
Age: 125
6676 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
In the still of a warm summer's night,
I venture towards the barn with saddle in hand.
Stirrups dangle and clang with no one in sight,
I blissfully tack up my steed for a moonlight ride.
We glide together through sweet smelling meadows,
Not a care in the world only smiles.
Guided by the moon's light and shadows,
We quickly move up the hill for another view.
Wind in our hair and sparks in our stride,
We fly through the hilltop's water mists.
There's nothing like this but pride.
Our backs to city lights, the other view,
We find calmness of the trail.
A warm summer breeze upon us,
We see a mother and her quail.
The barn in sight, we pick up speed.
Laughter is in the air,
What a ride it's been,
And we race on without a care.
We proudly halt, and walk into the barn.

Age: 125
6676 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Sea is to see,
Under the Sea is also to see,
when we see the sea, or under the sea,
when we dive into the sea, or swim in the sea,
surfing, sailing, fishing, our simply running a small boat,
we will see all,
all the baeuty,
all the nature,
calmness, and proud of the sea,
we shall learn a lot,
of the wildlife, a warmness, a welcoming of the sea,
how can we ignore the depth, while we are watching the depth,
how can we ignore the width, while we are swimming across,
how can we ignore the huge volume of the water, while we are in the middle of the sea,
sea is for us to learn,
sea is for us to teach,
sea is for us to live,
once you ignore the fact,
sea is for us to die.
sea is our heart,
sea is our lover's heart,
sea is the human reflection,
sea is everybody,
sea is you,
sea is me,
sea is he or she,
sea is nobody,
sea is the reflection of god,
sea is us,
sea takes its color from the sky,
sky takes its color from the sun,
sea is a sun,
sea, sun and the sand,
desert, ocean, and the moon,
dreamland of me,
do we need more proof,
if we are not blind and deaf,
we shall extend our love to all,
as a sun, a moon, a sea, a desert,
we shall take each other, s color,
no matter who has it,
we need to share,
in order to live,
we need to explore,
in order to have,
we need to be,
why not to be

Age: 125
6676 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A relaxing breeze sweeps
Across the calm flat surface
of the sea
reflected deep azure,
the waves start to roll and tumble
in the sea
crash, crash, crash
waves smash on high rocky cliffs
beside the sea
the sky darkens
huge, fluffy grey candyfloss gathers
above the sea
wind roars, thunder cracks
water crashes down like waterfalls
at the sea
schools of small fish panic, fear grips
they're being tossed around
through the sea
and eternity passes, clouds part
the sun shines down, heavens rays
onto the sea
tranquility is restored
gulls sqawk happily
near the sea
Rhythmic pattern of tides
a vast expance of blue water, remember
the sea.

Age: 125
6676 days old here
Total Posts: 47628
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Beyond the sea, beyond the sea,
My heart is gone, far, far from me;
And ever on its track will flee
My thoughts, my dreams, beyond the sea.
Beyond the sea, beyond the sea,
The swallow wanders fast and free:
Oh, happy bird! were I like thee,
I, too, would fly beyond the sea.
Beyond the sea, beyond the sea,
Are kindly hearts and social glee:
But here for me they may not be;
My heart is gone beyond the sea.