Age: 125
7400 days old here
Total Posts: 844
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
ok what i have inferred frm this whole discusssion is dat Allah prohibits making christians or jews our true frnds but as a NATION Or GROUP not as an individual i will examplify this by one example .When hazrat MUhammad[pbuh],s nawasehazrat hussainra] was in karbala then his opponent was a muslim [yazeed] who did nt follow the sunnat and was against the fundamental values of islam .he was the 1 who destroyed KABA once in his life and hazrat Hasain[ra] was against his policies .So to protect the religion he raised arms and in his fight against the cruel yazeed there were 2 Christians wid him . now v cant say that those christians were our enemies .can v? they were our frnds who stood by hazrat hussain[ra] to assist him
so marrying some other ahlekitab is choice of individual not the whole group
Age: 125
7400 days old here
Total Posts: 844
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
m getting success u getting to ppl,s standard s xtreemely brodaminded l deeply believe in luv i forgot on the last page m according to the kind instruction it is nt allowwed
Age: 125
7400 days old here
Total Posts: 844
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
but u guys tell me dat can we understand God i mean He Who is the creator of everything even our languages and our words r created by Him so how v can xplain God in our languages and our words
Age: 125
7400 days old here
Total Posts: 844
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
i am scorpio but i dont think that i am self confident .i have always been an underconfident man . i am a trainee student for articleship but in my first 2 years of training this speculation has nt prooved true