Sea Facts!
It is known sea food
Puts you in sea mood
It is known the sea floor
Extends to a sea shore
These are common sea facts
Like when sea waves are calm and free
Crashing to the shore endlessly attracts
Everyone to take of in jest and flee
See not and hear not, there is no evil
Above and below sea level
Most seaports
Have a seaside resort
And most seafronts
Have a sea restaurant
But many rooms with a sea view
Are yet to see a sea rescue
Or watch a sea adventure
With any or at least one sea creature
Like a sea mammal
Or a sea animal
These are common sea facts
The sea has such beauty to attract
With sea shells
Woven from sea spells
To treasured sea beds
And to cherubic sea birds
You need seamanship
To take a sea ship on a trip
Or fly a seaplane
As a sea captain
There have been sea battles and sea bandits
The sea is a venue people love to use to meet
There have been sea monsters and seaquakes
Believe you me some of these myths are not fake
And now I have given you a little sea taste
I urge you not to let these sea facts go to waste
These are common sea facts
On your knowledge they most have made an impact!