
Age: 37
6457 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
.......CARE! The world need you!.......
I look out side and see rain
I look out side and see tears
people are crying
the world is crying
we are ruining everything!
People fight as they always have
And I belive that is okay
But not when they drag other people whit them in to it
Not when they hurt others who havent done anything
Not when they are the one who get power and responsibility
Not when they are the one hurting others
I look out side and see pain
a man have set fire to a building and killed 3 people
a child have drowned his best friend in a lake
a wife have killed her bellowed husband
why does those kind of thing happened?
Ill tell you why.. people are evil
They dont care for other than them self
They dont help others if they dont get any thing back
They dont want to see what they are making the world in to
All they want to see, feel and hear is that everything is okay
That someone else will fix the things that is wrong in this world
But there is none
None to help
None to care
None to listen
None to make this world a better place
We are all domed.. if we dont start to care any time soon will it be to late
For the people who needs care to day maybe the people who will show you
Care to morrow.. keep that in mind.. smile, be happy and help others even though you dont get anything back for it
Caus next time is it maybe you who need help...

Age: 37
6457 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
That first bright step into the sunshine of life
begins with the opening of the family cocoon.
The caterpillar becomes a butterfly
spreading her wings into the world.
What she is today is but a tiny mirror.
of the transformation that is yet to come.
For with time, love, humor and warmth
She is an everchanging masterpiece.
Whether as wife, mother, career woman or all,
she will find her center of peace.
A place that is hers and hers alone,
the essence of what she is and will be.
Using the instincts that each of us have
to find the good in each other.
to be a caring friend, lover, helper and playmate,
to listen and share, to laugh and to cry.
With loving support of family and friends,
she takes flight down an unknown road towards her future,
like the rising of the sun in the east.
Each day filled with new beginnings.
Finding excitement and challenge at each new turn.
Her flight through life filled with many happy adventures
and memories to put in her book of life,
as the sun moves along that steady path across the sky.
When the sun at last begins to set in the west
and her flight nears its end, she can look back along her path
and know that she has been everything she can be
and has done her very best.

Age: 37
6457 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
The fuzzy caterpillar
Curled up on a leaf,
Spun her little chrysalis
And then fell fast asleep.
she was sleeping
She dreamed that she could fly,
And later when she woke up
She was a butterfly!