Age: 125
6666 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Kind friend You rule this land Watching over us now Ever vigilent to danger Overseeing us at rest and at play Feared by all who are not your friend His job to protect us The fairy trusts Kind friend
Age: 125
6666 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
‘Smile Please’ I kindly asked Of a camel one day When out taking pictures for fun I never expected what happened next He just grinned for the camera! Now I am more wary Of these two words ‘Smile Please’
Age: 125
6666 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I remember a night under bold moonlight where eyes of mother fox and brood, teemed with captured summer moon bright some newborn night time glows, it seemed; so amusing, I sat down to take in the sight, a glorious blazing moonlit night.
And then came the sounds: crickets click a large grey owl swoops the meadow and lands, small furry thing, scampered so quick, skittering into the tall and silver bands; a rabbit in the open field so warily peers and scans over all to see what it hears.
Pallid clouds, hearts of purpled gray closed the window to a peek through bars, then pulled back the curtain as if to day blinding my view of Milky Way, bright young stars; blending onto the wavy seas of tall ripe grass; as deer and fawns paused, glided elegantly to pass;
A curious possum waddled near as ever looked at me in wonder, to his red and back lit eyes I might have glowed like a spectre. So scooted on a few snorts as his good byes A beaver next, so busy repairing his dams; a raccoon to the river for mussels and clams.
I strode purposely to the gurgling brook, dipped for a drink of cool water, and crayfish flipped away and off he took; hesitate at the scene but do not falter as deer and fawns sipped not so far away, a communion of thirsty animals at play.
Unto a night, where the moon shone bright, spent among my new sweet friends; beaver, deer, possum, raccoons, and foxed lamp light, and little furry things that dared not test wits ends, where owls whooshed and rabbits stood in silent glow; I found a place like home in a moon bathed meadow.
Age: 125
6666 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Moon -------
I think I will go catch the moon tonight, hanging there in the galaxy. Soaring up there like a big silver kite, yes I will catch the moon for thee. I'll hide it under my pillow tonight, hide its soft and gentle beams. I'l show it to you by its silvery light, which gently and softly does glimmer and gleam.
I think I'll go catch a handful of night, I'll hide it in a jar for thee. I'll show it to you by its starry light, so the beautiful night in the day you may see.
I think I'll go catch the North Star tonight, as it casts its silvery light 'pon me. Beautiful, elegant, shining, and white, yes I will catch the North Star for thee.
Age: 125
6666 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Life is simple If you make it Love is complicated If you let it Trusting is impossible If you break it Hope is not found If you stop seeking it
Enjoying happiness happens When you appreciate pain Humanity is found When you don’t forget to be human Truth is bitter When you live with lies
You will get hurt If you hurt others You will be wise If you keep your mind open You will be gentle If you follow your heart You will live longer If you let peace be your companion
You won’t be surprised to realize Following creator’s path till the end You will be able to do all of this without falling down For his hand will always be there to hold you, and Guide you through the ups and downs Making your life simply beautiful beyond your imagination
Age: 125
6666 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
What do you love me for? Why do you wait every day For me to come, bringing lies That fill with mirth blear eyes? But I can bring nothing more. You see that cold in my glance - Your bitter tears try to say That I mean everything to you, But I don’t wipe them away. It hurts me to realize Your destiny’s in my hands, Without me you can’t live… Why live a lie once again? I can’t pretend loving twice, So I’m leaving, forgive. Beside the window you sit And mourn the love, never got. It’s all you want - just to know If I come back here or not. I can’t on destiny cheat, You know - I did it before, I’m unforgiven for it. Each time I walk out your door I wonder what it is for…