Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Respected Members ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã I have gone thru all the above discussions. For all muslims, it is clearly mentioned in the Holy Quran that who can marry with whom and being a muslim nobody should have absolutely no argument against ALLAH's words. One thing to be clarified here that a muslim man can marry with a non-muslim women who belongs to the religion on which ALLAH Almighty revealed a book such as Bible, Torait and Zaboor. Christians and Jews women only. In my opinion the followers of Zaboor are no more exist. All other non-muslim women are not permissible. æÇááå ÇÚáã ÈÇáÕæÇÈ
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
you have presented as an Islamic scholor to answer any religious questions. Thats very good. Now all the members have an opportunity. Being a scholor your JB name '***yBabyGirl18' does not seem fit. A thought for you.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dear All AOA and All praise to ALLAH Almighty. I agree with 'Smooth_Daddy'. To discuss on religious matters is very dangerous unless you have full knowledge with quotes from the Holy Quran and or 'Sahi Hadiths'. Own opinions and the sayings from the illitrate Mullas are very dangerous which can take a muslim believer out of Islam. So please be very very careful to discuss these things. May ALLAH Almighty guide us and keep us on the right path.