
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009

Topic: Sister Love


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sister, please hold my hand
As we journey through this land
Together we stand, together we will fall
No matter what, God will keep us together
That will be the best of all

Sister, please hold my hand
Because without you I can't stand
For we were put on this earth for a reason
To go through every good and bad season

Sister, please hold my hand
As our strength, together, builds each other to become strong
So that our love for each other will last long
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
with my eyes closed,
into the darkness of night,
I felt a hand trying to
slowly wake me up;

through the dark,
I saw you smile
and felt my heart
beating like never before;

you look into my eyes,
tell me you love me,
and for a moment time stood still
as I held you in my arms;

and when I finally kissed your lips
I felt like I could breathe again
I knew I had another chance
to make things right in my life;

with the fears of yesterday chased away,
thoughts of you fill my senses and
dreams of only you and me
start to fill my night;

as the world watches in envy,
the feeling of falling asleep in your arms
and waking up in your embrace
makes me forget every little problem in life;

as the first rays of the day stream in,
I only wish when I open my eyes,
from last night’s dream, you and me
become a reality and not just a dream!
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
the grey sky looming above,
rain drops still dripping down
from the pregnant clouds above,
we set out on our journey once again;

around and around we go
in slow circles, moving
to the beat of the thunder
and rain that surrounds us;

as the droplets hit the ground,
shattered realizations lay scattered
reminding me nothing is same
as it seems to be;

as another memory turns to dust
i cut the lifeline that attaches me to the past
and i shove it back into the depths
where nothing will ever bring it back alive;

the rain does nothing to stop our journey,
never forgetting, who we are
we walk these streets of madness,
knowing that,without each-other…..
we are simply incomplete.
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
you came into my life
when darkness reigned supreme,
expectations I had none,
life was one big chore;

and in one moment,
you came in and sparked
a desire to live life
and banished the darkness forever;

as I sit here watching the night sky,
I think of the days when
darkness was the only thing
that was visible to me;

as I sit here watching
the twinkle of the stars,
in the cool night breeze,
the beautiful white moon
flames the desire once again;

a feeling so strong, yet said too much.
a feeling that’s felt, yet unable to touch.
breaking my strength down
and screaming with no trace of sound;

as the rush of madness
sweeps all around us,
there’s a difference
when I walk down the street;

as I close my eyes today,
slowly drifting into sleep
dreams of romantic paradise creep
in when the shadow of love consumes.
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
as the night slowly gave away
to a brand new morning
my eyes opened to a
brand new beginning;

trying to be what i am not
I let you take over me
creeping and crawling
you drove to me to the edge of madness;

as I see the reflection in the water
I look deep into the eyes
that longingly stare from within me
hoping I would wake up from this slumber;

always putting you in-front of me,
I drew a false smile on my face
allowing you to do all that you wanted
and never I stopped you;

now, when its time to wake up
I find myself bound tight
by your love and affection
that I thought was true;

not wanting to be like this forever,
I cut the shackles that bound me
and broke free to live life,
as its time to set things straight.
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
another night of tossing and turning
unable to sleep in this journey
knowing fully landfall is imminent,
i brace myself for the moment!

running around in circles
i move around hypnotized
unable to sit down in place
unable to do anything meaningful;

waking up to the start of a new day,
i wonder how long to go
before the
day of the reckoning;

i think it’s still dawn
but i really don’t know,
time flew so fast,
i can’t remember a thing;

i sat down to take a good look at me,
but my eyes couldn’t see myself;
i started to think about tomorrow,
but my mind got stuck in present;

everyone keeps talking,
yet i don’t hear a thing;
i wonder what it’s like to live
i wonder what more should i do,
to live life, a real life.
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i could hardly believe it
when i heard what you said
i couldnt wait till the evening
to hear it straight from you

tell me what do i do
now that the things which i only dreamt of
are going to come true
tell what do i do

evening now looks so far away
time has slowed down to a crawl
in one single moment
my life has changed

living life as it came
i had only dreams
i had only dreams
of you and me together

my bravery had gone into hiding
when it came to telling you
what my heart has been shouting
silently since i met you

all my dreams
all that i had hoped for
is just a single spark away
either it could fizzle out
or burst into a spectacular fireworks display

tell me,
how am i supposed to live
what am i supposed to do
till you come near
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
pacing up and down
over and over again
counting down the minutes
until your arrival

looking at the phone
for the hundredth time
my hands automatically
dial your number

disconnecting the line right away
unable to bear the silence
i switch the phone off
to stop me from calling you

barely a minute had passed
what if you had called?
what if you had messaged?
the phone is switched back on!

with the time slowly ticking by
i think about lifting you from the office chair
and like a superman
flying you to this place right away

patience, i tell myself
with my patience is at its breaking point
i catch a glimpse of your wavy black hair
sending my heart on a wild spin

what am i supposed to do
when you say those words?
how do i react?
how do you expect me to react?

standing here
watching you come closer,
one look into your eyes
i find the reason to live life again!
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
on a cold winter morning
with the winds howling in the dark
i make my way out
into the wilderness

danger everywhere
beasts prowling in the dark
hungry for more prey
with insatiable appetite

stumbling into the dark
pitfalls and danger all around
i crawl out of my home
into this dark, desolate forest

darkness all around
sunlight trapped high above the ground
life was tough
life was hard

the journey had been chosen by
my men and women before me
the path is the same
individual being different

it was easy as a pie
travel the same path
(just like everyone)
hop on to the bus that comes along
and go where it takes you
get down when its your turn

i wanted to be different
i wanted to live life
i wanted to live my life
enjoy it every moment
enjoy it even if its for a minute

stopping midway
i turned around
walked into the forest
wanting to live my life
i set out to make my own path

the path may not lead to riches
the path may not be the easy route
but i dare to be different
taking one step at a time
i march on
towards my dream

my dream
my life
my happiness
my path

join me if you want
for the journey has just begun
and the path is still being carved out
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

sitting in the park bench
in the midst of a lush green field
away from the prying eyes of everyone
we sit down,
hands clasped

strangers we were
on the day we saw each other
you going about your work
me, stumbling into the minefield
like a lost child

scared and confused
i stood rooted to my place
like a human in a field of dinosaurs
i was wondering when the chase would begin
to hunt me down
and to drive me away

until you grabbed me by the hand
and took me away
from a deadly minefield
to a garden of flowers

until that moment
we were just strangers
in the same train

time flew fast
we changed places
we changed ourselves
we changed for good

once a week
in this little bench
we sit down
we talk
we relive our first meeting
we relive our lives
week after week

rain or sun
never bothered us
every week
this little park bench was our paradise
away from the crazy world we live in

couple of hours every week
we come here
sit down
and watch the birds and the bees fly by
watch the kids play in the grass
watch the outside world zoom infront of us

yet just like the first day
we sit here
hands clasped
silently watching the world
without saying a word

silently wishing the world to stop
silently hoping
time moves backward
to the first day we met
to the day when 2 strangers
became friends
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
at the stroke of midnight
the light filters in
still asleep
stepping on one, two many things
stumbling and cursing
i make my way out
i try to make my way
on the road to somewhere
listening to the radio
with little clouds tagging along the path
rain like daggers coming down on me
All my world in one grain of sand
And I’ve blown it
probing in the dark
yet right infront of me all the time
all this time i couldnt see
i was in a deep slumber
trying to live in heaven
while my feet was stuck in hell
like a disease spreading through the blood
i let u take over my life
awakened at the last minute
with the light finally filtering in
i have grown weary of this lie
that you called "our life"
i woken now to find my life
blown into pieces
comforting myself
i make my way out
on the road to somewhere
with none to call my own
head held up, looking straight ahead
i walk into the horizon
to rest my soul for the night
a brand new day awaits
a brand new journey beckons
sunrise brings new hope
sunrise brings me back my life
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Unaware to the outside world
in the park bench right outside the highway
i lay motionless
shivering in the midnight cold
with nothing else to keep me company
and no one aware of my being
my mind wanders to the night before
in the middle of the night
walking across the road
i saw him
draped in a black attire
with a matching black umbrella
shielding him from the cold cold rain
he was waiting
waiting for me to come to him
with no one to call as my own
and no one to call as my friend
i was walking
away from life
and away from painfully slow lonely life
(into this land they call "purgatory")
in this park bench
where i am
waitin for this life to slowly seep away
so i can travel in my choice of cars
waiting on the highway…
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I love you more than words can say,
Reality says we shouldn’t love each other,
that we should be apart. Although we fight it,
Our hearts say we belong together.

To hear your voice, see you smile, to feel your touch
My heart flutters and skips a beat.

I feel your emotions as if they are my
own. Connected, understood and accepted
in a way I can’t even explain.
The thought of losing you makes my
heart grow still…

Your touch tells me I’m home,
When you hold me, all of the
world fades away and TIME
stands still….

Oh, how I wish time could
stand still….
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
This is the beginning of a new day.
I have been given this day to use as I will.

I can waste it, or use it.
I can make it a day long to be remembered for its joy,
its beauty and its achievements,
or it can be filled with pettiness.

What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever,
but I shall hold something which I have traded for it.

It may be no more than a memory,
but if it is a worthy one I shall not regret the price.

I want it to be gain not loss, good not evil, success not failure.
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Have you ever wished, when a day went wrong
a wish that’s quite in vain
that it were only possible
to live that day again

You’d start out in the morning
with the prayers you should have said
and through the days your actions
with tolerance be led

The many little instances
that tried your patience, true
if only you could start again
you’d know now what to do

You’d kneel and say your evening prayers
and thank the lord above
for all the pleasant hours past
your heart at peace with love

But since this is a wish in vain
and never can be true
there’s only one alternative
just one thing you can do

To live today in such a way
that when tomorrow comes
the memories of yesterday
will all be cherished ones.
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Realizing the things,
that mean so much.
Like a thought that puts a smile,
on your face, or a simple loving touch.

The smell of fragrant flowers,
on a breezy Spring day.
The kind words of encouragement,
that are spoken your way.

The sweet sounds of children laughing,
as they play down the hall.
The feeling of accomplishment,
no matter how big or small.

The thought of loved ones,
who have come and gone.
Their pictures and the memories,
that will forever live on.

If we could take time out
and focus less, on our financial state.
We would realize it’s the little things,
that really make life so great.
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
If you can’t be the pine at the top of the hill
Be the scrub in the valley, but be

The best little scrub on the side of the hill
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree

If you can’t be a bush be a bit of the grass
Doing something for somebody’s sake

If you can’t be a muskie try being a bass
But be the liveliest bass in the lake

We can’t all be captains, some have to be crew
There is something for all of us here

There is big work and little for people to do
And the task we must do is near

So if you can’t be a highway then be a great trail
If you can’t be a sun be a star

It isn’t by size that you win or you fail
Be the best at whatever you are
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Don’t wait for some distant day to come,
it may be too late before you’ve even begun.
Not everyone will agree with all you decide.

Be true to yourself first and foremost.
The only important thing in life is what you do
with the time you spend here on earth.

Don’t be afraid to follow your desires,
they are not silly nor selfish.
Take the time and do what makes you feel alive.

Leave your fears and regrets in the past,
for this is where they belong.
Don’t cloud today with things that can’t be undone.

You have no more control over yesterday or tomorrow,
than you do the raging of your passions.
Do not quiet these dreams nor quench your desires.

For if you do, your journey is ended.
You have only today to begin anew and follow your dreams.
For in the end all we have are our memories.

When the twilight comes to us, let there be,
No excuses, no explanations, no regrets!
Posted 19 Feb 2009

Topic: Who Visited


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
**sensational**, ~CHANDNI~, ~tasha~, Aasonstawnosaw, apnayaar, BloodyBandage, Cowboyrob, cutefriend, danie, deely, dosselpoh, dreamboy_1, Fairl_Girl, Irmachochechka, jag, JanuBaba, LALU, Miss mine, Mystique, NadeemAbid, olldman, opnlnvrn, sabbee433, SEHR_KHAN, shaista, Smooth_daddy, sun_shine, SupidGuy, Teen Tracker, tehzeeb, viaaezssgsrased, w q malik, WARMTH OF LOVE, wickey_143,
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
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Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
main jahaan rahoon
main kahin bhi hoon
teri yaad saaath hai..
kisi se kahoon
ke nahi kahoon
yeh jo dil ki baat hai
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009


Age: 125
6675 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2009