Age: 71
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
wo to g mujay bi pata hai kay zaban munh main hi hoti hai. sirf magarmuch (alligator) hi ek aisa jandar hai jis kay munh main zaban nahi hoti. aur muddaa to adalat main mudda ila hi bata sakta hai.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
maajra yeh hai kay wo 'Mushtaq' naam say bezaar hain. 'Mushtaq' nam ka koi admi unko cherta ho ga ya koi dhoka day gia ho ga. so better you change your name from mushtaq to 'Ishtiaq'.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
By: Dr. Israr Ahmad
The True DajalIn reality, the word Dajal means deception, that is, to cover up the true reality and nature of something. It is to be noted that no word appears in Qur'an that is derived from the three-letter root word of Dajal (Daal Jeem Laam ). However, the Ahadith of the Prophet (saw) mention this word and its derivatives in various places. The basis of Dajjaliyyah (the state of Dajal) is rooted in this worldly life of ours which has blinded us from the true life of Akhirah (the Hereafter). Qur'an states this as follows:
"Verily the home in the Hereafter -- this is life indeed, if they but knew" (29:64).
We are, without thought, wasting all our efforts in amassing the treasures of this life, which is the corporeal part of our existence. Whereas we have neglected to care for our true and real self -- the spiritual self. Qur'an warns the believer as not to fall prey to this trap:
"And be not like those who forgot Allaah, and He made them forget their own (spiritual) selves" (59:19).
This is because the life of this world has been made beautiful and attractive, hence, we get lost in its immediate needs and demands:
"And We made that which is on earth, an adornment for it" (al-Qur'an 18:7).
We, in our ignorance, think that amassing material goods to fulfill the immediate needs of the body is a profitable and beneficial pursuit. Whereas Qur'an negates this concept:
"Say (O Muhammad)! Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds?
Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life" (al-Qur'an 18:104).
Henceforth, this worldly life of ours is the true Dajal.
The Fitnah Of Dajjaal :
It follows from the above discussion that the Fitnah (trial,tribulation) of Dajjaal (the one who deceives) will affect those who have fallen prey to the true Dajal (this worldly life). The Ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) mention various kinds of Dajjaaloon (plural of Dajjaal). In one narration it is stated that in total 30 Dajjaloon will emerge and claim prophethood for themselves. Although such Dajjaloon have emerged in previous centuries, the two most prominent in our times (20th century onward) have been Bahaullah of Iran and Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani of the Indian subcontinent. The last two links in the chain of Dajjaaloon will be a Dajjaal who will claim to be the promised Massiah of the Jews. In fact, the real Massiah has already passed in the form of Isa/Jesus (as) whom the Jews rejected. Ergo, the future Massiah will be the false Massiah (Maseeh al-Dajjaal) who will deceive and lead to Jews. The last and final link in the chain of Dajjaaloon will be a Dajjaal who will claim divinity for himself. From the Ahadith on this subject, we understand that all the forces of nature and elements of nature will be under his control. Most of humanity will fall prey to his "miracles". Only ones who will not be deceived by his deception will be the true believers. The extent of his "miracles" are mentioned in Ahadith:
he will visit every place on the earth in only forty days,
the distance between the ears of his donkey (ride) will be equivalent to 40 cubits,
the distance between two successive gallops of his ride will be equivalent to the journey of one day and one night,
the oceans and streams will be at his command,
he will command the sky to rain and it will oblige,
he will command the earth to bring forth its treasures and it will oblige,
he will cure the sick,
he will bring the dead back to life,
in his times, the devils would take on the form of people's fathers, brothers and sons and appear before them to lead them to Shirk, when he will address the people, his voice will be heard from east to west.
At first glance, the marvels mentioned above seem quite out of the ordinary. However, a closer look and careful thought would reveal that none of these "miracles" is too far fetched when judged within the context of modern technological advances.
The Fitnah Of Dajjaal And Women
Let us now turn our attention to the effect of Dajjaal's Fitnah upon women.
According to one narration, the last ones to fall prey to the Dajjaal's Fitnah will be women.
The urge of women to follow the Dajjaal will be so intense that a man would want to tie up his mother, sister, daughter and aunt to prevent them from following him.
In another narration it is stated that Dajjaal will find most of his following among women.
It must be noted that the extent of Dajjaal's Fitnah will be two fold:
its effect on individuals and its effect on the collective system.
As far as the effect on individuals is concerned, we just discussed this in our talk above.
Before delving into the effects of this Fitnah on the collective system, we must first understand the synthesis of a collective system.
The structure of a collective system has as its foundation a social system which is indicative of the familial values of a society.
Above the social system, an economic system is constructed and above all a political system comes into being. Together, these three major units form the basis of a collective system. However, note that when it comes time to dismantle such a collective system, like any structure, the topmost element is removed first.
In the same way, the destruction of the traditional collective order, one based on religious traditions, began with the secularizing of the political system then the economic system and finally the social system.The major players, as a nation, in bringing about the Fitnah of Dajjaal are the Jews whose role is that of the agents of Shaitaan.
For just as Shaitaan had refused to bow down to Adam (as) and rebelled against Allaah (swt).
So the Jews refused to accept the Prophet Muhammad (saw) as the messenger of Allaah (swt) and rebelled against him (saw) and Allaah (swt).
Since then, they have joined the evil forces bent on destroying the world order based on religious concepts.
The Jews first introduced in the world a secular political order founded on the principles of Popular Sovereignty, which is the greatest rebellion against Allaah (swt). Following this, a secular economic system based on usury and capitalism was introduced. Finally they have now set their eyes on destroying the foundation of a collective system, namely, the social system.
To accomplish this, a program of social engineering has been launched on a global scale. This program has been chartered by the United Nations and all member states (including Pakistan) must enforce the relevant resolution(s).
Few world conferences have taken place to promote this agenda, among them the recent Beijing Plus Five conference which was held under the theme of "Gender Equality and Development and Peace For The 21st Century".
This program of reconstruction of the social order is focused on annihilating the traditional, religion-based fabric of social and familial order of which the women are an integral half.
This program seeks to destroy the strong bond of mutual love, understanding and trust which should exist between a husband and wife. In the case of severance of such a bond, the worst of its effects are faced by the children of the family and social fabric of the society as whole is ruptured.
Some of the agreed-upon points the Beijing Plus Five conference are as follows:
homosexuality is a normal sexual orientation,
homosexual families should be allowed and accepted,
a wife can refuse to do house chores or demand wages for them,
women can demand wages from the father of the child she's carrying,
prostitution is a respectable profession,
in marriage, divorce and inheritance women are absolutely equal to men,
if a husband forces his wife for sexual intercourse she can take him to court and if proved this will be considered marital rape.
These are some of the salient features of this program which is bent on degrading human beings to level of mere animals and stripping them of any higher values in life.
Pakistan's Role In Promoting Dajjaaliyyah
Special is the case of Pakistan when it comes to the promotion of Dajjal's Fitnah.
Pakistan has outdone the whole world in promoting the aforementioned program of social engineering by reserving 30% seats for women in the Parliament.
Such a move is unprecedented and is found nowhere else in the world.
Result of this development will be a boom to the feminist movement in Pakistan.
Although this task was undertaken during the leadership of the General Musharraf, who is unquestionably an American agent, we put the actual blame on the politico-religious organizations who did not raise any outcry on this issue and swallowed this bitter pill so as not to lose potential female voters in the elections.
Such indifference on the part of politico-religious organizations has reinforced our old conclusion that the Islamic System can never be brought about in its true colors via the electoral process.
Current Affairs
Presently, the deadlock regarding the formation of government in Pakistan is in reality a game which is being played by America.
American interference in our national politics is now in the open.
In face of this situation, it is our advice to the politico-religious parties that they should forego the hopes of prime ministry. Instead they should concentrate in NWFP, where they should form an exclusive government and establish the best form of an Islamic Order possible while remaining within the bounds of the constitution. Whereas in the central government, they should take on the role of the opposition.
As for those who think that Pakistan is a free nation are living in a fool's paradise. In actuality, we have sold ourselves and the nation has been put up for ransom.
A prime example of our enslavement is the recent arrest of a religious, patriotic, kindhearted and innocent Dr. Amir Aziz.
November 8, 2002 Khateeb: Dr. Israr Ahmed Venue: Masjid Dar al-Islam, Bagh-e-Jinnah Lahore
Age: 71
7336 days old here
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
take my advise apney say behter koi dost nahi ya pir yeh karo kay aachi kitaboun (books) say dosti ker lo. iss say bher ker koi aacha dost nahi ho sakta.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Belo is the clipping from the news paper
Bangladeshi Babies in Court, Accused of Looting Dhaka - Four Bangladeshi babies appeared in court in their parents' arms accused of looting and causing criminal damage, officials said yesterday. The magistrate Monday asked the parents to post bail of $50 for each child hose ages ranged from 3 months to two years. The children were among 10 people named in a case filed ith police in the southwestern port city of Chittagong. "I was surprised when I saw the babies appearing as accused people in my court and I granted them bail," said magistrate Ali Noor, who adjourned the case until later this month. "Clearly, it appears to be a false case, but everything will come out during the police investigation and the report that will submitted to the court later," he said. Filing false cases to harass a child's family is a regular occurrence in Bangladesh. The children all belonged to member of an extended family. The children's relatives said the allegations stemmed from a dispute over land with a neighbour.