
Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
janam deklo metgai duriya
main yahan hoon yahan hoon yahan hoon yahan
magar tum kahaan ho kahaan ho kahaan ho kahaan......
kool na ..i made it

Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates

Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates

Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
hey its not my double posting
just...waiting for someone like before
that time i waited 4 hours
and now its been 4 hours again
feeling sleepy
i'll ofline soon


Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Life can feellike a total mess
like everything is breaking around you
no second thoughts bring happiness
with love feelings so true.
you may not find the prince
but end up marrying the toad
and have to walk a distance
to get off this lonely road
you may not flutter thorugh life
as graceful as a butterfly
you have to take in every day
and keep your head held high.always try
so taste the rainbow
feel the rain
watch a rose grow
dont worry about your pain
because in the end life can be great
if you learn to love and forget to hate.

Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I have found something out today,
And it's about love and life and me,
Seems, nothing has worked out,
The way I had planned for it to be
I spent some time thinking of love,
And how I haven't found that at all,
Seems, no one has ever caught me,
In times that I had come to fall
I spent some time thinking of life,
Wondering what its meaning may be,
About all the steps that I must take,
Wondering what's in store for me
I spent some time thinkng of myself,
Because I do that very seldom,
Wondering the things that I may be,
And what kind of man I will become,
I have found something out today,
And it's about love and life and me,
Seems I have been wondering alot,
What god has in store, you see
I spent some time thinking of love,
And how I will find the love of my life...

Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Sometimes when I am too depressed,
or drowning in self-doubt
I know that I can call your name
and you will pull me out.
You taught me I am worth much more
than what I'd always thought.
You gave me strength and confidence
that I so long had sought.
You showed me I am beautiful
both outside and within.
You proved I am not second best
time and time again.
One day I will return to you
all you have given to me.
I don't know in what shape or form
but I promise soon you'll see.
For richer or for poorer,
through the thick and the thin,
In sickness and health I can count on you
and I'm proud to call you,
"My bestFriend"

Age: 37
6455 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
I remember when you said,
"most of the time when you can't sleep
your thinking of someone"
then you asked me who,
now I realize that you were right
and when I can't sleep
I find myself thinking of you
how I miss you so,
then I drift off to sleep
dream about you,
wake up once again thinking about you
and the way things use to be I find myself wanting to tell you how much I miss you
and how I want to tell you I love you
but, then I realize things aren't the way they use to be and things have changed...
I wonder if there will ever be a day where I don't think of you
without saying to myself I love him
and then I wonder,
do I ever want that day to come?