Age: 125
7414 days old here
Total Posts: 844
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
badal frnd u raised a very gud issue dat khaleefas were choosen by shura
NOW my question to u is abt the banu abbasi,s khaleefas who ruled islam 4 many years Mr. mamoon rasheed killed mr ameen [both sons of ur haroon rasheed] to become the KHALEEFA so where was ur shura then
haroon [ its written in ibn e khuldoon and also in tibri] dat haroon rasheed who became khaleefa after his dad was the son of anoder khaleefa and he was a son of anoder khaleef i wanna ask dat were dese khaleefa[4 me kings] elected by shura and y all the ULAMA,S SHURA elected the son of a klhaleefa . i mean could y did they only elect a son of a khaleefa
who can hide this fact dat hajaj bin yousuf used to drink and he killed more than 50000 muslims jst coz dey opposed him
he is considered to b the worst king in tareekh who was a sadist and used to take on a locket of human skulls
mr badal wht ur shura found in dese drunken ppl to elect dese kings
Age: 125
7414 days old here
Total Posts: 844
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
ok nikama in present circumstance will u support capitalism , mixed economy or socialism[outdated]
i asked this question to u coz u said dat in islam dere is no economic system if it is the case then how will u justify devils of demand and supply or monopoly OR the limited freedom offered to ppl in socialism
badal gud questn
i did disscuss it 2 months earlier wid our teachers and all of dem did say dat dere is no distinction b/w sood and present value
i am nt saying dat dey r absolute but its a general opinion
i have found three opinions in ppl one grp say dat present value is allowed oder say dat its nt and a more primitive grp say dat all the money dat comes widout our work is disallowed
Age: 125
7414 days old here
Total Posts: 844
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
badal first of all i was not criticising any1 i was just asking a question dat has a simple logic dat how v simple humans can understand God . WE can,t understand His qualities can u xplain dat how did He destroy the add and samood or how did He bless our prophet[pbuh] wid MERAJ SHAREEF .what i mean dat getting a complete understanding of God is nt possible. How he runs this universe . and this point is nt raised by me but u can find a same thing in rawayat,s of hazrat Muhammad[pbuh] here is it
once a man came to Him[pbuh] and asked dat how is God how does He luk like
what Hazrat Muhammad [pbuh] replied was a remarkabl;e answer He replied dat its like telling a blind about ehmar[red colour] [this rawayat is present in sahih buklhari]
i did nt say dat v shd stop praising HIM i jst said dat can a robot understand the mechanical engg . praising God completely is not possible v shd praise Him as much as v can but the thing dat shd b in our mind is dat v cant do justice wid his praise