difference between knowledge and information. knowledge is broading the mind of the world and how it works. information can b both negative or positive it is something that may not b necessary to know, like bad stuff out there.

Posted 20 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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hey asian so ur a more rock and roll laid back 50's soul, cool. tt what bout u? wats your soul.

('im sounding like a hippi, aint i?')
Posted 19 Sep 2005


Age: 125
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tt tumhari soul kitni purani ya nai hai?
Posted 18 Sep 2005