Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
who knows the member is a male and posting as a female or vice versa... so don't consider gender, just observe what is the posting and what u can reply nicely.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Italian Horoscope or anyother Horoscope... all bluff... even fortune teller... all wrong... Finality rests with ALLAH Almighty WHO knows what will happen in future. Nobody knows what will happen the next moment.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Plz don't irrespect to any member and is there any age restriction or limit to be a member of JB. Everybody has right and welcome.... Am I right? Asking the JB Forum Authorities....
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
hi Welcome. I don't understand why we cant be just cyber friends for wonderful postings only. Y some ppl ask for the opposite sex. Buddies use this modern technology for beneficial purpose and for the adverse.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
MEDUIM=10PTS DEFINE: HALAL,HARAM,&MAKRUH Halal is what is permissible from ALLAH Almighty, Haram is what if forbidden by ALLAH Almighty and the Makruh is which is permissible but not happily.
HARD=14PTS WHO WERE HABEEL AND QABEEL? AND WHAT WAS THE STORY BEHIND THEM. Habeel n Qabeel were the sons of Hazrat Adam. They made a fight for a woman and Qabeel killed his brother habeel. That was the first ever killing on the earth.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Dear All Please don't discuss this type of things. Some ppl take this and discuss this as a fun. For GOD's sake it is not a fun to discuss such things in this manner... one says I have seen and so on. Nobody has seen ALLAH Almighty and there is no eye which can see ALLAH Almighty. It is in the Holy Quran that only MOMINS will see ALLAH Almighty on the day of judgement and I believe the teachings of the Holy Quran. Again I insist that it is not a fun and not a joke to discuss these things in this matter. Fear ALLAH Almighty and remember death and the day of judgement.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
you have to forward all good messages and spread islam but not with the condition that forward this message to so many ppl n u will get reward otherwise u will something bla bla... Taqdeer ki aacha'i aur bura'i is from ALLAH Almighty and not from the ppl.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
some buddies took the 'QIAMAT' write up very lightly or as a joke. Remember it is ALLAH's promise. The day is very near. Take it seriously and fear ALLAH Almighty.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Fear ALLAH Almighty and obresve obligatory prayers, read and understand Quran, follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and don't be harmful to others and be on the stratight path.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
THANKS to all buddies who welcomed me. Hope we will have some fruitful constructive ideas exchanged over the screen. Take care and always fear ALLAH Almighty.
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
The fight between Hazrat Imam Hussain and Yazeed took place at Kerbala after a long long time after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) so how the fast for this event becomes SUNNAH?
Age: 71
7336 days old here
Total Posts: 259
Points: 0
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
After Hijrat the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) observed that the jews of Madina fast on the day of 10th Muharam. He asked the jews the reason of fast. They replied that on this day (correspondent to 10th Muharam) KHUDA (jews call ALLAH as Khuda) relieved Hazrat Musa (Moses) from Pharo. This is the reason. Then Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "We are more close to Moses." We will too observe fast on this day but we will fast for two days. Either 9 and 10 Muharam or 10 and 11 Muharam so that we will not be identified this occasion as jews. The term of 'Ashura Fast' is wrong and has no evidence from Hadith.