i forgot to Write that
no copy pasting...
if this answers are coming from your mind
then u r a true bazigaar

wow A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

this topic was for how much knowlege u
have in yourself not that Who will give the answers
and win the Prize
i myself dunno this all answers and its true
and its ok..with me...yeh to puri mein re copy
hein..not the single answer was wrong..
not like
FRIEND 16 her almost all answers were correct
and she didn't use copy pasting..
she answered the Questions by her own
like i said if these answers are from your
mind and Knowlege then WOWWWWWWW
you are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

and you are the best

if i said something Wrong then
i am truly very very sorry......or that..