Age: 80
7491 days old here
Total Posts: 460
Points: 0
lahore, Pakistan
wtf. why are indians always coming over to our forums anyways. In real life too, all indians want to consider us the same as them even if us pakis hate them.
Before I start making a takreer myself, just gotta say that most of the world doesnt think of India as a mystical and sensual place. Most people think of filthy slums, elephant gods, cow worshippers and dirt poor people when they think of india. No bollywood movie with million dollar mansions in england and people arriving in private jets can cover the fact that most of india is still VERY VERY poor. Its pretty sad how india is always comparing itself to pakistan. That would be the same as the US comparing itself to Canada. For gods sake, India has like ten times more people than us, the country is larger too.
Most indian movies are either copies of hollywood movies which dont even represent the reality in india or they are movies about pakistan. come on indians, forget about us already. Indian Bollywood=Lollywood music+Hollywood Movie.
Lastly, however pakistan is i still love it. Its still much better than india in every single way.
Age: 80
7491 days old here
Total Posts: 460
Points: 0
lahore, Pakistan
I always liked Kareena for her blunt remarks and her amusing acting in many movies not to mention her pretty face(IMO). On a side note, obviously she's going to say Pakistani women are beautiful, Her parents are from Peshawar(in Pakistan).
Age: 80
7491 days old here
Total Posts: 460
Points: 0
lahore, Pakistan
Even if she is older than 30 she still looks much better than a lot of girls. I was very proud when she went to India. She was much prettier than all of them.