Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
as I stand here on the threshold of something new life has come to a pause;
everything has just been temporarily put on hold or slowed down to a crawl;
emotions, thoughts, desires, and dreams;
like a kid stepping into a school after the holidays everything seems brand new while its all the same;
nothing has changed nothing seems out of order yet everything seems so out of sync like a lion out of captivity and into the forest;
time will set right everything, time will show the mirages when the dust has settled, And only time will answer where this journey will take me; until then, I am as clueless as you are about this beautiful thing called “life”, my sweet little life.
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
the grey sky looming above, rain drops still dripping down from the pregnant clouds above, we set out on our journey once again;
around and around we go in slow circles, moving to the beat of the thunder and rain that surrounds us;
as the droplets hit the ground, shattered realizations lay scattered reminding me nothing is same as it seems to be;
as another memory turns to dust i cut the lifeline that attaches me to the past and i shove it back into the depths where nothing will ever bring it back alive;
the rain does nothing to stop our journey, never forgetting, who we are we walk these streets of madness, knowing that,without each-other….. we are simply incomplete.
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The pinnacle awaits your arrival, Even as you upon stones still stumble.
Happiness wants to rest by your side, While you are struggling through a sorrowful ride.
Confidence wants to adorn you head, When you feel you are as good as dead.
Love is waiting to embrace you forever, Even when you feel hate wont leave your life ever.
Perfection wants to pave your way, While nothing goes your way every day.
He is waiting to gift you with all you want, While the horror of ‘losing it all’ to you begins to haunt.
So what are you waiting for Everytime you feel you have reached the dead end, Bear in mind that you have to end their wait, And give your life a whole new bait.
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
stuck inside inside this shell i long to break out away from all this mundane life i wish to break free of this boring routine materialistic ambitions galore swimming against a tide (that we call life) fast at times slow at another stuck once in a while i lay buried under a sea of desires meaningless most of the time necessity once in a while clueless for the rest i wait like a shadow in the night like a fly around a light like a rebel wanting to break free i wait i am tired trying to make sense of this humdrum existence life is now a high speed car race drive fast to stay with the pack drive slow and be left behind its all happening too fast living in a circus walking a tightrope everyday smiling to one and all juggling everything that is thrown another day, another act another mindless journey putting on a brave face wearing a new make-up each time On and on, does anybody know what we are living for? Outside the day has dawned But inside in the dark i want to break free…
Age: 125
6674 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
at the stroke of midnight the light filters in still asleep stepping on one, two many things stumbling and cursing i make my way out i try to make my way on the road to somewhere listening to the radio with little clouds tagging along the path rain like daggers coming down on me All my world in one grain of sand And I’ve blown it probing in the dark yet right infront of me all the time all this time i couldnt see i was in a deep slumber trying to live in heaven while my feet was stuck in hell like a disease spreading through the blood i let u take over my life awakened at the last minute with the light finally filtering in i have grown weary of this lie that you called "our life" i woken now to find my life blown into pieces comforting myself i make my way out on the road to somewhere with none to call my own head held up, looking straight ahead i walk into the horizon to rest my soul for the night a brand new day awaits a brand new journey beckons sunrise brings new hope sunrise brings me back my life